I think the BTO scheme is a big mistake. Because you get married, and let’s say you get a divorce, you have to return the flat. And you lose whatever deposit or payments you have made so far. Or even if you cancel, it’s a very messy process. And I feel that this actually shouldn’t be tied in to a house. The Singapore way is, let’s BTO, we make a request, and we make a promise to stay together for 5 years until we get the house. And once we get the house we need to stay for 5 years before we can sell it, so that’s 10 years. So imagine if you get together with the person and 6 years in you stay with the person and you realise that, eh we are not very suitable with each other, we have so many choices, why am I staying with her, basically [...] you are forcing a choice on us. Like okay, we have to stay on because we have a house. Because this is a huge financial responsibility... - 30s, M, C, Blk 130b, Married