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Danaher Kimura System Overview (Figure Four Kimura (Hand in Front (Switch…
Danaher Kimura System Overview
Figure Four Kimura
Hand in Front
Employ Legs
Cross Kimura
Switch Position Submission System
Juji Gatame
Switch Position
T Kimura
Back Mount
Dorsal Kimura
Head and Arm Kimura
Hand Behind
Top Position
Establish Top Power Line
Figure Four Kimura
Bottom Position
Establish Bottom Power Line
Disc 8: Butterfly Guard Bottom - Trimura
Pronated 2 on 1:
Left hand grips opponent's right forearm and passes wrist to right hand. Left hand cups behind opponent's right elbow. Pull opponent's right hand to your right hip to cover weakness of your grips. Bring your head to opponent's right shoulder.
Place left foot on right hip. Sit back and secure trap triangle.
(This is Danaher's favorite setup)
Trap Triangle
Hantai Sankaku
Trimura from Hantai Sankaku:
Secure 2 on grip on opponent's right arm and hold against your chest. Use your lefts to drive opponent's head to your right and arm behind your left thigh. Push opponent's right arm with your right hand and then pass off to left hand. Grip opponent's right wrist with your left hand.
Secure right collar tie and unlock feet . Turn off opponent's shoulders and shift your hips to the left. invert your left knee and grab your left shin with your right hand. Pull left ankle over opponent's shoulder. Heel must be in front of shoulder to control head. Relock your feet in figure four.
Opponent Hides Wrist
Put points of your shoulders and elbows go on the mat. Lift hips to expose opponent's right wrist. Secure right wrist grip with your left hand, Drop your hips and lock figure four kimura. Bring opponen'ts elbow to your armpit and pull to finish.
Trimura from Trap Triangle
Secure 2 on grip on opponent's right arm and hold against your chest. Use your legs to drive opponent's head to your right and arm behind your left thigh. Push opponent's right arm with your right hand and then pass off to left hand. Grip opponent's right wrist with your left hand.
Secure right collar tie and unlock feet . Turn off opponent's shoulders and hips to to the right. Invert your right knee so your right heel points at the ceiling. Relock your feet, Left shin should be behind opponent's head.
Lock figure four and finish trimura.
Supinated 2 on 1:
Left hand grips opponent's right elbow and moves across your center line.
Secure thumbless supinated grip with your right hand pinning opponent's knuckles against your chest.
Place left foot on right hip. Sit back and secure trap triangle.
Opponent secures right collar tie. Secure left hand overtie. Drop your right knee on the floor to avoid torreandor. Right hand grips under opponent's right elbow.
Place left foot on right hip. Sit back and secure trap triangle.
Bicep tie 2 on 1:
Opponent secures right hand bicep tie on your left arm. Cup opponent's right elbow with your left hand. Right hand chops at crease of opponent's right elbow.
Place left foot on right hip. Sit back and secure trap triangle.
Elbow and Wrist:
Opponent frames on your left shoulder with right hand. Drop right knee to the ground. Cup opponent's right elbow with your left hand. Right hand secure wrist grip on opponent's left arm and pins to the ground.
Place both feet on the hip. Sit back and secure trap triangle.
Disc 6: Closed Guard Bottom
Closed Guard Kimura, Knee Pull Setup:
From closed guard and opponent has double bicep ties. Pommel your hands to inside position. Take two on one grip on opponent’s left hand and push opponent’s left hand down to your waist. Now take thumb grip and secure opponent’s left hand against your right hip with your right hand. Perform a knee pull for your left to bring your opponent forward onto your chest. This takes your opponent’s head away from the path you need to sit up. Sit up to your right elbow and nothings should be in your path. Slide left hand behind opponent’s left arm and secure false grip, then switch to figure four. Lie back down on your back.
Opponent grip inside of thigh with left hand.
