"Good Fools"
The good, the bad, the ugly
The Blurred lines
- LFX- juxtaposes the Aston the grief with family/ community
"We are all united grief but stand in it"
- Perspective- selflessness
- Funerals are for the deal but for those left behind
↕ Heartbeat:
- life
- time passing
- Ends with HOPE
- Child like perspective (chairs)
- The memory of Kistjan, he near appears
- Different coloured chairs- the "colours" is personalities and time
- Helena's monologue about being a passenger
- The light "reminds the audience what Aaron doesn't what to think about (LFX on Kate)
- Charactes: Bob, Bill and Nicole
- Drawing on the black board
- Blocking: mad lib
- Actor
"Inner Turmoil"
blocking "mad lib" - speaking in unison Greek Theatre
- Steven
↔Journey: footsteps
- what is left behind ↔
- Script-
characters inner turmoil
- Kristjen
- People's actions
Monique's monologue
Aarons chaotic
- The title exemplifies this
↔Drawings on the black board ↔
↕ heartbeat
- life
- time passing