⭐ A change in accounting estimate is an adjustment of the carrying amount of an asset or liability, or related expense, resulting from reassessing the expected future benefits and obligations associated with that asset or liability.
⭐ Many items in the financial statements are estimated as there are various uncertainties in business activities.
⭐ Estimation involves judgment based on the most recent available information that is reliable. The use of reasonable estimation is acceptable and does not undermine reliability.
⭐ Examples of areas where estimates are used are provision for bad debt, economic life of depreciable assets, inventory obsolescence and warranty obligations
⭐ These estimates may have to revised due to changes regarding the circumstances on which the estimates were based or as a result of new information, or more experience or subsequent development.
⭐ Revision of an estimate is called changes in accounting estimates It is not a correction of errors and does not affect prior period.
⭐ The change from indefinite useful life to finite useful life of intangible assets is a change in accounting estimate.
⭐ The rule is to apply the change in accounting estimate prospectively by including the profit or loss in
a) The period of change, if the change affects that period only (e.g bad debts)
b) The period of the change and future periods, if the change affects both (e.g economic life of an asset)
⭐ The carrying amounts of affected assets, liabilities, and equity are adjusted for the change in accounting estimates in the period of the change.
⭐ To ensure comparability of the financial statements, the effect of a change in estimates should be included under the same heading as was previously used for the estimates.
On 1 January x1, Rise Bhd acquired a plant costing RM5 million. The economic life was estimated to be ten years with no scrap value at the end of its useful life. On 1 January x5, the remaining life was estimated to be two years while the scrap value was estimated to be RM500,000.
Discuss the accounting treatment in year x5.
DEFINITION ACCORDING TO STANDARD : Accounting standards are authoritative standards for financial reporting and are the primary source of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Accounting standards specify how transactions and other events are to be recognized, measured, presented and disclosed in financial statements.:
Material errors of prior periods are corrected retrospectively in the first set of financial statements authorised for issue after the doscovery of the errors by:
a. Restating the comparative amounts for the period(s) presented in which the error occurred
b. Restating the opening balances of assets, liabilities and equity for the eaarliest prior period presented, if the error occurred before the earliest prior period presented.
A prior period error has to be corrected by retrospective restatement. However, there are exceptions to the application of retrospective application. They are when it is impracticable to determine:
a. The period-specific effects
b. The cumulative effects of the error.
Where it is impracticable to determine the period-specific effects of an error on comparative information for one or more prior periods presented, the entity is to restate the opening balances of assets, liabilities and equity for the earliest period for which retrospective restatement is practicable.
Disclosure required :
⭐ The nature of the prior period error
⭐ Each prior period present to the extent practicable, the amount of the correction :
✅for each financial statement line item effected
✅if mfrs 133 earning per share applies to the entity, for basic and diluted earnings per share.
⭐The amount of correction at the beginning of the earliest prior period presented.
⭐ If retrospective restatement is impracticable for a particular prior period, the circumstances that led to the existence of that condition and description of how and from when the error is corrected.
The financial statements of subsequent periods need not make above disclosure:
MFRS 108 covers following:
🚩Accounting policies:
❤selection of accounting policies.
❤changes in accounting policies
🚩Changes in accounting estimates
Prior period errors - errors that may be discovered during the current period
May arise in respect of recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of the elements of the financial statements.
MFRS 108 - such errors include the effects of mathematical mistakes, mistakes in applying accounting policies, oversights or misinterpretation of facts and fraud.
MFRS 108 defines prior period errors as omissions from, and misstatements in the entity's financial statements for one or more prior periods arising from a failure to use, or misuse of, reliable information that:
a. Was available when financial statements for those periods were authorised for issue;and
b. Could reasonably be expected to have been obtained and taken into account in the preparation and presentation of those financial statements.
Circumstances that could result changes in accounting policy:
(i) Initial application of financial reporting standard or interpretation and there are transitional provisions in the standard or interpretations.
(ii) initial application of financial reporting standard or interpretation and there are no transitional provision in the standard or interpretation.
(iii) voluntary change.**
✅ The new changes has to be applied in accordance with MFRS108
The following information is disclosed when there is change in accounting policy resulting from the initial application of a standard or interpretation which has material effect on current period, prior period presented or future periods:
🚩 the title of the standard or interpretation
🚩 when applicable, the change in accounting policy is made in accordance with its transitional provisions.
