EPQ Ideas
Anti-terrorism laws
Are Anti-Terrorism Laws Inflicting On People’s Privacy Rights?
Nuremberg Trials
To what extent is the influence of the English legal system on ex-colonial countries positive?
To what extent does Brexit have an effect on immigration policies?
To what extent is Brexit a legal issue?
Constitutional law
Are legal constraints on power substitutable for political constraints or do each have different functions in a well ordered constitutional system?
Criminal Law
Should the law be separate from morals and ethics?
Is there a moral obligation to follow the law?
To what extent should the law interfere with family life?
Should we bring back the death penalty?
To what extent are juries effective?
What role should the media have in criminal trials?
Electoral law
Is there a need for reform to include social media advertising?
To what extent are election campaigns corrupt?
Cambridge Analytica
Is there a need for reform of electoral laws in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal?
How can the law protect our personal information online?
How did the British Empire become so large?
How has UK politics changed over time?
Why did Brexit happen?
How relevant is the roman legal system today?
How has Donald Trump changed politics?
Are welfare states economically sustainable?
How much power does the PM really have?
How have the roles of men and women changed over time?
How did slavery become abolished
To what extent does the k-pop industry set global fashion trends?
To what extent is fashion a circle?