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A Thousand Splendid Suns (Chapters 1-10 (Questions (Why does Nana dislike…
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Chapters 1-10
"Mariam loved having visitors at the kolba"
"The anxiety sets in on Tuesday nights." Chapter 4 Page 20
"..all those familiar things were gone. Nana was dead, and she was here, in a strange city, separated from the life she'd known" Chapter 9 Page 59
Even though Nana may really dislikes Jalil and he may be a lot of things and Mariam knows he is, she still wants to have some connection/relationship with her father. She loves having people come but its really special when Jalil visits, it means something to her, the book says she treasures it.
This quote is significant to the readers to show that Mariam did not necessarily have the life that most of us have, considering the meaning of the word. It was the first key thing that stuck out to the reader.
This quote shows how Mariam is truly upset because she loves and misses Nana and it's hard for change to happen and she feels like its all been swept from under her feet, her life flashed before her eyes.
Chapters 11-20
Mariam had never received a gift that truly meant something to her so receiving this gift made her feel really loved and wanted.
As Mariam was cleaning Rasheed's room, she opened his drawer to find magazines of naked women, Rasheed had done so much talking about how JUST a woman's face is only for her husband yet she found other women's nude bodies all over his room.
Mariam started to feel unworthy and felt like she did in square one, she thought that marrying Rasheed was hard enough, she felt lonely and had so much grief. Once Mariam found out she was pregnant, all the pain and heartache went away, but it just came back to stay.
"In the four years since the day at the bathhouse, there had been six more cycles of hopes raised then dashed, each loss, each collapse, each trip to the doctor more crushing for Mariam than the last." (Hosseini 99)
"...they had been halfhearted tokens of penance, insincere, corrupt gestures meant more for his own appeasement than hers. This shawl, Mariam saw, was a true gift" (Hosseini 76)
"A woman's face, he said, is her husband's business only. Surely the women on these pages had husbands, some of them must." (Hosseini 83)
Chapters 31-40
Rasheed calls her a harami and he thinks he is the stuff ever since he got his new girl Laila, she's young, meaning she can do a lot for him.
Laila takes up for Mariam that night when Rasheed almost hit Mariam, Mariam is beyond thankful because she has never had someone to do that small of a thing for her and she thanks Laila.
Mariam had never spoken so forcefully and sharply to anyone in her life, Laila had tear drops in her eyes and just agreed with what Mariam was saying, Laila was probably so intimidated by Mariam.
"Mariam was a thirty-three-year-old woman now, but that word, harami, still had sting. Hearing it still made her feel like she was a pest, a cockroach." (Hosseini 222)
"The other night, when he... Nobody's ever stood up for me before," she said." (Hosseini 249)
"Anything you need done you ask Mariam and she will do it for you. Won't you Mariam." (Hosseini 222)
How does Rasheed say that Mariam is not worth much, and anything Laila wants or needs, Mariam can go fetch it for her?
Chapters 41-51
Throughout these chapters, how old is Laila and when did she turn this age?
"This was a few days after Laila heard that Ahmad Shah Masoud had gone to France and spoken to the European Parliament."(Hosseini 312)
"He was wearing a pakol on his head, hiking boots, and a black wool sweater tucked into the waist of the khaki pants. He was half smiling and nodding slowly. Laila didn't remember him saying this before..." (Hosseini 331)
"Mariam waited patiently until Laila felt better. Then she had Laila lie down, and as she stroked Laila's hair in her lap, Mariam said not to worry, that everything would be fine." (Hosseini 352)
Tariq says he lives in the foothills in Pakistan, near Islamabad at a summer retreat called Murree built by the British. Maybe his outfit explained in the quote proves it to be true?
Rasheed. Laila found Zalmai waiting for Rasheed. He asks where his father is, and Laila pretty much laid down the law and told him he had went away for awhile.
Chapters 21-30
Mariam becomes aware of the fact that Rasheed has more than one wife, what is her opinion on this?
"You wouldn't... Mammy I worry that- Don't worry, Laila. I want to see my sons' dream come true." (Hosseini 144)
"She should have seen this coming, she thought. Almost everyone she knew had packed their things and left. The neighborhood had been all but drained of familiar faces, and now, only four months after fighting had broken out between the Mujahideen factions, Laila hardly recognized anybody on the streets anymore." (Hosseini 181)
"People will talk. It looks dishonorable, an unmarried young woman living here. It's bad for my reputation. And hers. And yours I might add." (Hosseini 214)
Laila feels like she is not enough of reason for her mom to stay alive, her mother says she just wants to be alive long enough to see something that would mean so much to her sons, not Laila.
She is so upset because Tariq is her best friend since their childhood and now he is leaving too, it's almost as if everything is getting swiped from under her feet.
Mariam feels like she's been betrayed and played, Mariam has been through so much in her life, this is the last thing she needs but imagine how this makes her feel as a person, her self esteem is probably already at rock bottom, she feels like it just can not get any worse than this.
Final Socratic Seminar
What was the reason that Mariam killed Rasheed? Had she had enough of it herself or was it for Laila?
Why does Mariam turn herself into the authority and not tell on Laila, why does she take all the blame and consequences?
"In the four years since the day at the bathhouse, there had been six more cycles of hopes raised then dashed, each loss, each collapse, each trip to the doctor more crushing for Mariam than the last." (Hosseini 99)
"Mariam steadied her feet and tightened her grip around the shovel's handle. She raised it. She said his name. She wanted him to see. "Rasheed" He looked up. Mariam swung. She hit him across the temple. The blow knocked him off Laila." (Hosseini 348)
Rasheed treated Mariam bad for so long and she put up with it and eventually had just had enough because its just not fair to her to have to deal with that, I think when Mariam saw it happening to Laila, a CHILD, it got her blood boiling so she killed Rasheed.
Mariam took the blame for Laila because she knew that Laila has a life ahead with babies and a husband, there is something to live for and Mariam doesn't have a husband or kids to look forward to and watch grow up so Mariam takes responsibility for her actions to benefit Laila. Mariam turned herself in because she realized if she wouldn't have then shes just as bad as Rasheed.
Mariam and Rasheed's marriage failed simply because Rasheed wanted Mariam to get pregnant with a little boy and Mariam could not get pregnant, they tried and tried and tried to where every time it failed Rasheed got more and more mad, this lead to abuse verbally and physically.