Impetigo impetigo

It is the superficial infection of the skin caused by Staphylococci, Streptococci or multiple



It is characterized by blisters with yellow fluid that rupture,

and leave a honey coloured crust.

High contagious infection and normally appears around nose, mouth and extremities.

It spread through direct contact with sores,

Infection by streptococcus or staphylococcus

Spots that involves skin to skin contact

Direct contact with infected persons sores

Contaminated surface, objects and clothes

Diagnostic Test

Skin swab

Serologic testing for streptococcal antibodies

Blood culture

and scratching may cause the lesion to spread.

The normal course of infection typically last 2-3 weeks without treatment.


Pharmacological effect

Topical antibiotics; Creams and ointments Accessed Online [12-11-2020]

Smeltzer, S.C. ,Bare B.G. ,Hinkle J.L (2015). Brunner & Suddarths Textbook of medical -Surgical Nursing. International Edition:Wolter Kluwer Health/Lippincott Wlliams & Wilkins.

Clinical Manifestation

Rupture sores develop into honey-coloured crusts

Mild itching

The sores rupture or ooze

Red sores or blisters on the face

Systemic antibiotics: includes dicloxacillin, erythromycin

It is also refered to as bacterial skin infection common in children.

Pus swab

Nursing care plan

Nursing Intervention


Nursing diagnosis

Risk for infection

Assess for vitals to note fever

Maintain the contact preauction

Assess the skin for lesion , note colour and present of crusting

Apply topical antibiotics with sterile to treat infection.

The change in temperature should be noted

And also the healing state of the skin

Check the improvement of ski lesion

Mogotlate, S. Chauke, M. Mokoena, J. Young, A (2018).Jutas Complete Textbook of medical Surgical Nursing. 2nd Edition: JUTA.