Strategies for Identification and Intervention Methods for Students with Special Needs

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Mental Retardation (MR)







Jessica A. Smith

⚠ Delayed onset of gross motor skills, eg. crawling, walking, sitting up (Fioriello, 2018).

⚠ Poor speech recognition and speaking at a later age than the average child (Fioriello, 2018). :

⚠ Deficits in intellectual abilities and delays in the development of adaptability (Fioriello, 2018)

✅ Supplementary educational services including a team of staff members an an individualized education plan (Fioriello, 2018).

✅ Separate methods of teaching including the use of assistive technology (Fioriello, 2018).

✅ Access to a resource room (Fioriello, 2018).

⚠ Sensitivity to sensory stimuli, especially loud noises (Saggers, et al, 2015).

⚠ Regulation issues including emotional control and coping with changes (Saggers, et al, 2015).

⚠ Social issues including difficulty during group work and being the victim of bullying (Saggers, et al, 2015).

✅ Assistive technology to help with typing, school work, and communication (Saggers, et al, 2015).

✅ A flexible and custom tailored approach for each student on the spectrum is crucial. There is no "one size fits all" intervention for all autistic students (Saggers, et al, 2015).

✅ Allow students time and space to take many small breaks from social interactions and sensory stimuli (Saggers, et al, 2015).

⚠ Problems of hyperactivity such a fidgeting, running around a classroom, or striking a peer (Henderson, 2004).

⚠ Problems of impulsivity such as interrupting the teacher during class (Henderson, 2004).

⚠ Problems with attention such as making careless mistakes or being frequently distracted (Henderson, 2004).

✅ Structure the student’s environment for success, eg. seat them away from potentially distracting areas such as doors, windows, and computers (Henderson, 2004).

✅ Give directions to one assignment at a time instead of directions to multiple tasks all at once (Henderson, 2004)

✅ Work on the most difficult concepts early in the day (Henderson, 2004).