Grapevine your legs around your opponent’s both legs and extend to destabilize his balance. Then move your hips off the floor to pop opponent’s left hand out. Put right foot on floor and Invert left knee so sole of foot points to ceiling. Take right leg over opponent’s back and lock feet together. Move your head away from your opponent’s head so your head, opponent’s elbow, opponent’s shoulder and opponent’s head are in one line. Should be lying on your left shoulder and hip. Take opponent’s left elbow to your left armpit. Extend and bridge to lift your hips off the floor. Small pull with left arm to finish pull kimura.
Closed Guard Kimura, Wrist Control Power Prop Setup:
From closed guard and opponent has double bicep ties. Pommel your hands to inside position. Secure left collar tie and right bicep tie, followed by knee pull. Once opponent's left hand is on floor, switch right hand to wrist control on opponent’s left wrist and prop up on right elbow. Elbow prop makes it difficult for opponent to push you down. Make sure your head is in front of your right elbow. Now you can sit up and insert left pull arm, then secure figure four grip.
Closed Guard Kimura, Head Pass Setup:
Secured inside position with arms. Left collar tie and right bicep tie. Switch right hand to opponent’s left ear. Open your guard and push opponent to left with your right hand. Bring your left arm over opponent’s left shoulder. Now right elbow goes inside opponent’s left elbow to create space Go over the top and weave through with your left arm. Palm your right forearm with your left hand Move body to your right, invert your left knee, lock right foot over back Now switch to figure four grip. Keep your hands inside your right thigh.
Disc 4: Top Side Control
Opponent has hands tombstone position
Elbow Penetration Method:
Start in side control on your opponent’s right side. Slip your left wrist under your opponent’s left elbow. Right hand should block opponent’s right hip. Base on your right hand and walk over to north south. Slip flattened hand under left elbow as much as you can. Then curl fingers down on opponent’s stomach and bring left elbow forward. Then drive with entire body towards opponent’s opposite right hip, pushing with your legs. Once opponent back off the floor, switch left hand to palm up grip. Then take knees off the ground driving on feet, hips switching to face opponent’s head. Place heel of right hand over opponent’s left wrist and push hand forward. Now insert left hand under opponent's left elbow and switch to false palm up grip. Now lock figure four grip in dorsal kimura position.
Dorsal Kimura
Dorsal Kimura (Disc 2)
Hands Locked in front
Arm based methods
Hand to Hand grip, loose elbow
Release figure four, place your left pull hand to your chest, pull and pinch opponent’s left elbow to your chest. Post your right push hand on the ground and slide your right shin over your opponent’s right bicep.
Grip Break: Relock figure four with hands. Use wedge of your shin to pin bottom hand. Lift opponent’s left arm up. Then put knuckles behind the back.
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Hand to Hand grip, tight elbow
Release figure four, place your left pull hand to your chest, pull and pinch opponent’s left elbow to your chest. Slide right hand between opponent’s arms and palm his top thigh. Lever your right elbow outwards to create space between opponent’s bottom elbow and ribs. slide your right shin over your opponent’s right bicep.
Inner thigh grip
Release figure four, place your left pull hand to your chest, pull and pinch opponent’s left elbow to your chest. Use right push hand, palm up and grab all four knuckles of opponent’s left hand and peel off grip. Keep knuckle grip and move opponent’s hand behind his back with open hands. Left pull hand should have fingers up so the opponent’s elbow doesn’t slip out. Right push hand climbs up wrist without losing contact. Lock figure four once hand is behind back.
Pants / Gi Grip
Break work in opposite direction of clothing grip. Pull hand all the way to the right, then take elbow over the shoulder line with opponent’s hand far from torso. Must be high or opponent can regrip pants, hands or thigh. Place knuckles behind scapula.
Bicep Slicer Alternative:
Get your left wrist higher than opponent’s forearm and curl over forearm. First secure elbow to elbow grip. Then, lift opponent’s shoulder off ground and grip opponent’s left shoulder with your left hand. Move your hips to kimura power line initially. Place head on ground, then walk your hips to the left side of your opponent’s body (left side). Push off your feet and lift with the arms to finish the bicep slicer
Legs based Methods
Seated Cross Kimura:
Get up on right foot and tilt weight to left. Step over opponent’s body with right leg. Make sure your right thigh goes over your right hand. Hand should fit into crook of your knee. Sit down onto butt and cross your feet. Squeeze inwards with your right thigh to reinforce your right hand to put opponent’s hand behind back for the break.
