Founding Documents Of THe United States Constution

Charters of the Virginia Company of London

Magna Carta

Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom

Articles of Confederation

Declaration of Independence

Virginia Declaration of Rights

Rule of Law, limited Government

The first document ot limit the king, and forced him to follow his own laws and the first time englishmen got basic rights

1218 English Barons

consent of the governed, limited government

We wrote it to the king of englend to say we are our own nation and are no longer yours

1776 Thomas Jefferson

Rule of law, Democracy

first form of government very weak snd could not tax enforce laws and one branch of government

1781 The founding fathers

limited government, democracy

was the basis for the 1st amendment and is what gives us our freedom of religion

1779 Thomas Jefferson

Limitied Government

It is what became the basis for the constitution and stated the virginians had the 1st amendment rights

1776 George Mason

Concent of the govern

It gave the colonists permission to go and colonize america and gave the colinosts the same rights as englishmen

1607 King James