Chapter 42,"After the fire, Rasheed was home almost everyday, He slapped Aziza. He kicked, Mariam. He threw things. He found fault with Laila, the way she smelled, the way she dressed, the way she combed her hair, her yellowing teeth" (Hosseini 304)
Due to Rahseed losing his job because of the fire he was in, he took all his shame and guilt on all the women in the house. Even since Aziza was a baby, he would miss treat her only because she was a girl. You can tell gender roles were things back then that happened whether people knew it or not.
When Laila punches Rasheed, what is his response?
Chapter 46,"'When they do, they'll find you as guilty as me. Tariq too.I wont have the two of you living on the run, like fugitives. What will happen to your children if you're caught?"(Hosseini 358)
This shows that since Mariam killed Rasheed , she is debating whether she should turn herself in. The reason why is because she does not want Laila and Tariq and their kids to be on the run all their lives. She is sacrificing her life for theirs . This also shows how their society is based and how it works.
Chapter 50,"It is a good life,Laila tells herself, a life to be thankful for.It is, in fact, Precisely the sort of life she used to dream for herself in her darkest days with Rasheed. Everday, Laila reminds herself of this." (Hossieini 388
Laila is trying to make herself feel better for leaving the country and letting Mariam sacrifice her own life for them. She Of course feels guilty but they are trying to do the right thing by leaving the Country for America. At the end of the day, this is the better thing for all of her family to do.