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A Thousand Splendid Suns (Chapter 1-10 (Questions (What did Nana suffer…
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Chapter 1-10
Each quote represent something that Nana said before she killed herself. To show how unhappy she was and the views she took on life. Helping to better understand what Marian was listening to every day and what led up to Nanas death
What did Nana suffer from, and was it stress induced or was she born with it?
Chapters 31-40
¨Laila was glad, when the Taliban went to work¨ Chaper 38 page 168
¨Mariam would always admire Laila for how much time passed before she screamed.¨ Chapter 39 page 174
This shows the perspective Laila has on the world compared to us. She is happy that all these rules are being put into place, and is happy that these people are taking over there land. This shows how differently they react then how we would react if we were put in that same kind of situation.
This hows how much strong Laila is and how she grew from being a teenager and not knowing anything about life, to having a child and giving birth to another without anesthesia. This also shows the level of respect Mariam has come to acknowledge upon Laila and there relationship has grow sense the begging
Laila and Mariam have not always had the best of relationship and rightful so b/c Laila took Mariams husband. But this quote shows how they have grown to be fond of eachothers company, and learned that they are better together than apat.
How do you think Rasheed is going ot feel about another baby, especially since its a boy?
Do yall think there is any chance of Mariam or Laila escaping again or do yall think theyll be stuck with Rasheed forever.
Chapter 11-20
Laila looked, two strangers smiled back." Chapter 17 pg 76
This part of the book gives the reader an insight on Lailas personality. Showing us that she wants to appear as some strong independent person, when really she relies on her friend for every day life.
Lailas mom . Mammy is not a very good mother. She constantly neglect her daughter and is always trying to fight her father. Wich is why when Laila says this (the quote) it shows that Mammy is more interested in other men in magazines then she is really concerned about her own family.
This quote represents the extent of Marians knowledge and how little she posses. Due to the fact that she was not offered the education that she should have been given. Leaving her and a lot of other women less knowledgeable than most of the population
Chapters 21-30
This quote shows how tariq is gorwoing up and is trying ot take on a more adult look. It also shows how hes trying to impress others and make himself appear cool, so that the ladies will like him
This quote shows the relationship between Tariq and Laila, and they have a strong chance ot grow a stronger bond, and relationship in the future. Wich I think is a strong possiblity due to the bond that they share now.
This shows how diffrent Rasheed can be when he is around somoene he likes. It also shows that he may be cachting feelings for laila, b/c he is suddenly being more kind than he ussually is
¨This was a new entry in his repertoire of poses:
back to the wall, arms crossed, cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth...¨
¨For years, he had eaten without looking up, without
speaking, his silence condemning,..Now he ate with a spoon. Used a napkin. Said lotfan when asking for water.¨
¨Just when one became fatigued, the other would snort, and off they would go on another round¨.
Do yall think tariq is going to live, through his hospital visit?
How do you think the book would have differed if it weer both Laila and Mariam running away, and do you think they would have gotten caght easier?
¨Water evaporates from the leaves Mammy, did you know? the way it does from laundry
hanging from a line. And that drives the flow of water up the tree.¨
¨here. There's nothing more I want. Everything I'd ever wished for as a
little girl you've already given me.¨
I think this quote really shows how even throughout cultures children are still children even through there diffrent challenges. And that even though she has had a harder life than most kids, she isnt acting any diffrent than any other one
This quote symbolizes the change in which these two characters have endured, and how they have gone from hating each other and wishing each other evil, to giving up ones life so that another can be happy, which is one of the greats sacristies in life
I think this quote portrays all of Mariams life, and how she never really had a begging or some kind of root in her life. She never had someone or someplace to fall back on, there was no begging to her story.
Final Coggle
This book to me was a lot about endurance and freindship. These two women have been put through a lot more than they deserve and were forced to endure some of the most ungreating situations. But yet through all the pain and suffering they formed a bond a bond that was only broken by death itself, and yet even after that they were still closer than ever before.
There's nothing more I want. Everything I'd ever wished for as a
little girl you've already given me.¨