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Research Plan (What accessories will the product be used to display? (The…
Research Plan
What accessories will the product be used to display?
The information and data for this question will be found easily through online data. More specifically, the data will be explain what type of materials would be used to reach a good pleasing and considerable display for the gamers. Looking for some information does not only have to be on informational articles, but quality information can also be found in biographies of individuals with experience on the subject.
The importance of the information would most likely be the less important compared to the importance of the other pictures. However, this being the less important question out of the other ones, does not make it worthless at all. This question is also very important for maintaining the target audiences attraction. The display is very important for the audience to be satisfied with the product and even continue buying the company´s technology accessories displays.
This research is important to be done in order for the product to achieve good feedback and results from the audience. In order to do this the product needs to have a good quality display by adding the proper materials and useful functions to the product.
The sources that would be used to find reliable information in this question would be more trust worthy in secondary sources. Going online to find this information would be more reliable since there are more professional companies that would bring out high quality information. Good information could also be a newspaper article or even as stated before a biography from someone that has professional experience of the subject.
The information that will be needed for this question would be the accessories that would be needed in order for the product to achieve the highest quality possible for the target audience to enjoy as much. The engineer must focus on researching aspects such as the aesthetic look for the display of the product. These include the colour of the product, the design and most importantly the design of the function of the technology accessories display.
What software can be used to 3D modeling/ laser cutting and how can we use it?
For this specific question I will use a secondary source since I think it would help most in this type of question. It will help develop the quality and engineers reliability on the software when it comes to 3D printing or laser cutting work part of the machine. However a primary source would also be very useful to use a primary source using individuals with professional background on the topic or even some kind of experience on the topic One example of this would be the staff in school that know how to handle the 3D printing and laser cutting machines
The first step on how to find a good source where you can research what software can be used and how to use the specific software would be to find reliable and trustworthy websites. A good source would be from the library website which provides all types of good information and reliable sources.
The priority of the information would be one of the most important part out of the other questions since it involves the ability that the engineer has to control the the whole software itself, meaning the engineers level in skills managing the software depend on the result of the product.
The information that I would need to make a succesful product would be to find sources that would be best for designing the a minimalistic products so the engineer can focus more in the detailed parts of the products
This research will be necessary to complete in order for the engineer to know what software would be best for the engineer to create a succesful product. It is also required to give the engineer previous knowledge on how the software and its functions work.
Analyse 3 existing products
I will find these the products by either finding creators of technology accessory displays and or finding some accessories online stores and websites. As stated before the products that the 3D and laser cutting designer would find would have to be reliable and existing websites.
Analysing three different products is a very important piece of information since it helps the specific creator of the product compare its product to others. From this the creator of its own product can give himself some positives negatives and improvements about his own product
I need to analyse three existing products because researching these 3 products help compare between other creator´s designs with your own. Comparing other person´s designs help to criticise your own design and add or even take away a few things from your design.
For this specific part of the research plan, the most effective use of a source would be a secondary source deriving specifically from a reliable and trust worthy website within the internet. Some examples of websites would be popular online webs such as amazon.
The products that I will analyse will be accessories that are more or less accomplishable compared to the product I will make. I will have to research actual products where I can criticise them not only in their positives but their negatives as
What colour scheme/theme is ideal for my product?
Source: Will I use primary or secondary sources of information.
For this specific question the best source to use would be a primary source more specifically from a person with professional background . Using a primary source would make the information become more reliable, making the final results of the product more accurate. Having data from a professional experience would not only result the final product but it would also impact the impact it will have on the target audience.
Priority: How important is the information
The priority of this information is really important since this data relies on the attraction the target is going to have towards the technologies accessories display. The importance of this information would be rated around the middle compared to other questions picked within the mind map.
How will I find the information
The information will be found from reliable sources. The individuals researching can find the sources from a variety of different sources such as books, newspapers, articles, reviews and much more. To do this you will have to research information from the closest place you might have to have a look at some books. However to make it more easy, you could go online and find some more information. Going online however risks and lessens the probability of the information being reliable for the engineer to trust on.
Why will I research this information
This research is important to do because the engineer needs to have a very clear idea of what the target audience is willing to buy from the engineer and or company. This information would also be very important for the product to have a very aesthetically pleasing aspect. This would affect the target audience´s attention towards the product
What information do I need to research and successfully make this product
The information that would need to be done in order to make a successful product would be to research the colours that the target audience/ gamers normally prefer to have on an accessibility display product.