Goal: Creating a high-quality guitar, and learning a song on it.

What types of electric guitars are there?

Which one should I choose?

How is an electric guitar built/assembled?

How will I make sure the guitar is built correctly?

Who will I get to assess the woodworking?

Who will I get to assess the guitars musicality?

What materials do I need?

How can I customise my guitar?

Where do I get these materials?

What type of wood should I use?

What types of the guitar pieces do I choose?

How do I improve my woodworking skills?

What will the cost be?

What are some mistakes I should avoid?

What song should I learn that will appeal to everyone?

How do I get opinions on this?

What genre should it be?

Do I have all the tools I need in the DT lab?

How will I be learning the song?

How will I find a guitar teacher?

How do I build a guitar?

Where do I find the skills?


Music Stores?


Where do I find workshops?

Should I customize my guitars body as well as the varnish?

Should I choose a Fender Stratocaster?

A list?

What specific machines and tools do I need?

How do I experiment on scraps?

Should I make prototypes?

What are some safety concerns?

How will I do the wiring?

Who will supervise me?

How will I find an expert?

What materials do I need?

How will I ensure safety throughout the whole woodworking portion of my project?

How is a risk assessment/audit made?

Which template do I follow?