Supine Cross Kimura:
Opponent will often come up onto knees Maintain grips and just continue to finish cross kimura with arms and legs.
Kneeling Cross Kimura:
Opponent might also roll forward Maintain grips and just continue to finish cross kimura with arms and legs.
Get up on right foot and tilt weight to left. Step over opponent’s body with right leg with figure floor grip maintained. Unlock figure four, palm your right thigh with left hand. Base with your right hand on the floor Start turning your hips to the left to break opponent’s grips. Hamstring curl and close left leg against back of opponent’s head. Extend right leg forward so crook of right knee should catch opponent’s left hand and separate hands. Use additional hip turn for breaking pressure and pull with left elbow.
Slide right shin over opponent’s bottom right bicep. Opponent relocks hands around your right leg. Thread right arm through elbow to elbow. Place left forearm on floor and flatten opponent with chest and stomach. Bring feet off floor and swivel them to your left doing double hamstring curls. Fall onto your left hip and relock figure four grip
Yoko Sankaku:
Go back onto your knees and lock yoko sankaku (right foot inside crook of left knee). Pull opponent’s right elbow or wrist with your right hand for a tighter triangle. Back heel to finish Yoko Sankaku
Unable to finish Yoko Sankaku and opponent’s hands unlocked.
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Unable to finish Yoko Sankaku and opponent’s hands locked
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Not confident of balance for Leg Based Methods
3 quarter Juji Gatame
Switch from left elbow deep grip to right elbow elbow deep grip. Place left hand on ground and switch feet to the right. Place right foot near head to cross face and wedge left shin close to opponent’s armpit Immediately relock kimura grip. Thread left leg through to 3 quarter juji (on right side of opponent’s face) and cross right foot over left and back heel.
Omote Sankaku
: opponent turns in and tries to get up on knees. Cup opponent’s right elbow with left hand and finish omote sankaku from guard
Switch to Back Control:
Place your chin to the elbow. Turn left hand palm up. Walk behind opponent to the left. Post right hand behind opponent’s head and walk legs in semi circle and drive forward with chest. Wedge right knee behind shoulders and place head behind their head so you’re ear to ear. Lock kimura grip over head Chair sit and pull opponent towards you. Pass left foot over body, and hook foot into far hip, tilt to left on left hip and free right foot from under opponent.
Rear Naked Strangle
Fall onto left side and lock body triangle. Double straight grips, pass off opponent’s right hand to your left and secure cross grips. Trap right arm with right leg, secure left one on one. Finish rear naked strangle
Ushiro Sankaku
Stay seated and use right foot to kick and separate arms. Slide right foot into opponent’s right armpit. Release kimura grip and pull opponent’s left elbow to your sternum with elbow deep grip. Cobra grip: right hand bring’s opponent’s left knuckles to chest with palm up grip Sit back and kink legs. Lock initial triangle and hand assist to adjust, place left shoelaces behind opponent’s back. Finish Ushiro Sankaku
Hands Unlocked in front
Arm Behind Back: Pull elbow up to your armpit. Move hand behind back with knuckles up to scapula muscle.
Transition to Side Kimura: Windshield wiper feet to the left, then move right foot only out to the right and lift left knee off the ground. Turn to a perpendicular angle. Place chin over opponent’s elbow in front of shoulder, chest to ribs. Take your right elbow over opponent’s left hip and onto the ground.
Opponent turns their left elbow to the ground
Apply Elbow Penetration Method to the opposite right elbow.
