envt: high air, land & water pollution due to lack of enforcement of legislation to protect the envt ---> land zonation: concentration of heavy industries into one area so that air pollution is kept to one area and does not spread as quickly to other areas and affect other people; new industrial estates provide business premises and job opportunities, encourages people from unlicensed businesses to take up jobs here instead, where emissions are now regulated. sanitation: poor sanitation, lack of access to water, electricity & proper sewerage , as many ppl live in makeshift homes. housing: 40% of the people lice in shanty towns or makeshift homes due to rapid pop growth, govt is unable to keep up with the infrastructure improvements needed in favelas ---> Cingapura scheme, where slums are rebuilt in to high-rise / mid-rise flats w proper infrastructure in place. transport: ^ volume of traffic on poorly maintained roads inconveniences people and contributes heavily to air pollution, due to lack of planning, thus space constraints ---> underground metro system, and new roads, trains, buses brought about to improve connectivity in the area, central business district was pedestrianed & parking restrictions imposed to reduce vehicular traffic in crowded areas. Rising COL: due to unemployment, as ppl have low levels of education and thus can only take on menial jobs in the informal sector that pay them the bare minimum ---> new industrial estates offer employment for the people, w possibly higher pay, leading to eased social mobility of the people