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post independence (janata dal govt (itself not a party - coalition of 4…
post independence
janata dal govt
internal bickering evolved - desai was removed- charan singh became PM and indira gave him outside support on 1 condition - dismantle shah commission - he agreed but couldnt do due to internal rift - indira pulled support - govt fell - 1980 election held
shastri period 1964-66
indo pak war 1965
precipitating factor
attack on rann of kutch(in NE gujarat - maeshy terrain) by pak - they thought i will retaliate after which we(pak) will start full fledged war in kashmir
pak's operation gibralter in kashmir to evoke pro-pak uprising to disintegrate kashmir from india - but nobody in kashmir bought the idea as they were pro-kashmir - operation failed
akhnoor - i military base - supplies arms to j&k - pak thought of occupying it to cut supply to i forces in j&k - operation grand slam - but i army encircled area when pak tried occupying it - operation failed
china - was stopped by russia from supporting pak - russia said - if i had to fight battle at 2 fronts russia willl enter into the war from indian side
i opened 2nd front in/from punjab - pka forces diverted and operation grandslam failed - i captured 1920 sq km in pak while pak captured 540 sq km in i - i captured haji pir(strategcaly imp) - i on verge of winning war
i agreed due to russsia's appeal and flawed(became known later) mlitary assement that i has exhasted all its resouces and cesegfire is not a bad option
pak persuaded international community to intervene as such russia brokered the peace - led to tashkent agreement b/w i and pak
tashkent agreement
i agreed to unfavourable terms as other option would have been resumption of mutualy disastrous war and losing support of soviet on kashmir issue
indira gandhi (ig) era
phase 1 66-69
1967 state elections
ssue with cg
too much socialism - no freedom for private plyers, capitalism
factionalism engulfed cg - reflected in distribution of ticketsinternal rift b/w indira nd syndicates
1st wave of coalition emerged at state level - this was phase of horse trading and defection - coalition govts formed. eg: b/w 1967-70 there were 7 govt changrs in bihar and 4 in UP, even the princs defected form the cg
1969 congress (cg) split
power dynamics
slightly left of the centre(russia, socialists, increase role of govt)
dev through planning
- 1 more item...
slightly right of the centre(they want better reltions with USA, caitalist, emphasise privatisation)
precipating factor
syndicstes decided to expel indira from party - factions created - cg(o)(organisation) and cg(r)(requisitionist)
when syndicates requested jansangh for 2nd prefernce vote for reddy, indira complined that it is ploy of syndicates to topple her govt
in this scenerio she declared that no candidate has been fielded by cg and MPs are free to vote acc to their conciouns - she also said she is going to vote for vv giri - ultimately election held- vv giri won
syndicates hold power - glzari lal nanda (syndicate) - wanted to become PM, morarji desai - also wanted to become PM- asked t conduct internal elections within cg, kamraj(very imp leader) alos wanted to become PM but took his nomination bak as he didnt k now both hindi and english
indira told dwarka prashad mishra(close associate of gandhi parivar) to become PM - dwarka manipulated kamraj to bid for indira as she was passve and kamraj himself would hold actual power
IMF pressuried i to devalue ruppee - indira agreed - but it hurt economy as was importing nation - BoP worsened - bad decision(not a woorry for syndicates) by indira and without taking the view of syndicates(this was big issue)
phase 3 1973-77
resulted into
gujarat unrest
govt response
now, morarji desai who was already getting old sat on fast unto death
to avoid any unfortunate incident, indira announced fresh elections
bihar unrest
after sometime, bihar unrest wasnt geting enough support(reopening of school) as a result JP decided to take this movement to the national level and it came to be known as JP movement
JP movemet
he demanded govt should resign and people's parallel govt should be estd and there must not be any tax
students, middle class and opposition political party
after 1st phase of movement, it became flat and lost fervour by 1974 since it failed to attract the poor and student went back to their colleges
however allahbad HC judgement in rajnarain vs indira gandhhi case which declared indira election invalid on grounds of corruption(she used state machinery in her election campaign) revived JP movement
indira challenged judment in SC which allowed her to hold the position of PM till final judgement but it barred her from voting process in parliament
now, JP didnot wait for final judgement, on 25th june 1975 he conducted a rally in delhi and made an appeal to bearaeucrats, police and army to not adhere to the dictats of indira gandhi
basically, he was asking them to rebel. he also announced that on 29th of june, he will be carrying out a civil obidience movement
in the midnight of 25th june, 1975 indira declared emergency on grounds of internal unrest
movement was flawed wrt composition, action and philosophy of its leader
composition - all opposition paries having diff ideology and their only purpose was to topple the govt
idelogy - leader talked about total revolution and partyless and demcracy, which was feared that it might encourage distrust towards democratic institutions
i's stability, security, integrity and democracy were endangered due to disruptive character of JP movement
question - wrt emergency 1975, discuss response among the masses. also highlight why it was considered as dark period of i democracy
phase 4 1980-84
assam crisis 79-85
precipitating factor
assam natives got info that large no. of illegal migrants from bangladesh have become registered voters in assam
had fear of them acquiring dominant role in assam politics, hence
kashmir crisis