Opponent's Hand Above Chest
Supinated Wrist Grip Method:
Start in side control on opponent’s right side, both hands over torso. Bring right hand towards your chest and slide under opponent’s left wrist and obtain supinated grip. Opponent’s left wrist must be under chest using chest as a wedge. Place left wrist under opponent’s left elbow and pull opponent into dorsal kimura position and lock figure four grip
Opponent's Hand Below Chest
Pronated Wrist Grip Method:
Start in side control on opponent’s right side, both hands over torso. Opponent will often try to underhook with left arm to escape. Best to retract right hand to opponent’s right hip to block. Move your left elbow close to opponent’s left elbow will make it difficult for him to use underhook, wedging his left side of body. Obtain pronated grip on opponent’s left wrist with right arm when they attempt to underhook. Lift opponent’s left wrist with right hand but keep chest to chest. This creates a little space under left elbow for you to slip left wrist in without allowing opponent to move a lot. Lift into dorsal position.
Opponent obtains far side underhook
Disc 6: Top Kesa Gatame
Maintain elbow grip with left hand on near side left elbow. Surrender the head by lifting right elbow over opponent’s head and clamp over his right shoulder. Step forward rolling onto right shoulders, piking up hips and base on head. Must have higher hips than opponent’s and balance your body on his rib cage. Lock figure four kimura on opponent’s left arm. Scissor and float legs over opponent to end up in reverse side control on the other side while maintaining kimura grip. Finish side kimura
Disc 5: Top Butterfly Guard
Kneeling Passing
Thumb post with both hands on shoulders in inside position. Then move right knee up to opponent’s hip. Switch right hand to collar tie and left hand to tricep grip. Rise up on right foot to get a head height advantage. Aim for your armpit to be above crown of opponent’s head.
Opponent Extends Arms
Pull on right hand collar tie and bring elbow over center of opponent’s back. Try to get elbow to elbow and do a front roll over right shoulder. Lock kimura grip after completing the roll through and finish in a T Kimura position
T Kimura
Opponent Keeps Arms Tight
Push with right collar tie to make opponent base on right hand.
Opponent Doesn't Base with right hand
Flatten to a head quarters position. Post left hand over opponent’s right hand. Rise up to shoot right elbow over center line of opponent’s back and front roll through. Finish in a T kimura position
Opponent Bases with right hand
Post left hand over opponent’s right hand. Rise up to shoot right elbow over center line of opponent’s back and front roll through. Finish in a T kimura position.
Standing Passing
Utilize flanking, push and pull tactics to get lead right foot into inside position
Opponent obtains elbow deep grip on right leg
Post both hands on shoulders and shuck opponent’s head to your left with your right forearm (away from your knee). This exposes your opponent’s left elbow. Right hand grips opponent’s left wrist and left elbow shoots into hole with elbow deep grip. Tuck elbow through and roll onto left shoulder. End up in a T kimura on the opposite side
Grip opponent’s right wrist with left hand, place right knee on opponent’s right hip and front roll through to a T kimura
Disc 5 & 8: Top Turtle Guard
In turtle on opponent’s left side. Place head over opponent’s head and obtain left one on one grip.. Can also feed the grip from other hand if difficult to reach. Grip at knuckle line and not wrist. Pin the hand to their chest so they can’t pummel it out. Start turning to your right so your perpendicular to opponent and up on left foot. Right hand grips opponent left hand as well for 2 on 1 grip. Continue to rotate to the right and left knee steps over opponent’s head. Lift the left hand and lever behind back. Left elbow should rest on opponent’s left tricep providing a fulcrum point. Once hand is behind back slide right forearm under elbow so right hand palms opposite right shoulder and the crook of your right elbow is on the crook of your opponent’s left elbow. This locks the left arm in place behind the back
Kimura's Kimura:
Slide left arm over back with elbow to elbow grip to switch “bar arms.” Most important that your left forearm form a bar perpendicular over opponent’s back. Switch to a kimura grip with right push arm and left pull arm. Use kimura grip to move opponent’s hand behind spine. Push on kimura grip to break opponent down to left side.
Opponent Doesn't base with right hand
Side Kimura
Opponent bases with right hand
Yoko Sankaku Entry:
Step left leg over opponent’s head with left calf in opponent’s right armpit. Make sure to back heel so your left foot is close to opponent’s head. Now fall backwards and then roll to the left onto your left hip while maintaining kimura grip. Secure trap yoko sankaku.
