Level 1: Microsystem insert a picture of the ecological model with the microsystem highlighted
The Microsystem refers to an individual's immediate environment and the regular, direct contact they have with the people and their relationships with them. The microsystem can include family, peers, church, school, etc.
Maxine's mother, Linda, was recently diagnosed with Bipolar II, a life long mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings that include depressive and hypomanic episodes. Although this mental health condition affects everyone differently, Bipolar II typically involves manic episodes that include feeling jumpy, unusually upbeat, agitated, or rageful and depressive episodes that include feeling fatigued, depressed, hopeless or tearful and the inability to concentrate. For Linda, her mood swings make it challenging for her to establish and maintain family routines, which gives her family life somewhat of a chaotic feeling. Because there isn't much consistency in Maxine's home life, she often forgets what she is supposed to be doing, whether that is cleaning up her toys or eating lunch. Linda is growing increasingly agitated and depressed, because she feels like Maxine doesn't know how to follow directions.
As Maxine's case worker, which intervention would you suggest:
A. Hiring a part-time Personal Support Worker to help out in the mornings and afternoons with childcare, housekeeping, and meal prepping. This person would be paid entirely by the state-funded disability services office.
B. Signing Linda up for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help manage her Bipolar II disorder.