🍃 CAE. Tame your vocabulary
Reading (The King's Speech)
1) The cost of a cinema trip 'puts off filmgoers'
2) according to a new poll
3) those with three children forking out £11.96.
4) is listed as £38.40 during off-peak times
5) Piracy and torrents of new movies are rife (частый; распространённый; изобилующий;)
1) His strong historical context will deter to stop someone from doing something
ADJ. > deterrent
2) she tries to smooth things
3) had to speak to the world and declare war
4) keeps the required stiff upper lip >> (the ability to stay calm and not show your feelings in a difficult or upsetting situation)
5) ply their craft on the hush-hush (very secret)
Everything was very hush-hush.
6) A prequel of the "Queen"
(a book, film etc that tells you what happened before the story)
7) Heritage cinema
1) but if you do throw a lit cigarette into a pool of gasoline, it just puts the cigarette out and it doesn't explode.
2) But should films be more scientifically accurate?
3) I wouldn't agree with that I think we could allow some flexibility
4) It hyped-up the effects, it made things happen more dramatically
5) And he said that although the basic premise was right
(a statement or idea)
6) Some effects are over-exaggerated, over-dramatised
Speaking. Expressions which I liked.
1) Keep up with the language;
2) life-long ambition;
3) there is something catching;
4) It's my cup of tea;
5) prominent
📍 a prominent Russian scientist;
📍Juliette Binosh is a prominent actress
6) it just slept away
7) it's very gripping
The "City of girls" is such a gripping book!
Useful vocabulary
1) After a cinema-goer is tasered for using his smartphone during a film;
2) Whether it's snogging in the back row;
3) It may be an extreme example of the perils of bad cinema etiquette
The Summary of the article
The articles highlight acceptable and unacceptable behavior in the movie theatre providing examples. I consider the main idea is to explain what’s wrong about using mobile phone or shagginr if while you watch the movie.
Probably Sarah (the columnist) was too tired and irritated with the behavior of some cinema-goers and bad manners of some people inspired her to write the examples of impropreate behavior.
When I was reading examples of donts I strongry agreed with many of them. When people slurp drinks or use their mobile phone that is so frustrating! I mean common guys can’t you do it somewhere else?!
VOCABULARY of the day
1) suspense builds up
2) startling originality (потрясающий / surprising)
2) it was a bold experiment
3) accomplished actor;
4) star-studded cast;
5) the movie was spectacularly successful in the US
6) NYT gave glowing reviews
1) laud (praise someone)
Honig lauded his wife's charity work.
2) compelling (fascinating)
His life makes a compelling story.
compelling need/desire/urge (to do something)
3) amplify (increased)
These stories only amplified her fears.
4) frantic (become crazy)
There was still no news of Jill, and her parents were getting frantic.
5) groundbreaking
groundbreaking research
6) interwoven
7) abysmal
8) unanimous
9) suspense
NEW information about suggest and say - INFINITIVES are not used!
we don't use infinitives however we can use "that clauses" usually with model verbs
📍 I suggested that you should try the main car park
📍The policeman said that I mustn't park here
- ing is also possible
📍I suggested trying the main car park
My sentences
🔸 I suggest that you should practice English more
🔸I suggest calling your mother.
Day 1
Guardian. The internet is changing the definition of television
1) The television business has changed from provider-driven to consumer-driven
2) the internet has proven to be a most disruptive development,
📍 подрывающий / разрушительный
✏️ Night work can be very disruptive to home life.
3) while digital recorders, applications and TV web sites accommodate binge-watching
📍запойное телесмотрение
✏️I can't believe I spent all day binge-watching Sex and the city—it's so addictive!
4) Will operators invest in broadband infrastructure if it means a shrinking of their lucrative legacy television markets?
📍 широкополосная передача / сеть
✏️ broadband communications
📍прибыльный, доходный
✏️ Lucrative business
5) Soon applications will allow the sharing of snippets of programming.