Olympic Bar:
Knees should be around opponent’s head. Place left hand on ground and turn opponent down to dorsal position with right arm olympic bar. Once broken down, make sure your right arm is elbow to elbow to prevent opponent from locking their hands
Opponent Doesn't base with right hand
Dorsal Kimura
Disc 8:
Kneeling Back Crucifix:
Opponent in bottom turtle and you are on right right side. Secure one on one grip with left arm. Insert left knee behind opponent's right tricep. Sweep your right leg in front of opponent's right arm connecting heel with your left knee. Back heel to lift and extend arm.
Legs Kimura Set Up:
Pass off the arm to your left leg by continuing to hyperextend arm with right leg to put breaking pressure. Place right hand on the ground and kick your right leg back. Opponent will swim arm inside and you can catch the right arm in the crease of your left knee.
Turn your body parallel with your opponent heads facing same direction. Sit on your opponent' right arm with your hips.
Legs Kimura Near Side Leg Grip:
Scoop opponent's right leg with your left hand. Invert and roll onto your back perpendicular with your opponent. (make sure to do a hamstring curl with your left leg so your opponent can't extend left arm to escape). Kick your right leg forward to move opponent's hand behind his back and rolling him onto his back.
Switch hands scopping opponent's right hamstring with your right hand and secure reverse underhook with your left arm. Palm opponent's left thigh with your right hand to pin his hips.
Legs Kimura Wrist Grip:
Catch opponent's right wrist with your left hand. Invert and roll onto your back perpendicular with your opponent. Kick your right leg forward to move opponent's hand behind his back and rolling him onto his back.
Make sure to head your head in front of opponent's head so he can't sit up to avoid breaking pressure.
Switch hands cupping opponent's right tricep with your right hand and secure reverse underhook with your left arm.
Legs Kimura Breaking Mechanics:
Get up on your knees and turn to face opponent. Must lift hips and turn to face opponent to finish legs kimura with proper rotation. Do not stay facing opponent's hips to finish
Opponent's is able to sit up to avoid breaking pressure.
Supine Back Crucifix:
Release the grip on your opponent's wrist with your left hand. Lock a seatbelt grip and secure back crucifix.
Disc 7: Double Leg standing
Double Leg with head on your right hip
Opponent able to put your hands to the floor before you can lock kimura grip
Bottom Turtle Guard
Disc 7: Turtle Guard Bottom
Opponent has seat belt (and is on your right side)
Convert Seat Belt to False Grip:
In bottom turtle and opponent has a seat belt and is on your right side. Place your left primary hand by your right clavicle to anticipate the right arm strangle. As opponent attempts to lock seat belt, turn your chin down to the ground to direct right wrist to your left hand. Once you get wrist control, climb up for height and insert right arm false grip on opponent’s right arm.
Disc 4: Top Half Guard
One handed kimura pass:
In half guard with your right leg entangled Best way to shut down underhook is to switch your base to your left hip and face opponent’s legs and put your left elbow over opponent’s left elbow and your head over his hips. Make sure you are on your left toes to prevent opponent from bridging into you. Access wrist with pronated grip from right hand and obtain figure four grip. Switch to one handed kimura right hand feeing your left hand first by opening your right elbow to give space to enter. Left hand gripping at knuckles to put bend in the wrist using no thumb grip on knuckle line. Place right hand on floor for base and hike opponent’s left elbow to shoulder line V grip opponent’s right knee with your right hand. Scoot hips out and wedge against opponent’s right hip with your left knee. Post with v grip on opponent’s left thigh with your right hand and extract right leg. Hold one handed kimura and right scoop grip to prevent opponent from coming up into you. Place right hand on ground and switch hips to face opponent. Switch back to figure four kimura
Side Kimura
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Rolling Half Guard pass to T Kimura
:: In half guard with your right leg entangled. Opponent comes up on left underhook. Place chin over elbow to make underhook less effective. Place left elbow over opponent’s left elbow. Secure figure four kimura with pronated wrist grip. Place head on ground close to opponent’s left elbow. Tripod up on feet to free knee and insert left foot between opponent’s legs to free right knee line. Roll across opponent’s body to T kimura position.
