In my personal opinion, "A Thousand Splendid Suns," was not my favorite book. It's definitely something that I wouldn't read, since I'm into war and more hardcore stuff. The beginning of the book of Mariam and her mother was not my favorite because I think it was to slow for me. Through the whole book, it does a good job of angering me with their views on how women should look like or act. Rasheed is obviously my least favorite character because he's a monster and sadly theirs more people like him in their culture. Chapter 47 had to be my favorite chapter because Mariam is almost like a hero to all women. When she describes how the women in the prison look at her or act around her, they are in shock that a women who lives in a strict society killed her husband, but was a monster. I believe that Mariam is the hero of the story, she not only saved Laila but I think she empowered women to stand up for themselves. What I also love is that Mariam killed her husband and got executed for Laila, she gave Laila freedom to not be with Rasheed and to be with the man she loves. Freedom that Laila and her children can go on and live a good future.