shah adressed a rally in jammu(hindu majority) where he declared that he is going to construct shah mosque in the vicinity of famous hindu temple
punjab crisis
1920 - young sikhs(called akalis) started akali movement(religious reform movment) - against hegemony of corrupt mahants who goverened gurudwaras
post independence -political aspirations dev - contested 19501 state elections - got only 14/126 seats
1953 - master tarasingh - conducted all i akali conference - said
-religion and politics couldnt be separated as 2 are essentially combined in sikhism - hence demanded separate state of punjab centred around religious philosophy
precipitating factor
1967 state elections held - akalis didnt come to power (reason - 60% sikh(35 were pure sikh and 25 were majhabi(dalit converts of hinduism - voted to cg ) sikhs) and 40% hindus(voted to cg))
initially jarnail singh bhindrawala was used by cg to undercut akalis, jowever later he started terrorist campaign and demanded khalistan
he gave a call for separation and armed struggle against indian state, he was fighting for political and ideological hegemony over the people of punjab (he got support and amrs from pak)
however bhindrawala emerged as revolutionary among the youth of punjabwhich finally created grounds for assasination of indira on 31 oct 1984
q - in the context of punjab crisis it can be argued that language, rligion and regionalism combined into an explosive situation which political elites struggled to contain. examine
nehru era 1947-64
tribal (t) consolidation
homogenous, unstratified community, geographically isolated, unique culture, distinct means of livelihood and shyness of contact
C - art 366 - defines STs as such tribes which under art 342 are deemed to be STs for the purpose of the C
status in
during british
money lenders, traders, middlemen invaded t areas and disrupted their traditional lives
reduced to status of labour, tenant or sharecropper
Christian missionaries destroyed their art, culture and traditions
british passed forest laws - for forest conservation and trade - for-bided shifting cultivation, restricted from using and collecting forest produce
emergence of 3rd force - led to subjective realisation of objective reality - led to revolts - santhal, munda etc
post british
how to deal
two theories
isolation policy
create national parks - t can live safely without being victims of unregulatrd process of belief and civilisation
criticism - looked t as animals in a zoo instead of helping them to utilise resources of modern knowledge and dev their living conditions
N-E t
all states have international borders - illegal migration - affects demography (t in majority in NE), livelihood and culture, political dynamics
foreign policy
indo china(c) war 1962
border disputed
NEFA(NE frontier agency)
1914 - shimla agreement to be signed wrt mcmohan line - invited participants - british i, tibet and c - but c did not participate
nehru in parliament - no need to fight for barren land(supported c) - but due to opposition pressure - nehru backtraced( ie, wont let aksai chin go) - i-c talks failed
precipitating factor - i adopts forward policy around mcmohan line(by BM kaul - move into c's side of buffer zone to cut its supply) - policy backfired - c attacks - war starts(for 1 month)
c declared unilateral ceasefire after end of cuban crisis(b/w US and russia) - hence no agreement signed - c returns back - behind mcmohan line but refused to give away aksai chin
irony - attack not by capitalist but a socialist country(i itself socialist) - big blow to i's self-respect
right wing criticised nehru - no confidence motion against him (though he won) - his health deteriorated post it
korea war 1947-54
2nd US resolution - S korea to attack N, i did not support
china moved resolution - US and S korea are aggressor, i supported china
benefit - i made chairman of neutral nations repatriation commission(sends UN peace keeping force when there is war like situation)
bandung conference 1955
1st afro-asian conference - to promote - eco-cultural cooperation to oppose colonialism and neo-colonialism(capitalism)
congo cisis 1960
PM(influenced by soviet), president(US) and army(belgium)
rationale behind NAM
nehru's reply - "non alignment doesn't refer to neutrality but the freedom to decide on each and every issue on the basis of its merit"
after WW2, world divided into 2 power blocks
nehru - newly independent nations of asia and africa will gain nothing by aligning with any of the power blocks
Hence NAM symbolises - struggle of nations to ensure sovereignty, integrity and independence
post 1990s
pokhran and kargil war
in winters soldiers retreated from both the sides - before the summers pak decided to launch operation badr whereby it wanted to occupy some high altitude posts in indian territories of siachin so that NH1D highway must come into their artillery range and they can sever connection b/w srinagar and leh
on 26may govt launched operation vijay. however it openly declared that they are not going for offensive attack and they will respect LoC. it was the only war where i secured support of US. as a result US pressuried pak to withdrew its forces. finally operation vijay was declared successful on 26th july 1999
land reforms
commercialisation of agri (during b times- cotton, indigo, jute, tea, coffee, sugarcane plantations etc)
TSR subramaniam committee recom on edu(policy), 2016
mandatory licensing/certification (renewal every 10 years based on independent external testing) for both govt and private teachers
differentiation among peasantry - rich, middle-class, poor farmers landless labours
capitalistic transformation of agri (in west it provided base for IR) - but it never happened in i - why - because in capitalism profits earned needs to be reinvested in the enterprise - but in i - yield was for subsistence and extra was sold at cheap price in market - so no reinvestment happened - this(lack of capitalistic transformation) (led to)/(happened due to)