♻Acterra & Canopy 🌳
Causes & Dangers ⚠
Players 👥
Advocates for sustainable lifestyles
Social media
Individuals can spread word/advocate using online platforms
Natural disasters
Solutions ✅
Letting trees grow longer
When trees grow longer they often grow bigger, and bigger trees can provide more shade to help slow the warming of Earth
Cities that are working towards becoming more Urban
Reduces CO2 emissions which helps slow global warming
Swapping to more environmentally friendly methods of energy (ex: solar power, hydropower)
Can help plant more trees in a more urban environment,
Planting trees can improve quality of life
Allows trees to grow longer and mature to provide shade and better air quality
Recycling/Reusing/Repurpose/disposing of objects properly
Less need for large-scale production
Less waste
Sea level rising
working to be sustainable in everyday life
Loss of ecosystems and species
Spreading awareness to people who don't believe in climate change
Fires contribute to climate change
Climate change causes fires
Fires can also be human induced
Companies making room for livestock and buildings as population increases and need for things increases
Reduces nature giving off shade and cooling down
Trees being cut down in general before they reach a mature/useful age
Contributes to Global warmning
Have a large impact on general populations
Deforestation contributes to the loss of species when their homes are chopped down
Earthquakes & Hurricanes
Atmosphere "blanket"
reusable products
shorter showers
heat trapped under the greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
low-carbon diets
turning off lights
causes entire neighborhoods and cities, sometimes even countries to lose a large portion of land
Polar ice caps melting
Flooding on islands and coasts
How do policies imact different levels? state level? national level?
trump isn't trying to fix issue, is it the states'/local governments'/individuals' jobs to take action?
local governments?
Other governments
China is taking steps to be morre sustainable since they are top producers of greenhouse gases
Some groups burn down forests/ areas filled with nature to make room for cows since the beef industry is so big right now
poor economic areas, "worse off" neighborhoods
Rebuilding after disasters can be expensive for government and/or citizens
Reduces amount of nature working to better air quality
Financial incentives
sustainability is not cheap
corporations want the "easy way out"
"climate impacts could push an additional 100 million people into poverty by 2030" (World Bank Source)
Non-profits and other local organizations
Local governments
causes communities to be lost/need to be relocated
causes people to lose homes and jobs
Causes oceans to heat up
Causes animals to die off/go extinct as temperatures rise
Is "posting" really action????
If we let trees mature more they help better our air quality
Chop down fewer trees
Players (in general)