📍отрывок, кусок, фрагмент
✏️ Snippets of information
6) That is not likely to change, whether episodes are carefully metered out or binge-watched
The ethics of reporting
📝 Please don't understate the extent of my problems
📍overstate > преувеличить
📝The importance of global warming can't be overstated
📍 SYN objective, impartial, unbiased
📝 Sometimes they say that you have to be disinterested and unbiased but it's easy to say than do
📍головой вперёд / опрометчиво безрассудно
✏️ I would say it was a headlong decision
4) IMPLICATION (imply , implicate)
📍вовлечение; впутывание; замешанность; причастность; соучастие
✏️Implication of the ad is clear to me
✏️ What is the implication of the desigh (meaning)
📍 полная ложка
✏️ My boyfriend's granny usually takes two spoonfuls of sugar to the tea
6) SUBCONCIOUS ! BE CAREFUL! DOn't mix it up with unconcious (безсознательный)
📍 подсознательный
✏️ It seems all of us have this subconcious feeling of failure
The main idea is to share the opinion that the internet is changing the definition of the TV. At the beginning the television was provider driven but nowadays it’s consumer driven.
The definition of television is drastically different than it used to be. Today viewers are in control.
At the end the columnist wrote that internet disrupted television industry but still not the television itself.
Television still has a room to grow as it is incredible power to bring people together. So it’s taking action!
Day 2
Tame your vocabulary:
1) perfectly encapsulates the mainstream’s relationship with technology: “It’s good, but I need it to be better, faster, perfect!”
📍/ɪnˈkæpsjəleɪt / SYN sum up
📝 Her whole philosophy can be encapsulated in this one sentence.
2) Over the next 10 years, advertising will move from communicating to predicting, and emoting, based on human needs
3) three out of eight people now love brands more than their spouses, because thinking of brands releases more oxytocin – the same reaction generated when being hugged.
4) Life will be more automated, slicker and quicker
хитрый; быстро; быстрый
5) Not every car will be driverless, but you can bet your bottom dollar that most public transport will be.
давать руку на отсечение // гарантировать что-либо
📝 I can bet my bottom dollar she will pass the exam
6) The term we use to describe this is immersive creativity.
7) This is just one step in the new emotional journey that brands and consumers are about to embark upon.
📍phrasal verb // to start something new or important
📝 I'm planning to embark a new project about caligraphy
We can encapsulate that the main idea of the article was to explain future trends in marketing.
People always crave for better, quicker and faster products and it's getting more and more difficult to please the consumer.
The columnist wrote that the marketing will move from communicating to predicting the human needs. That's why in the future it will be difficult to understand where is the context and where is the advertising. We are going to have very close relationship with brands.
1) It's a noble life. It is...
📍прекрасный / превосходный
✏️ It’s very noble of you do charity projects and help people who need support
2) they're making cutbacks at the end of this month.
📍сокращение / понижение
✏️ I assume there is cutbacks in funding if there is a redesign in economy
3) It's a Chef's Pal. It's a dicer, grater, peeler, all in one.
✏️ Cheese grater / peel and grate potatoes
4) Don't you ever get antsy? Itchy feet?
📍 nervous, can’t wait
✏️ I always feel antsy before an important event or trip
5) I can't believe he married Meryl on the rebound
📍to marry smb. on the rebound ― жениться на ком-л. после разочарования в любви (к другой)
✏️ I was on the rebound when we first meet each other.
6) When you were hauling chickens in the summer for Kaiser
7) Full of laughter and love, pain and sadness, but ultimateiy redemption,
8) cease transmission
📍 прекратить вещание
✏️ My Irish friends never cease to amaze me how kind and generous they are!!
9) buckle up
📍 пристегнуть ремень безопасности
✏️ Guys, are you ready? Buckle up!
FILM "Awake"
USEFUL vocabulary
1) a malpractice
📍противозаконное, уголовно наказуемое действие
✏️ His doctor was found guilty of malpractice
2) lawful – законный
✏️ His lawful wife
3) a syringe – шприц
✏️ People should never share their syringe! It’s vital
1) I wasn't a timid child;
2) I learnt thrift from my mother;
3) It's hard to have a dispassionate view in situations you care about deeply;
4) I hope my exam results will be respectable enough;
5) She was too well mannered to complain
6) I have an earnest desire be useful to the society;
7) A person who is easy to deceive is a credulous person
8) This skirt is versatile , you can dress it up for many occasions
9) Inquisitive person is a versatile person, it's someone who has interests in many areas;
10) I'm not a prudent person, because prudent people they are sensible, careful and don't take risks. I'm not a sensible person at all
Clay > I assume he is in his twenties. He is a handsome man and as I understood works at the stock market. He is in love with Sam and really cares about her. He is trustful and unsuspecting. He didn't have any idea that his girlfriend and his best friend had a plan to deceive him.
