Hierarchy of Needs
1) Physiological Needs: Biological needs
e.g. Needs for food, water, oxygen, rest, sexual expression, release from tension
2) Safety: Avoid danger
e.g. Needs for security, comfort, tranquility, freedom from fear
3) Love (affection, belongingness), Attachment & Affiliation: Social relationships with others
e.g. Needs to belong, to love and be loved
4) Esteem (Respect)
e.g. Needs for confidence, sense of worth & competence, self-esteem, Respect of others
5) Self-Actualization: Seek fullest development of creative potential
e.g. Needs to fulfill potential, Meaningful goals
6) Self-Transcendence: Highest needs
e.g. Needs to further some cause beyond self - volunteer work, absorption in religion, music or politics