sheffield walk induction project
west street
good design
Island in middle street
bed design
conflict between bus,car, tram and pedestrian
ugly black electric lines ( not very bad, still can accept)
bus stop
seats face away from road (pros and cons)
can't clearly see bus coming when sit on chair
through the glass on the three sides of the platform and the exterior wall of building, it can enclose an area to protect people suffer from strong wind
no guidance for visually impaired people in the ground surface
difficult drainage
lots of advertising boards outside shops (occupied space on paths, which in not convenient for disabled people )
lots of empty buildings ( always TO LET, even in good location)
Leopoldo square
good design
nice landscape ( chairs around trees were nice! )
bad design
only steps to access on one side (long way to go round for ramp into square )
Tudor square
good design
bad design
The site is flat and the view is very good
Not too many trees and landscapes
Sheaf square
good design
bad design
good landscape design
nice water fountain ( block traffic noise )
road bit steep for whealchairs, especially at here are lots of people around
peace garden
good design
bad design
beautiful fountain, water and sitting space
lots of space for events
bakers pool
good design
bad design
conjunction without traffic lights
beautiful water landscape
Devonshire green
good design
bad design
Enclosed seats and plant occlusion make the space is more private
There are venues dedicated to sports
some design on the way
good design
bad design
the glass roof of the building and some chairs outside just make the shelter on bus stop
nice water sculpture balls outside the winter garden
Howard St and Hallam Square lead people from station to city center landmarks
Temporary parking spaces make the narrow roads more crowded, and the vehicles have to avoid each other.