: 🚩 The nature of the change in accounting policy
🚩 when applicable, a description of transitional provisions.
🚩 when applicable, the transitional provision that effect future periods.
🚩 For current and prior period, to the extent practicable, the amount of adjustment;
(i) for each financial statement line item affected.
(ii) if MFRS 133 Earning Per Shares applies to the entity, for basic and diluted earning per share.
🚩 The amount of adjustment relating to periods before those presented, to the extent applicable.
🚩 If retrospective application is impracticable for particular period or for periods before those presented, the circumstances that led to the existence of that condition and a description of how and from when the change in accounting policy is applied.
Example 6 : Prospective Application
Alpha Bhd has in issue 2 million ordinary shares of RM1 each. During year x2, Alpha Bhd discovered that some products costing RM100,000 that had been sold in year x1 were incorrectly included in closing inventory of year x1. Alpha`s accounting records for year x2 show sales of RM1 million, cost of sales of RM720000(including the error in opening inventory) and expenses of RM110000.
Current and previous years` tax rate is 25%.
In year x1, Alpha`s summarised income statement was:
sales 900000
Cost of sales (450000)
Gross profit 450000
Expenses (100000)
Profit before tax 350000
Tax - 25% (87500)
Profit after tax 262500
Opening retained profit was RM230000.
Prepare the extracts of the financial statements and comparatives
x2 x1
sales 1000000 900000
cost of sales (620000) (550000)
------------- ----------------
Gross profit 380000 350000
Expenses (110000) (100000)
--------------- ----------------
profit before tax 270000 250000
Tax - 25% (67500) (62500)
------------------ -----------------------
Profit after tax 202500 187500
---------------------- -------------------
The change in the estimated life is a change in accounting estimate.
The plant would have been depreciated at RM500,000 per annum for years x1 to x4. Therefore, the carrying value on 1 January x5 would be RM3 million. Depreciation for year x5 would be
(RM3,000,000 - RM500,000) / 2 years = RM1,250,000.
Financial statements for the year x1 to x4 are not changed.
The change in accounting policy can be applied prospectively when retrospective application of a change in accounting policy is not possible.
Example 4:
On 1 January x4, ACE acquired a brand costing RM20 million. The useful life was determined as indefinite.
On 1 January x7, ACE reviewed the economic life and determined it as four years.
Discuss the accounting treatment in year x7.
The brand will be amortised over four years beginning year x7. Amortisation charge will be RM5 million each year.
The carrying amount at 31 December x7 will be RM15 million.
The change from indefinite life to finite life is a change in accounting estimate.
Two events not considered as changes in accounting policies:
❗ The application of accounting policy for transactions, other events or condition that differ in substance from previously occurring.
‼ The application of a new accounting policy for transactions, other events or condition that did not occur previously/were immaterial
Excel acquired a piece of land for RM 200 Million on 1 January x5. The land was classified as investment property and measured using the cost model
The following information is disclosed when entity has a voluntary change in accounting policy:
🚩 The nature of the change in accounting policy.
🚩 Provides reliable and relevant information when applying new accounting policy.
🚩 For current and prior period, to the extent practicable, the amount of the adjustment;
(i) for each financial statement line item affected.
(ii) if MFRS 133 Earnings Per Share applies to the entity, for basic and diluted earnings per share.
🚩 The amount of adjustment relating to periods before those presented, to the extent practicable.
🚩 If retrospective application is impracticable for a particular period or for periods before those presented, the circumstances that led to the existence of that condition and a description of how and from when the change in accounting policy.
On 1 January x9, Excel changed its accounting policy to fair value measurement for the land. It was able to derive the fair values of the land only from 31 December x8 which was RM 290 Million. The fair values of the land on 31 December x9 was RM 313 Million. There was no tax suffered on fair value changes or on sale on the land
🏁:The nature and amount of a change in an accounting estimate that has an effect in the in the current period or is expected to have an effect in the future period
Required :
Discuss the effects of the change in the accounting policy on the financial statement on 31 December x9
Answer :
🏁:if it is impractical to quantity the effect in the future period, this fact should be disclosed
Following information is required when entity has not applied new standards or interpretation that has been issued but is not effective yet;
❗ Fact.
