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Respiratory Diseases of Poultry (Viral Diseases (Infectious Bronchitis…
Respiratory Diseases of Poultry
Viral Diseases
Infectious Bronchitis
Transmission: Horizontal (fomites , air born) spreads very quickly 100% morbidity in 48 hours, reservoir maintained in carriers
Infects upper respiratory tract initially before spreading to other organs
Prevention: Live Vaccinate (must be specific strain)
Clinical signs: Conjunctivas, caseous exudate in syrinx and bronchi, catarrhal exudate in the lumen of the trachea (
), Diarrhoea, Swollen pale kidneys, dilated ureters
(urinary Tract)
, Poor egg quality (
Samples: (Virus initially infects upper respiratory tract therefore it is cleared in the area first) Trachea -1 wk , tonsils 14wk, faces 20 wks post infection
Tests: PCR, Serology Culture
Avian Influenza (EXOTIC)
Control: Eradication is ideal but can move to vaccination if control seems unlikely
ssRNA virus -> has variation of glycoproteins which combine and mix to create different subtypes -> virus replicates in respiratory, reproductive tract, renal and intestines
Transmission: Migratory water fowl are source and can be horizontally transmitted through secretions form respiratory and faeces
Clinical Signs: (Depends of subtype) generally drop in egg production
respiratory signs
Oedema of the head, coughing, sneezing, rattles, cyanosis of wattle and comb
GIT signs
Diarrhoea, Haemorrhage of gizzard and lymph of GIT
Nervous signs
head and neck postural variation
Tests: Serology, PCR , Isolation of virus
Newcastle Disease (EXOTIC)
Prevention: Vacination -> Lentigenic variation used as live vaccine mesogenic can be used as a secondary vaccine
Control: Stamping out -> Quarantine and movement control
Clincial Signs
Mesogenic Clinical signs:
Variable mortality, nervous and respiratory no enteric signs
Velogenic Clinical Signs
: Partial or complete twisting of the neck, Haemorrhage throughout entire alimentary track
Tests: Virus Isolation, PCR, Serology
High mortality and morbidity which can effect a large variety of bird species
Variation in strains: based of mean death time in embryo
Velogenic <60hr
Viscertotropic: Hemorrhagic GIT lesions
Neurotropic: Respiratory and Neurological
Mesogenic: 60 - 90 hrs
Lentigenic >90hrs
Transmission: Horizontal both direct (carrier birds) and indirect (fomites, air)
Infectious Laryngotracheitis
Transmission: Shed in exudates and can be spread through aerosols and fomites -> Carrier birds are important and has a long incubation time 6 - 12 days
Prevention: Vaccination (live) can result in latent infected carriers therefore don't mix vaccinated with un vaccinated. Vaccinations only used in endemic areas
DNA virus which survives well in environment
Treatment: Can use vaccine to reduce clinical signs
Clinical signs:
Mild form
Open mouth Breathing, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, tracheitis, ------->
Severe form
severe dyspnea Hemorrhagic to diphtheritic tracheitis (can be seen coughing up blood)
Histopathology -> detection of intranuclear inclusion bodies
Fowl Pox
Control: Vaccine
Clincal signs: Dry scabby nodules over head area or caseous scabs
Two forms a
form and
Common within wild and domestic populations
Avian Mycoplasmosis
Clinical Signs: Airsacculitis in progeny,
decreased hatch-ability
, skeletal abnormalities
Samples: Swab -> Cloacal, Serology and PCR -> Blood
Clinical Signs: Sinusitis ( initially sero-mucoid, later caseous), airsaculitis,
reduced egg production
and hatch-ability but no effect on egg shell quality
Samples: Swab -> Sinuses and Trachea, Serology and PCR -> Blood
Clinical Signs: Upper Respiratory Infection(airsaculitis and Sinusitis), synovitis -> hock joints and foot pads
reduced egg shell quality
Samples: Swab -> URT and Synovial membranes (joints)
Serology and PCR -> Blood
Difficulties associated with Diagnosis
