Chapter 1: Information Processing

1.1 Input-Process-Output Cycle

Processing : CPU works on data according to commands

Output : Computer shows processed result

Input : Enter data and commands into computer

Why? Computer can do tasks automatically

1.2 Stored Programs

Why? Computer can do tasks automatically, repeatedly, accurately

Program : sequence of commands



1.4 Types of date

Text : characters ,numbers and symblos

1.5 Information system

1.6 Information Process

1.3 Data and information

Program stored in Read-only Memory (ROM)

1.7 Information technology and information age

Data : collections of raw facts

Information: Organized, meaningful data for decision making

Audio : music, speeches and audio signals

Image : photographs, drawings and handwritten text

Video : images representing a scene of motion


Optical Chapter Recognition (OCR), voice recognition, handwriting board


  • automate an existing manual process
  • improve an existing system
  • fix system problems

bitmap image: grid of pixels

camera, mobile phone ,scanner

Data :

  • stored in a main database
  • major component of information system
  • can be retrieved from database by query languages

Process : work with data to achieve specific purposes or objectives


Data Collection:
collect raw data for information system


  • involve data-logging
  • accuracy checking
  • data categorization

store organized data into storage media

stored data to produce processed data

extract useful information from processed data

send information from one computer system to another

show information through different methods & media

Knowledge-based Society :

  • deploys knowledge, information, technology & communication systems in processes
  • KNOWLEDGE--the major asset

Information age :

  • begin in the end of 20th century
  • computers become essential tools for information manipulation
  • information spreads widely & rapidly

Communication network : all kinds of telecommunication networks, broadband services, internet & media broadcasting networks

People: information literate in order to handle the vast amount of information (bk p. 27)

Computer : producing, manipulation, storing & distributing knowledge


  • physical components related to the system
  • media used by machines

sequence of instructions that instruct information system to perform tasks

System software:
manage computer resources

Application software:
perform specific tasks

connects a grp of computers together


End users:
use information system or information product

IS specialists:

  • develop or manage information system
  • include system analysts, programmer, technicians, network managers & data entry qperators

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