Samantha "Sam > She looks gorgeous, big smile, small nose and sparkling hazing eyes. In spite of her beauty she is greedy and ill natured, bad tempered and selfish.
Lilith Beresford > Clay's mother. She isn't trustful and this particular feature saved life of her son. She is even-tempered and inquisitive. Her curiosity helped her to find out that Sam was a lier and tried to kill her son.
Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model
1) in a very brief 10 seconds
2) image is superficial
3) it' s superficial and immutable (неизменный)
✏️ Immutable rules of grammar.
4) I'm recepiet of the legacy
5) Do they retouch all the photos
6) slumber party > пижамная вечеринка
I simply love this video. It's one of my favorites on TED platform.
I love this girl and admire those ideas she tried to express from the stage.
It seems to me that she very intelligent and full wisdom in spite of her age. My favorite part of this video is the beginning when she transformed for couple of seconds and proved the statement that image is superficial.
I assume the main message was to show the other side of being a model and tell young women that you can achieve whatever you want achieve in your life if you want to become a president give it a try. If you trully want to be a model you can be a model too.
I agree with most of the characteristics which were mentioned in this video. I do like social gatherings. It's also true that even in spite the fact I'm in long-term partnership I still demand freedom.
And it was true that I enjoy discuss unconventional subjects.
SPEAKING (words / collocations)
1) I'm a bright representative of my zodiac sign which is ....
2) Is your personality suited to your job ... to some extent
3) I can state that both ...
4) which proves how assertive - (настаивающий на своем) he is
5) lady seems photogenic
1) unbearable colleagues;
2) sheer volume of your time they will waste;
3) Micromanager they’ll endlessly interfere with every task they set you;
4) The Over-Committed Colleague;
5) Or perhaps they are so insouciant that somehow they have made not caring into a desirable skill.
6)they are also likely to have a big mouth and, if they’re badmouthing Bob to you, they’ll probably be badmouthing you to Bob
7) they will often talk down to peers;
The article describes 10 worst personalities that you may encounter at work.
Some of the types of unbearable colleagues are really difficult to deal with, but this column provides examples how you can cope with that.
As for me the type "micromanager" is the worst one. This type of people try to control and interfere with any task they set you. It's demotivating and they kill the buzz.
1) It's difficult to overcome negative impression if you have made one.
2) We say "Music school;
3) Disoriented
✏️ I felt disoriented because of the amount of information I had to study;
4) He is not shy but quite reserved
5) gul‧li‧ble /ˈɡʌləbəl/ > доверчивый
✏️ I'm a gullible and trustful sometimes naive person.
6) manuscript
✏️ I assume if you have an opportunity to read the manuscript of the novel it allows you to understand the gist even better;
7) I'm on your side with this
8) You just hit the nail on the head;
9) told off (отчитывать)
✏️ I don't like to be told off! Noone likes!
📍TED TALK "How do you define yourself?"
VOCABULARY 1) There are benefits to being visually impaired. 2) The attitude of her parents shaped her the way she is 3) She tried to find a person that stood up for her 4) We are not victims at any sense unless we allow ourselves to be 5) there is always a bright side on any situation 6) You have what is on your inside
I cried my eyes out so many times when I was watching these two videos. Especially I liked the second video where Lizzie dispels beauty myths.
This video is deep, unusual and full of beauty on so many levels. I'm was so glad to find out that Lizzie's parents didn't leave her and raised her and shaped her character.
At the same time it saddened me a lot to hear the story of the video with her where many people wrote ugly comments and noone stood up for her.
I just wanted to finish my message by saying, that appearance is deceptive indeed, the more I was watchig the videos about Lizzie the more beauty I saw in her. Because the real beauty isn't outside it's deep within and I belive Lizzie has amazing, kind-hearted personality that shaped her into such an affable, bright and BRAVE WOMAN!