-> Fastidious growth requirements need specialist labs and may take an extended period of time -> Vaccinations may interfere with the serological diagnosis
Pathological strains
M. Gallisepticum (MG)
M. Synoviae (MS)
M.Meleagridis (MM)
Transmission: Vertical and Horizontal transmission -> main source of infection is recovered carrier birds acting as reservoir
MM: Also venereally transmitted
Treatment: Antibiotics (Tylosin, Tetracycline) eliminate/rescue clinical signs however the infection is still maintained sub-clinically
Be carful of registration of antibiotic in poultry
Control: (1) Eradication and quarantine (2) Vaccination (3) Management to
reduce stress
and the clinical manifestation of the disease and apply strategic treatment
Fowl Coryza
Treatment: Tetracycline,Sulphonamides, Erythromicin
Prevention: Vaccinate- > 2 injections 3 - 4 weeks apart prior t point of lay
Control: (1) Depopulate and disinfect bacteria doesn't survive outside host (2) Single age flocks and reduce stress
Transmission: Horizontally (recovered carrier bird) both through airborne and water
Infection: pathogen (Haemophilus Paragallinarum) infects animals predisposed to stress
Clinical Signs: Conjunctivitis, Acute Sinusitis (swollen face, oedema), Reduced egg production
Swabs/Culture: Sinus and exudate
Treatment: Tetracyclines 6 weeks
Prevention: Carrier birds eradicated, hygiene, stress
Clinical Signs: Conjunctivitis, Rhinitis and Sinusitis, Diarrhoea, depression, anorexia, sudden death
Samples: PCR-> Conjunctal Swabs, Serological -> immunocomb, Culture -> difficult and zoonotic nature of disease , Histopathology
Post Mortem: Polyserositis, Hepatitis , splenomegaly (back up with addiotnal tests)
Transmission: Most birds susctible chickens appear to have a natural resistance, latent carriers spread the disease in faeces and can stress can be a trigger for active disease to manifest
Fowl Cholera
Clinical Signs:
-> Fever, anorexia, mucous discharge from mouth diarrhoea and tachypnea (death within a few hours therefore may be first clinical sign)
-> Signs relative to localised infection wattle, sinuses, leg or wing joint, foot pads often become swollen
Gram stain: Gram negative non sporing rods which stain bipolar (Pigment each end of rod)
Treatment: Antibiotics -> sulphonamides (bacterisatic doesn't kill abscesses) , Penicillin, streptomycin
Control: Vaccination -> where highly prevalent
Pathogen Pasteurella Multocida -> presents as septicaemia associated high mortality and morbidity -> older chickens are more susceptible -> there are different virulence between strains which determine if acute or chronic
Transmission: Recovered birds acting as carriers are the major source of infection
Chronic Respiratory Disease
Sydrome indicates many differnt factors contibuting to the overall pathogenesis:
Treatment: Antibiotics -> may have resistance
Control: Sanitation and good ventilation
Prevention: try to minimise predisposing factors
Clinical Signs: Respiratory Distress, reduced apetite and poor growth
Post Mortem: Airsaculitis, Pericarditis, perihepatitis and peritonitis
Tests: Isolation of pure Ecoli , PCR
Respiratory Mycosis
Post Mortem:
Clinical signs: Dyspnea, abnormal posture, paresis and paralysis ( may not show respiratory signs until almost dead)
Treatment: Very rarely do lesions can diagnosed early enough for treatment -> Ketocanazole Nebulisation guarded prognosis
Control: Good hygiene in management procedures, reduce stress for birds, Avoidance of using antibiotics unless legitimate reason
Predisposing factors: Stress, Other disease,
-> upset normal flora allowing a fungal overgrowth
Pathogen: Aspergillus Fumigatus -> grows in contaminated area within farm (i.e. Dirty eggs, Undisinfected hatcheries, day old chicken fluff)
Contaminated eggs in incubator give environment for fungus to multiply as the chickens hatch the spores are released into the air and breathed in establishing a pneumonia with in a few days of hatching