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What can you tell me about the design of the Org workshop?
workshop 20-50 people
small companies send people
don't simulate
BArry talks about organic systems framework
not equal amount of rigour and attention applied to people
understanding the dynamics that happen in every org
addressing universal themes - across size, industry, culture, geograhpy commn to human experience
creating systems sight and elimiate systems blindness
even if company is not hierarchial - there are spaces we move in and out of with great regularlity, and they have rpedicatble situations that arise, particulary when we are under pressure
humans react with reflex responses to complex pressure challenges
why do these patterns keep happening? What influence is the system having on the people
dealing with symptoms at indiv level
get people to think and act systemically
FRAMEWORK - people randomly dropped into top, middle, bottom, customer roles
Tops - overall pp responsible for success of org 7-8 ppl tops
bottoms = front line employees, highly creative prototypes to address customer concerns
Middles - btwn tops and bottoms, report to top re execution AND supervising and providing resources to buttoms
customers are actual customers - using real currency - purchasing experience
if org is going to survive they need to be in relationship with customers and operate internally in a normal work day things you need to take care of to run the org
not just what role you are assigned to - all in course of day, we move in and out of these spaces
even if you are an indivudal contribuotr, you may be a top at some times - if youa re the only one up at night worrying about something - you are on the top
move from space to space, in multiple of these spaces or worlds
interacting world to world - by definition, the conditions of top place is you are in complexity coming at you from all different levels
TOP - complexity, MIDDLE - tearing, CUSTOMER - neglect
awarness first, then we get into conditions of each role - it's not about you, see and feel in the body
week in org in first exercise 5 days 13 minutes each, intentionally create pressure cooker
debrief methods throughout the morning experience - how do I make sense of this
strategic frameworks for sensemaking - WHat else is possible, what other choices can we make?
second exercise - set a new strategic focus - everyone switches roles - even when you see the train coming at you down the track, still difficult AWARENESS NOT ENOUGH
2nd exercise - put into action new strategies
if I want to be more influential - where I need to focus my attention is on HOW DO I EASE THE TENSION of the others I'm relating with
groups CAN get to a WE together - this works even if other people are reciprocating, it can be powerful if you have a group and a team to collectively harness the power - I better top WE - how can we be a top team
HOW TO CREATE SAFETY - the conditions that they walk into, they know it's random, part of the framework is that we tend to take things personally - side show vs centre ring - paying attention to our story SETTING THIS UP BEFORE PLAY BEGINS
SET it up as SAFE PRACTICE LAB - purpose is not to get it right, just to have an experience - treat it as
real play
What can you tell me about the revenue model for the workshop?
stand alone
part of other things
license with center of creative leaderhsip
use our program with ssytem view rahter tna I or team
Centre for Creative Leadership only firm that we allow to do masters certification
Tons of orgs that have their own certified facilitators
public workshop
in tact teams
we do a pilot program and then people come certified
virtual company - quite small in terms of people we employ
800 people certified around the world
royalty fee
world wide week of members
20-25K for a workshop for 30-70 people
consulting and other work to help sustain it
60-70K if it's an extended engagement
royalty fee - every time they deliver the program they owe power and systems a royalty fee, we charge a single program fee vary btwn $200 - $750 per program true whether workshjop for 20 or 50ppl
What problem or challenge does Org Workshop solve/respond to?
So What - depends on the client
org initiatives things such as customercentrictiy - how to make org obsessive about customers
building partnership & collaboration in org
empathy and EQ
LEadership at all levels - maximse power/impact/effectiveness
unlock full potential of the organisation
how can they effectively understand what people moving through change need, transfomrational change tool
depends on desired outcomes
understanding of theorteical framework
What can you tell me about the appetite of the market for experiential learning of this kind?
good appetite
company in business 40 years
translated into many languages
unusual pitch, sales job
systems piece is hard for people to get it
starting to see individual line leaders getting this as a whole system understanding
we weren't sure, did work with Zappos
even in orgs that not heirarchial, pple are still relating to power dynamics
no substitute for someone who has had the experience - that's how the program sells itself
referral business
Experience first, purchase 2nd
What can you tell me about the people responsible for purchasing the experience?
OD get certified and then deliver in their orgs
across sections of the org
what orgs do with the program isn't always obvious to us
solo preneurs training consultin coaching who sell solutions and services to a variety of orgs across sectors, faith based, corp, non profits, hospitality, hi tech, engineering, finanicial services etc.
small consulting firms
large consulting firms with OD and L&D professionals
facebook, microsoft, amazon, regional companies, to small companies
influence of 4th indudstrial revolution?
everyone going to huge libraries of large bodies of data
online learning
orgs know they need a blend of things
efffects how work gets done
most of the work comes in NOW WHAT?