1) grandiose and vulnerable narcissism
2) But narcissistic individuals seek power for the status and attention that goes with it;
3) called narcissistic personality disorder;
4) Parents who put their child on a pedestal can foster grandiose narcissism.
Movie. The Devil wears Prada
Useful vocabulary
1) Grid your loins;
2) I mean you take coffee and you run errands;
✏️ I'll write to you a bit later I have some errands to run first
3) Cellulite is the main ingredient in corn chowder;
4) It's not turquoise, it's not lapis (deep-blue ) it's actually cerulean (is a shade of blue ranging between azure and a darker sky blue)
✏️ My favorite color is blue and its shades I love turquoise, deep-blues lapis and cerulean
5) You only deign to work; (снисходить)
✏️ I wish she deign to reply on my message;
6) Did you smack your head on the pavement;
7) One though I had was enamel: bangles, pendants, earrings;
✏️ In my youth I loved wearling bangles and pendants, nowadays not so much
8) I had to whisk you away (забрать / быстро увести)
✏️ This picture depict a man who is trying to whisk lady away
9) Another let down
10) I need Miranda's itinerary for tomorrow (маршрут);
✏️ My itinerary for that trip was to see as many signs as it was possible.
11) Bag, shoes, fragrances
12) She is a notorious sadist
13) I turned my back on my friends and family;
14) It's a huge imposition (навязывание / неудобство)
✏️ I hope it won't be an imposition ask you to take me to the airport.
It was such a lovely animated movie to watch. I assume there were couple of main messages in it.
To me the first message was about mass-market industry and that nowadays there are fewer local stores because it’s getting harder to compete.
Another thing that I was pondering about that maybe one of the idea is that if something goes wrong whatever you do – never give up! Your creative mind is thinking about solutions all the time, so sooner or later it will pop up in your mind.
It’s a story about lady who wanted to become a reporter but couldn’t find the job.
She starts working in fashion industry and at the beginning of the movie she didn't do it well.
The main female character of the film isn’t into the fashion. She couldn’t see the difference between two belts that pretty much look the same.
At the beginning of the movie the other secretary told Emily that she will be the one who runs errands, but at the end she was invited to Paris.
I assume the were couple of interesting insights in the movie. First is that you shouldn't just deign to work but do the best you can sooner or later you’ll show great results.
Another thing is that you have to do what your hear and soul telling you to do. You shouldn’t follow any advice the only option is seek and find your own voice
Articles to read
1) then test different hues to find those that don't make you look washed out.
2) First, you need to understand your body shape and what flaunts it best
MOVIE shopaholic
1) So, to stay relevant they have engineered an image overhaul. пересмотр; ревизия; осмотр;
✏️ In spite the fact that the government overhauled the heathcare system tobacco industry continues blooming
2)but they can sell them for a very high price, because people are addicted.
3) earned more profits than Coca Cola, Walt Disney, FedEx, Google, McDonald's and Starbucks combined.
4)So despite their product killing most of its users, they are soldiering on. (продолжать работу несмотря на трудности; оставаться на посту; проявить силу воли)
✏️ I will soldier on though I can't see results in my English immediately;
5)The government taxing it all the time, trying to cut down on smoking. (уменьшать / сокращать / сводить к минимуму)
✏️ I'm trying to cut down on the time I spend on the Instagram
6)It's called price-shifting and it's a way for manufacturers to keep their profits up
✏️ Price-shifting (or cost-shifting) it's a term that describes the strategy in some industries. When, for instance, insured patient pays more than unisured for the same product, this allows companies to gain bogger profits
7) to make it look like smoking was all over your news feed and to make it look like smoking was normal.
8)Africa and so they are shifting the epidemic away from the developed countries into the less developed countries.
9)Unfortunately, I think, there is every possibility that smoking could take off,
Elaborate on main idea:
It was such a fascinating video to watch, explained a lot about tobacco industry. At the beginning the reporter showed real UK figures which illustrate that people are cutting down on smoking though the tobacco industry continues blooming.
I was amazed to find out about cost-shifting strategy of tobacco companies, they increase prices for premium cigarets and decrease costs on low-quality cigarets. This strategy helps them soldier on when laws are against them.
