Template Method allows subclasses to redefine steps in an algorithm without changing the structure of the algorithm. An operation defines the structure of the algorithm, subclasses can redefine individual steps
When you have interactions between classes that can vary depending on the domain, the template method can fix the ordering of steps in an algorithm but allow the sub class to implement the domain logic in the steps
Key Objects
Specifies the TemplateMethod and order of steps
Concrete Subclass
Specifies the implementation of the primitive operations
Defines the primitive operations that concrete subclasses define
Fundamental technique for code reuse. Used in class libraries since behavior common to classes can be factored out
Inversion of Control - parent classes called child classes instead of other way around
Types of Methods Called:
Concrete Abstract Class operations - those that are useful to all subclasses
Primitive Operations - those implemented by sub classes
Concrete Operations - either abstract class or client operations
Factory methods
Hook Methods - which can be implemented by sub classes
Use access modifiers for appropriate methods. For primitive methods use "protected", for the template method use "final" so it cannot be overriden
Minimize Primitive Operations: so subclasses do not have to implement a lot of code
Naming Conventions: Naming conventions can be used to designate methods that need to be overriden
Used in several class libraries
Related Patterns
Factory Method: Template methods often call Factory Methods
Strategy: Template methods use inheritance to vary part of an algorithm. Strategies use delegation to vary the entire algorithm.