Talent Identification is a waste of resources!

Compromising Talent: Issues in Identifying and Selecting Talent in Sport - Joseph Baker

Talent selection decisions have different levels of risk.

Talent ID is not done on a level playing field.

Beliefs about talent matter.

Multivariate approaches to talent selection may be problematic

Early Talent ID selection assumes talent is a fixed capacity that can be identified early.

Selecting talent requires
predicting the future of sport.

Increased competition for talent between sports undermines athlete development.

Talent is a gift
Level of effort
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard

Relative age effects
Financial resources
Socioeconomic status

Technical and Motor tests
Relies on measurements such as speed sprint and strength
selected based on performance not on potential talent

Pattern of skills necessary for the sport
Accurate prediction
Short term priorities undermine talent selection, win loss record, performance ID rather than Talent ID

Athlete development is a long term process
Balancing short term and long term goals
Organisations (profit) depend on revenue generated
Marketability of athletes

Sports may demand youth specialise early
Sports compete against each other
Culturally popular sports

Early specialisation such as elite academies

Sport performance from a single sport with little participation outside the activity

Talent is a multifaceted quality that reflects relative contribution of physical and physiological and cognitive

Qualities emerge at different rates for different people over the course of development
Identifying early does not account for change

Individuals attitudes about talent affect their motivation, behavior and performance
viewing talent as a gift is problematic, gives an unrealistic expectations.
Growth mindset can be developed through hard work and talent
labeling youth as talented can assume success in later stages

Tom Brady

Psychological competences

Mental toughness

Tactical Competence

Vital role of decision making and strategic behavior

Physical Competences

Body shape size and height.

Multi-dimensional approach


Talent ID and development programmes should be dynamic and interconnected taking into consideration maturity status and the potential to develop
rather than to exclude children at an early age
Roel Vaeyens

Long term athlete development programme

Sports talent ID based on motor tests and genetic analysis- Jaromír Simonek 2018

Due to lack of evidence based interpretation of the results may result in inappropriate advice about suitability to a sport. Therefore genetic testing is recommended mainly for predisposition to injury purpose.

However, the results also do NOT correspond to adult oxidative capacity. Children who may have scored low may be due to lack of physical development.

Genetic analysis and measurement of motor abilities of selected children 7-8 years has been found to offer suitable method of identifying performance prerequisites just before their development. Such as type of muscle fibre, oxidative capacity, nutrition type, egeneration , injury prevention and susceptibility.

Talent in sports: Some reflections about the search for future champions - Martinus Buekers 2014

the fast twitch muscle function gene that is found in leading sprinters
May help to predict if a person would be better power/sprint or endurance sport

Tucker and Collins 2012
"individual performance thresholds are determined by our genetic makeup, and training can be defined as the process by which genetic potential is realised"

Genetic predisposition is not the only determinant of success - training, nutrition and motivation

Nature vs Nurture
Environment is also a crucial player on the field of elite performance

High potential and failure can be intimately linked when contextual factors do not meet the necessary quality standards