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A Thousand Splendid Suns (Chapters 1-10 (3 quotes (1."Your'e…
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Chapters 1-10
- Nana seems to be really upfront and rude to her daughter. She gets so mad at Marium even though its partially her fault for not making it clear that Jalil cannot be see with Marium.
Jalil's chauffer offers to take Marium home because Jalill does not want her there. However, they make up a lie and tell her he is away. So, she decides to wait until Jalil "comes back"
1."Your'e Afraid that I might find the happiness you never had. And you don't want me to be happy" (pg. 18 ch. 5)
- "Of all the daughters I could have, why did God give me an ungrateful one like you?" (pg. 27 ch.5)
- "Why don't you let me drive you home? I'll tell him you were here." (pg. 33 Ch.5)
- Why does Nana get so angry at Marium for her just simply asking Jalil to go to his theatre.
- What would have happened if Marium accepted the ride back home? Would Nana still be alive?"
- Why wont Nana just tell Marium about how Jalil will neglect her and can't be seen with her in public?
- Marium believes that Nana is trying to prevent her from having a good time by keeping her away from Jalil. In actuality, Nana knows what Jalil will do to Marium and is trying to protect her.
Chapters 41-51
3 reflections
Rasheed is arguing with Laila about Aziza and her being a harami. Rasheed knew she was Tariq's child but for some reason never brought it up or did anything about it except for having someone tell Laila Tariq died.
Mariam went into the shed and took out a shovel in order to stop Rasheed from strangling Laila. She realizes that this is the first time she makes a decision about her own life with Rasheed by killing him with the shovel.
Laila is wishing that her parents were able to see the outcome of Kabul that they wanted. She relates it to Jalil's letter to Mariam that she never got but was the outcome of what she once wanted.
3 questions
How do you think the outcome of the story would have changed if Mariam never tried to stop Rasheed from strangling Laila?
"'AND YOU DIDN'T LIE TO ME?' Rasheed roared. 'You think I didn't figure it out? About your harami?'" (Hosseini 337)
"And so Mariam raised the shovel high, raised it as high as she could, arching it so it touched the small of her back. She turned it so that the sharp edge was vertical, and, as she did, it occurred to her that this was the first time that she was deciding the course of her own life" (Hosseini 349)
"Laila wishes Mammy and Babi were alive to see these changes. But, like Jalil's letter, Kabul's penance has arrived too late." (Hosseini 410)
Chapters 11-20
This is showing that Babi is really caring for Laila. It shows that its a routine by telling us he does it every night. On the other hand, Laila had said that Mammy usually stayed in her room, showing that she didn't show this kind of care to Laila.
This is yet another example, of how Babi is a good parent. He cares for Laila and sees a future in her. Mammy only sees a future in her sons.
Mariam has lost another six babies since the one in the bathouse. Why is this continuing to happen? Also, this is making Rasheed dislike Mariam because he can't have a son.
How can you see Marium and Laila becoming tied in together later on in the story? Will it be a positive or negative outcome?
Why is Mammy pretending like her two sons were all that she had and is continuing to pretend like Laila does not have a future?
"Every night after dinner, Babi helped Laila with her homework and gave her some of his own" (pg. 135 ch.18)
"You can be anything you want, Laila. I know this about you. And I also know that when this war is over, Afghanistan is going to need you as much as its men, maybe even more." (pg. 114 ch.16)
"In the four years since the day at the bathouse, there had been six more cycles of hopes raised then, dashed, each loss, each collapse, each trip to the doctor more crushing for Mariam than the last." (pg.99 ch.15)
Chapters 21-30
3 reflections
This is what Babi used to describe Kabul when he found out they were moving to another place. Kabul was really important to him. He was a teacher there and also became a father and raised his family there.
This is a really sad part of the book, right before this event, Babi was described wearing this shirt. Now, we were just described an explosion going off and Laila sees A chunk of flesh with Babi's shirt on it.
This quote shows that Mammy still does care for Laila. Considering she decided to change her decision on staying in Kabul because of this, we know that Laila must be important to her.
3 questions
What could have happened if Laila agreed to get married with Tariq before he left and went with him?
If Mammy had not been so stubborn about staying in Kabul, what outcomes could have happened?
"One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs, Or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls" (Hosseini 192)
"The last thing she was aware of was seeing something thud to the ground nearby. A bloody chunk of something. On it, the tip of a red bridge poking through thick fog." (Hosseini 194)
"After Giti's death, and the thousands of rounds fired and myriad rockets that had fallen on Kabul, it was the sight of that single round hole in the gate, less than three fingers away from where Laila's head had been, that shook Mammy awake" (Hosseini 189)
Chapters 31-40
3 reflections
Mariam still loves Jalil even after what he did to her. It is his fault she is stuck with Rasheed in Kabul in the first place, yet she hopes he is still safe.
Mariam is finally realizing the sacrifices and effort Nana had gone through to raise Mariam. Now, Mariam reflects on what she did to Nana and wishes she would have treated her better now that she understands the struggles.
This shows how much Rasheed really still wants a boy. The fist thing he did was go pray for one. This is showing how much he really cares about Laila or Mariam.
3 questions
Why dont' you think Raheed is questioning Aziza's odd features that don't match his or Laila's? Do you think he will eventually confront Laila about it?
"She (Mariam) hoped Jalil was somewhere safe, that he'd managed to get away from all of this killing." (Hosseini 253)
"Mariam saw now the sacrifices a mother made... She thought ruefully of Nana, of the sacrifices that she too had made. Nana, who could have given her away, or tossed her in a ditch somewhere and run." (Hosseini 287)
"It was this story that was circling in Laila's head after she gave Rasheed the news about the baby. He had immediately hopped on his bicycle, ridden to a mosque, and prayed for a boy." (Hosseini 228)
Final thoughts
"Mariam saw now the sacrifices a mother made... She thought ruefully of Nana, of the sacrifices that she too had made. Nana, who could have given her away, or tossed her in a ditch somewhere and run." (Hosseini 287)
"One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs, Or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls" (Hosseini 192)
"And so Mariam raised the shovel high, raised it as high as she could, arching it so it touched the small of her back. She turned it so that the sharp edge was vertical, and, as she did, it occurred to her that this was the first time that she was deciding the course of her own life" (Hosseini 349)
I normally would not have read a book like this by myself, this wasn't really the type of genre i'm into. Despite that, I'm still glad I read it. I actually learned about culture in Afghanistan and the history behind it. In this book specifically, I realized how poorly women were treated and how terrible the world can be.
How do you think the outcome of the story would have played out if Tariq had never showed back up? Chapter 41-51
How do you think the outcome of the story would have changed if Mariam never tried to stop Rasheed from strangling Laila? Chapter 41-51