Rainforest Biome
Plants and animals
How the plants and animals adapt to the rainforest biome
The climate in the rainforest biome goes up to 35C(95f) and can go down to about 16c(60f), the temperature usually stays at 20c(68f) to 25c(77f).
The forest biome is super wet and tropical. Every rainforest has at least 100 inches of rainfall every year
Because of the rainforest super wet and hot climate the plants grow well and fast and it gathers a lot of nutrition to help it grow
Rainforests are located in South America, parts of Africa, China, India and most parts of Indonesia. Australia too!
Most of this places are located very close to the equator which make the climate wet and hot
Because the temperature in the rainforest biome is hot is causes the water to evaporate quickly which then cause a whole lot of rain.
Green anaconda
This animals can be found in swamps in the rainforest biome but mostly in rainforests in Africa. This animal is a type of water boa.
Bullet ant
This deadly animal can be found in many part of the rainforest biome located in south America. This animals has a super strong sting. This animal is a type of ant
Most super dangerous animals live in the rainforest biome.
Lianas are a type of climbing vine found throughout tropical rainforests. They have thick, stems that come in many sizes and different shapes.
The plants in the rainforest biome have to cope with super wet conditions. Most plants have a drip tip in the rainforest to make it easier for the water to get off. These plants have to shed to prevent it from growing fungus and bacteria
Animals adapt to the rainforest almost the same way plants do. Animals in the rainforest are very dangerous to adapt with the life in the rainforest. Most of this animals have very wet skin and can hide well to prevent other animals from killing it. Most animals in the rainforest are reptiles and bug related.
One of the most famous rainforest in the amazon rainforest in brazil. This rainforest is the biggest rainforest in the world!
How can we help the animals in the rainforest
We need to stop cutting down 100,000 acres of everyday
We could use our laptops instead of writing everything down with paper to save the trees
At this rate we will run out of trees in 300 years