T Kimura
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Opponent props up on elbow to underhook
Half Guard Attacking Power Prop:
In half guard with your right leg entangled and opponent comes up on left underhook with right elbow on floor (power prop). Risky to obtain kimura on left underhook arm as there is back exposure. However, can attack a kimura on the right propping arm. Must first free your right knee by placing right hand on opponent’s left hip and get up on right foot and shift hips to knee cut pass position. Grip opponent’s right wrist with your left hand and place your head over his right elbow Use your head to push down opponent’s head. Snake right pull arm through and float over opponent’s torso with legs rolling to a t kimura. Can use your left foot to kick against legs to free right leg if necessary.
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Opponent's hands locked
Opponent's hands unlocked
Opponent has body lock (and is on your right side)
Inside Arm Roll Through:
aim to control opponent’s (right) wrist with your left hand) Use blade of (right) wrist to expose an elbow, similar to heel hook. Use it to draw elbow forward to make space to insert false grip of right arm. Base on floor with left hand to prevent face planting Get up on left foot and push off to perform a forward roll over right shoulder.
Opponent doesn't insert hooks
Scissor your legs to float over opponent to top side control Keep body weight on opponent and hips high so opponent can’t turn in
Opponent Stays Flat
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Opponent Turns In
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Opponent inserts hooks
Prevent opponent from getting hips above your hips by controlling and staying tight to his elbow.
Also keep your knees tight to your chest. Utilize leg pummeling to disentangle your legs with hands and feet. Then use instep of right foot to kick legs to the floor.
Leg Pummel to Rear Ashi
Knee bar
Opponent has tight waist grip with outside arm
Shallow tight waist
Push hand to your hip pocket and stand and turn into opponent
Neutral Standing Position
Tight waist elbow not accessible
Fat man roll:
secure wrist to wrist on outside arm pinning to your hip.extend your inside leg and base on your head. Roll on a forward diagonal to top side control. If your opponent comes up on an underhook, attack side kimura on the underhook arm
Deep tight waist with elbow exposed
Standing Kimura:
Hook the elbow with your wrist similar to digging for a heel hook. Lock figure four on inside arm, stand up placing inside leg, and turn into opponent and force them down to side kimura.
(The above is highly effective if you want but safer to sit to half guard to finish. )
Double Leg Kimura Sumi Gaeshi:
Want to attack kimura on the long arm. Short arm is the same side head is on (left). Long extended arm is in this case the right arm.
Turn your head towards opponent (right) long arm so being to be perpendicular with your your right knee close to opponent's right hip. Lock figure four grip and pull opponent's right hand to your hip.
(Pulling hand to the hip makes it more difficult to finish the double leg.)
Take a step forward with your left foot to square up with opponent. Sit back to sumi gaeshi and kick with right leg to bring over.
Scissor legs and come up to a side kimura
Side Kimura
Disc 5 & 6: Single Leg Down the Mat
in single leg on the mat with opponent gripping your right leg. Prop up on left foot right away and sag on right hip against opponent. Grip opponent's right wrist with left hand, bring your head over opponent’s head. Punch through with the right pull arm and lock kimura grip. As opponent continues to angle, sit on your right hip and extend your right leg to break his grip (similar to sit though motion). Pull and lift with kimura grip and fall into t kimura position.
T Kimura
Opponent Peaks Out
Place your left hand on the ground but maintain your right arm false grip over opponent’s right arm. Prop up on left foot outwards. Tuck head and roll through. While opponent is below you, scissor and float your legs to the other side of his body to reverse side control. Lock figure four kimura on opponent’s right arm using pronated wrist grip method. If opponent comes up onto knees, using sumi gaeshi roll pushing off left foot, elevating with right hook and pulling on kimura to put opponent on back. Right knee should be on the outside of opponent’s right hip. Finish in a T Kimura
Disc 6 & 7: Half Guard Bottom
In half guard with low knee shield, opponent's right leg entangled. Cross shoulder post with left arm - elbow on right shoulder, left hand on left shoulder. Right hand bicep tie on left arm
Establish right hand wrist control and come up to right elbow in power prop with head in front of elbow.
