Chapter 42 "At first, Rasheed humored Laila, and accompanied them- her, Mariam, and Zalmai- to the orphanage, though he made sure, as they walked, that she had an eyeful of his grievous looks, an earful of his rants over what a hardship she was putting him, though, how badly his legs and back and feet ached walking to and from the orphanage. He made sure she knew how awfully put out he was." (Hosseini 319)
This was after Rasheed mad Mariam give up Laila because they couldn't afford to take care of her Zalmai so she was sent to an orphanage. Laila promised her that she would visit often and the rule was that no women could leave their house without the accomplishment of a man, their husband, so she would have to get Rasheed to bring her and Mariam but he eventually stopped going and Laila suffered multiple beating because of it.