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Walking in Step with The Holy Spirit 28 September 2019 (7 Keys to…
Walking in Step with The Holy Spirit
28 September 2019
Lagu itu menentukan musim apa yg akan kita embrace. Tuhan ingin kobarkan lagu di hati kita.
Ephesians 5:16-19 (NLT), when be filled with the Holy Spirit there will be 3 things:
Three Types of Singing
Psalms - Declrar His Word
Hymns - Declare His Works
Spiritual Songs - Declare His Will
Sticking together in the churches and in this nation.
Pohon Cedar, mirip pohon Sequoia, humming tree, pohon ini easily flammable, fire for the Lord.
God not called us to run alone, but together. God called people run alongside with you. Kata yg hilang adalah honor. Proverbs 10:11, bibir orang benar adalah mata air kehidupan. Biarlah bibirku menjadi mata air kehidupan bagi orang lain.
Keeper of my heart. Make my heart Your home.
Di GGA faith storynya luar biasa.
Ralph and Patty
Galatia 5:25
Romans 8:14 ASV led by the Spirit of God
Ephesians 5:15-16 AMP look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully, worthily and accurately.
1 Samuel 3:1-3 (NKJV)
7 Keys to Advancement
Samuel ministered to the Lord
1 Samuel 3:1 AMP, learn to ministered to the Lord.
Samuel ministered to The Lord before Eli.
Belajarlah untuk menjadi Pelayan Tuhan. Bisa terjadi kerinduan kita melayani orang lain lebih besar daripada kita melayani Tuhan.
Kita bisa aja membangun gereja besar tanpa Tuhan. Ingat Menara Babel? Mereka bisa membangun karena ada kesatuan dan komunikasi yg bagus, tapi tanpa Tuhan.
Komunikasi kita ke Tuhan adalah kekuatan kita.
Lot of elpeople are familiar with God than intimacy with God.
Kita melayani Tuhan, seperti Samuel ditaruh menghadapi Eli yg defektif yg gak becus ngurusin keluarga, kita akan diperhadapkan orang-orang yg defektif.
Ada orang-orang yg sudah gak melayani Tuhan, jawabannya selalu sama, karena dia (menunjuk orang lain), menunjukkan dia allow other people affect their calling.
Samuel tidak ijinkan orang-orang di sekelilingnya berdampak terhadap hubungan dan pelayanannya kepada Tuhan.
Dont let any of those things stop us to serve the Lord.
What is Intimacy?
It consists of these Four elements
Security - I am loved unconditionally
Self-Worth - I am important in this relationship
Sensitivity - I want to sense & meet your needs
Sharing - I want to spend time with you
Pelayanan yg lahir dari keintiman dengan Tuhan. Orang akan tertarik bukan kepada kita tapi kepada Yesus.
Belajar membangun keintiman dengan Tuhan.
How are you? How is your relationship with the Lord?
Process of Vision
Di-Vision (die vision, every Vision of God has to die)
Provision (attract)
Tele-Vision (being broadcasting)
Resting in the Presence of the Lord
1 Samuel 3:2-3 NIV, Eli was lying down in his bed, but Samuel was lying down in the temple of The Lord, where the ark of God was.
Samuel learn to rest in the presence of the Lord.
We must learn to rest in the Lord.
Klo keluar dari kesibukan, akan sulit akurat. Senjata terbesar melawan musuh adalah rest (fisik dan rohani).
Minister to people out of rest.
Hati-hati, jangan karena compassion moved by people needs, trus mau ngomong ke mereka padahal Tuhan sendiri blom ngomong apapun. Tidak keluar dari rest in God. Dont try to make something happen and please people.
1 Kings 17:8-10 NKJV, This lady is so self-conscious with her life sampai tidak bisa dengar suara Tuhan. Karena sebelumnya Tuhan sudah ngomong ke wanita ini untuk provide nabiNya.
Move from self-consciousness to God-conscioiensess.
Three Blockage to her hearing
Loss of hope
Man Mentors, but God Matures
1 Samuel 3:4-9 NIV
Minta orang lain yg sudah lebih maju untuk mementor aku. Bahkan berada dekat dengan mereka kita bisa catch annointingnya.
Your best friend is comfortable with your past
Your mentor is comfortable with your future
Your best friend ignores your weakness
Your mentor removes your weakness
Your best friend is your cheerleader
Your mentor is your coach
Kita butuh orang2 di hidup kita untuk membantu kita bisa mendengar suara Tuhan lebih jelas. Bawa dirimu dalam kebersamaan.
Dont minister alone, get somebody else, yg pendengarannya lebih tajam dg Tuhan.
Obedient Hearing
1 Samuel 3:10 AMP, Your servant is listening, hearing with the intent to obey.
Revelation 3:20 NKJV
I stand at the door and knock (attention)
If anyone (opportunity)
hears (spiritual perception)
My voice (recognition)
and opens the door (response)
I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me (fellowship)
Basic, God begin with a language that we are familiar with (simple yes or no, etc). As we learn to obey and grow, God start speaks with intimacy.
God, whatever You say, I am ready to obey.
Tuhan hadir di mana ada ketaatan. Kekuatannya itu ada di dalam ketaatan.
Before you make to do list, first you need to make the list who you want to become.
Four Forms of Energy
Physical Energy
Emotional Energy
Mental/Creative Energy
Spiritual Energy
Semua tanki ini connected, tidak ada energy yg lebih baik dari yg lain. Maintain keempat tanki ini daily. Klo ini tidak diisi semua, we will miss what God is gonna doing.
I gotta create system, habit, learn that I can do daily that will make sure these tanks full.
Our Personal Dials to keep myself healthy:
How are they doing?
Where are they going?
What will I do?
What can I do?
How much do I make?
What did I do wrong/right?
Do I need to let go?
Do I need to invite new ones?
Am I walking by faith?
Has my faith capacity grown?
Who are my mentors?
Do I need to invite new ones?
Am I happy? Where will I be?
Fear of Lord
Are you growing in fear of the Lord?
John Wesley setiap 7 tahun sekali dia bakar khotbahnya
Proper Timing
1 Samuel 3:15 NIV
Learn to discern the proper timing of God.
Orang dengan karunia profetik akan menyampaikan pesan profetik untuk present time, seperti orang mengantar surat, kasih dan bye.
Beda dengan orang yg ada di karunia jawatan Nabi, akan berbicara profetik mengenai becomingnya orang tersebut dan akan bicara korporat.
Maturing is a Process
1 Smuel 3:19 NIV
The whole maturing is a process.
1 Corinthians 13:11 AMP when I was a child ...
Seven Stages of Growth
Brephos - new born babe 9 (1 Peter 2:2)
Nepios - child, untaught, unskilled
Paidon - little child, learning
Teknon - child of (jewish culture, 12 yr old)
Huios - son, own identity
Teleios - mature, full of age
Pater - Father
Allow the Lord to Establish and Confirm You
1 Samuel 3:20-21 AMP
There will be evidences.