Don’t try to go over the shoulder with the left arm
Instead move more to your right so your head is to the right of opponent’s left arm.
Left arm false grip and then figure four. Shift your hips to the right so your figure four touches your right hip. Attempt to place hand behind back.
unable to free hand
Convert to Full Guard Kimura:
Release Figure Four but maintain left false grip and prop up on elbow. Base on left foot, and shift hips back. Then shift hips forward sliding right knee to the outside of opponent’s left forearm. Sit back and shimy hips to your right. Re lock figure four grip on left arm and lock closed guard feet over opponent’s back
Sumi Gaeshi
: Insert left half butterfly hook, base on right foot , look down at floor, and sweep them over their left shoulder to your right. Scissor legs and float body over to opponent’s left side. Finish Side Kimura
Opponent passes your half guard or you allow opponent to free their legs
T Kimura Transition:
Allow opponent to pass over your bottom right leg to side control but maintain figure four. Push off two feet and shimmy hips away from opponent. Swing, rotate and raise legs over your head such that your knees are over opponent’s left shoulder and your head is under his chest. Fully extend legs and use a wide circle for momentum. Whip legs downwards and land on left hip. Should end in a T kimura with opponent’s left arm in figure four
Opponent passes half guard begins to step over to far side arm bar
Far Side Arm Bar Counter to T Kimura:
As opponent is over head, pull your right foot to your butt, plant your feet on your floor and turn for your left side. Push with your hands and pull with left elbow. Should end in a T kimura with opponent’s left arm in figure four.
Inversion to Omote Sankaku 2:
In bottom half with figure four on opponent’s left arm but unable to extract. Allow opponent to step over bottom right leg or just extract. Maintain left knee shield against hip while coming up to your right knee and maintaining kimura grip. As opponent straightens up, push off bottom right foot and hook left calf into opponent’s right armpit. Scoop back of right tricep with right hand and wedge right knee behind opponent’s head. Rotate through to face opponent and secure trap triangle. Finish omote sankaku on the other side.
Inversion to Omote Sankaku 1:
In bottom half with figure four on opponent’s left arm but unable to extract. Shimy your hips back and place a left knee shield on opponent’s near left shoulder. Rotate left foot and hook left instep into opponent’s left hip pocket. Move bottom right leg out and invert face down basing on your head, both knees and keeping the figure four. Take your left foot to your opponent’s right collar. bone Bring right knee behind opponent’s head. Opponent will likely turn into you. Release kimura and secure right collar tie Lock and finish omote sankaku.
Omote Sankaku
Hand behind back
Roll to Side Kimura:
Bring opponent’s left elbow to your left armpit and apply pull kimura. Opponent must roll over his left shoulder or face broken arm. Extend your legs as he rolls and opponent’s momentum will carry you over to top half guard. Switch to one handed kimura and free your legs from top HG as before. Finish side kimura.
Disc 7: Single leg standing
High single leg on your right leg
Head inside
Kimura sumi gaeshi Inside Head:
insert whizzer to control angle. Then push head down with right foreaem and then pass off to left hand. Reach over with right arm and secure figure four grip. Much easier to lock without head in the way
Step your left foot in between opponents legs and sit backwards to a t kimura
T Kimura
In a kneeling single leg, also an option to hip in and push opponents head to the outside with your forearm
Head outside
Kimura sumi gaeshi Outside Head:
easier to secure kimura grip but also great danger of opponent switching to a double leg.
Control opponents right wrist immediately to prevent double leg. Reach over opponents back with your right arm to secure figure four Kimura. Step left foot right up to line of opponents feet so you're parallel.sit back for sumi gaeshi and land in t kimura.