Chapter 42
“Sometimes she was even caught, questioned, scolded- two, three, even four times in a single day. The the whips came down and the antennas sliced through the air, and she trudged home, bloodied without so much as a glimpse of Aziza. Soon Laila took to wearing extra layers, even in the heat, two, three sweaters beneath the burqa, for padding against the beatings. But for Laila, the reward, if she made it past the Taliban, was worth it.”
(Hosseini 321)
This quote kind of ties back to something Mariam said on page 287 of chapter 39. She was talking about the sacrifices a mother makes for her children. Much like in this quote, how Laila takes two, three, and sometimes even four beatings in a row every day just to go and see Aziza. She, as a mother makes that large of a sacrifice for her and her child’s happiness. She would do anything just to be with her, to see her and the fact that she had to give her up to an orphanage to “abandon her” breaks her heart. She gave this sacrifice to save her child and ensure that she gets food and clothes that they can't provide for her at home. She sacrifices herself everyday to see her, these beatings showing her love and her determination to see her child. Much like Mariam said on page 287 of chapter 39 “decency was but one”.