‼ known or reasonably estimable information relevant to assessing the possible impact that application of new standard or interpretation will have on the entity's financial statements in the period of initial application.
it is not possible to apply the new policy from 1 January x5 and the earliest date possible is 1 January x9
Statement of Changes in Equity (Extract)
Retained earnings x9 RM Million
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1 January Brought forward
Example 5: Retrospective Application
On January x1, YTK purchased a building costing RM 30 million. The company decided not to depreciate it in year x1. This was discovered when the financial statements for year x2 were being finalised. Assume tax rate to be 25%. Retained profit brought forward as at 1 January x2 was RM 45 million.
Discuss the accounting treatment.
Building is depreciable and has to depreciated. In year x2, a material error was discovered. The depreciation for the year x1 has to be provided for. Assuming an economic life of 20 years and scrap value of RM 2 million, the depreciation charge for year x1 should be RM 1.4 million. The retained profit brought forward will be reduced by the tax effect which will be RM 1.4 million less 25% = RM 1.05 million.
Tax provision need to be adjusted too.
The building will be disclosed at the end of year x2 as follow
x2 x1
RM'000 RM'000
Non current asset
Building (cost) 30,000 30,000
Less Accumulated depreciation (2800) (1400)
27,200 28,000
can be determine by:
The period specific effects of the change
The comulative effects of the change.
Change in asccounting policy on investment property
MFRS 108 defines retrospective application as "applying new policy to transaction, other events and conditions as if the policy has always been applied"
Robson acquire an investement property on 1 January x4 and measured it using the cost model. On 1 January x7, it changed the accounting policy and used fair value model to measured investment property. The acquisition cost of the property was RM100 million and estimated useful life was 50 years.
x4 - RM103 mil x5 - RM105 mil x6 - RM110 mil x7 - RM114 mil
Effect of change in accounting policy on the financial statement on 3 Dec x7
OLD POLICY : Depreciation charge for the first three 3 years would have been RM100 mil/50 years = RM2 mil annually. the carry value is reduce by RM2 mil each year. the effect on the profit for each of these years would be a reduction in profit of RM2 mil before tax and after tax of Rm1.6 mil being RM2 mil less 20% tax. the carry value of the asset is RM94 mil, that is cost of RM100 million less accummulated depreciation of RM6 mil.
In the income statement of year x9, the changes in fair value of RM 23 Million will be recognised as income
Prospective Application
✅ MFRS 108 applies to all changes in accounting policies except the initial application of a policy to revalue assets with MFRS 116 PPE or MFRS 138 Intangible Assets.
✅ any change in accounting policy, it must be dealt with in accordance with either of these standards and not in accordance with MFRS 108.
NEW POLICY: the fair value model requires the asset to be carried at fair value and the changes in fair value to be taken the the income statement. the asset is not depreciated. on 1 Jan x7 the IP should be measured at fair value (being Rm110 mil)
the different between the cv and fv of Rm16mil will be recognize in the statement of changes in equity. the retained earning brought foward will be increase by RM16mill less tax of Rm3.2 mil.
Note :
🔒 A prior period error has to be corrected by retrospective restatement. There are exceptions to the application of retrospective application. the are when it is impracticable to determine:
a) The cumulative effects of the error.
b) The period-specific effects.
From the start of year x9, Excel changed its accounting policy for measuring investment property from cost model to fair value as the management takes the view that this policy provides reliable and more relevant information based on up-to-date data. The policy is applied prospectively from the start of x9 as it was not practicable to determine the fair values of the investment property for periods prior to x9
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🔒 Where it is impractible to determine the period-specific effects of an error on comparative information for one or more prior periods presented, the entity is to restate the opening balances of assets, liabilities and equity for the earliest period for which retrospective restatement is practicable.
accounting policies refers to the specific principles,bases, conventions, rules and practices applied by an entity in preparing and presenting FSs.
To enable users of financial statement to make a comparative study of the financial statement of an entity, the accounting policies selected by entity are to be applied consistency for similar transaction, other events and conditions. A standard or an interpretation may specifically require or permit categorisation of items for which different policies may be appropriate. In this case, an appropriate accounting policies is to be selected and applied consistency to each categories. An example is where different depreciation method are used for different parts of a asset. :
❤Prospective application involves applying changes to the current and future period
⭐And adjusting the comparative information from the earliest date practicable