Useful vocabulary:
1) Memories may be passed down through generations in DNA
📍 передать; перейти; переходить;
✏️I believe this character feature was passed down from my mum to me.
2) that allow offspring to inherit the experience of their ancestors
📍потомок; результат; плод; детище;
✏️ Pick of the litter is a documentary about dogs and their offsprings.
3) why people suffer from seemingly irrational phobias;
📍на вид, судя по виду, по-видимому
✏️ Seemingly, she has got married
4) We have begun to explore an underappreciated influence on adult behaviour
📍недооценённый; непонятый
✏️ Please, don't think that your behaviour was unnoticed or unappreciated
5) to explore whether similar effects can be seen in the genes of humans;
6) controversial subject of transmission of the ‘memory’ of ancestral experience down the generations.
Summary (no more than 5-7 sentences)
The article tells about research that showed that memories might be passed down through generations in DNA. It means that offspring could inherit phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic disorder from their ancestors and before we used to overlook.
The numerous researchers studied mice and their behaviour, nowadays scientists try to understand weather subject of memory is the same for human generations.
NEW UNITS OF VOCABULARY from different tasks
1) untenable (непригодный для жилья, несостоятельный, нетерпимый)
2) Watershed ( поворотный пункт)
✏️ The wedding was a watershed moment in my life
3) Things were moving so swiftly (быстро)
✏️ Ann, harry up, could you pease, dress up swiftly?
4) wary of (относится с подозрением)
✏️ I'm so wary of some concepts, especially of those which are told by people who tell other what does success mean
5) tedious = boring
✏️ Supposing I had to work in the office, it would be such a tedious experience
1) dizziness (головокружение)
✏️ If I drink champagne it easily makes me dizzy
2) I think he is mentally handicapped ( с физическими недостатками, ограниченный, задержанный)
✏️ It's absolutely crucial that government provides services to helm handicapped humans.
3) that makes me queasy (испытывающий тошноту)
✏️ I can't really remember when I felt queasy the last time
4) saliva noun [ U ] UK /səˈlaɪ
5) It's time to reassess this place
click to edit
Useful Language
1) one common goal, to radically extend the human lifespan.
2) To an outsider, just not ageing sounds a bit far-fetched, but to Raad Fest founders
📍 преувеличенный; натянутый; притянутый за уши
✏️ Some stories sound really far-fetched but yet they happened
3) that's just a defeatist mindset which holds us back.
📍 пораженец/ капитулянт
✏️ Sometimes I have such a defeatist mindset and attitude about my future exam.
4) But is any of this realistic or just an exercise in self delusion?
✏️Please, don't tell me that my beliefs sound self-delusion, for me the are real
5) We create all kinds of, I call them, coping mechanisms to justify death, you know, to make death more palatable. /ˈpæl.ə.t̬ə.bəl/
📍 приятный / аппетитный
✏️ a very palatable wine / Yesterday I prepared roasted pears with blue cheese, walnuts and honey and they were so palatable
6) Safe to say that Bernie and James are on the extreme end of the anti-death spectrum
📍 можно смело сказать
✏️ The government announced that it's safe to say that the crises is over now. But I don't take it.
7) And at Raad Fest, there's no shortage of sales people
claiming that their project will help.
✏️ There's a shortage of food and water in the developing countries;
8) We're testing for lifestyle factors, blood biomarkers, cognitive factors
9) Obviously the planet is not in a great nick at the moment
✏️ The car really is in excellent nick.
10)it's definitely not a movement for everyone but I think what is at its core is just a wish to get the most you can out of life and to me there's nothing crazy about that.
1) fashion operates on desire
2) fast fashion plays on the idea that hunger can be sated immediately.
3) But the industry has for too long promoted overconsumption as a good thing.
4) Garments now account for 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
5) The market is belatedly responding to the mood. Big brands such as H&M and Zara have made new commitments to sustainability.
Summary: In this article the author reflects on topic of Fast Fashion. He starts with the idea that fashion operates on people's desire and that we consumers have hunger that we want to sate immediately. He mentioned that garments account for 8% of global green gas emissions. The author said that market and brands are belatedly responding to a buzzword "sustainability" and try to jump on the bandwagon.