Disruptive Dave and Attention Andy both display attention-seeking behavior in different, yet intense ways. However, Disruptive Dave struggles to find ways to cope with or solve what bothers him. Attention Andy seeks attention in ways that may be inappropriate or create feelings of discomfort in other students.
For Dave, incorporating the card flip chart with consequences connected to them at Tier 1 would help cut off the unwanted disruptions, giving me a chance to help with practice better ways to address problems. While Andy would need to be redirected and given positive feedback frequently for participation while teaching appropriate social skills.
At tier 2, while Dave would need to practice coping skills and a small group or individual level and practice expressing his feelings through words, Andy would need to practice social skills at a smaller group and need the incorporation of positive feedback for good habits such as working on assignments independently.
At tier 3 Dave may need to have a behavior intervention plan created based on the results of the functional behavior test and we would have to work more closely with his parents while the flip card system with consequences would have to be integrated for Andy.