extremism, terrorism, OC

extremism(e)-dev lingages



taking extreme position or actions wrt common standards set by society


mostly positive

negative term

sometimes negative - eg: exclusiv dev, making dam, underdev

views/school of thought



dev --> peace --> de-escalation of conflicts and violence --> decline in violent e --> better law&order --> complete the cycle

estd of law and order --> decrease in violent e --> set pace for dev --> complete the cycle

both lead to vicious cycle of under dev and e

hence both aspects have to dealt with simultaneously

covers both economic and human growth

should address the lack of resources, capabilities and opportunities to overcome deprivation

generally their belief system doesn't allow much room for the existence of other views

its the end and the process is called radicalisation

often cited as an offshoot of maldevelopment when governance fails to address the concerns of certain section of society - here e rises as potent weapon in the hands of the people to express themselves.


improper/non implementation of land reforms esp in rural areas

unemployment -forces youth to join extremists

missing social justice - people still discriminated, force them to take law in their own hands to get justice

missing physical infra in NE - insurgents hide easily, operations against them become difficult

examples - e leads to

LWE's blowing physical infra

dis-incentivise NGOs, private investment

paralyses governance - threatened govt officials

diversion of fund to law and order - social sector spendings suffer

gives excuse to state to use force - collateral damage, human rights violence

becomes a concern when it turns into violent e - committing or supporting ideologically motivated violence

e views aren't necessarily illegal

e views don't automatically lead to violence

encompasses needs and means to provide better lives to masses


no one in this world can be comfortable or safe when so many people are suffering and deprived - kofi annan

left wing e(LWE)


left wingers - term came from 18th cent france

believe in revolution to bring change in socio-political

inspired by french revolution, karl marx estd theory of communism(revolution to estd class less society - he didnt explain the nature of revolution) - followed by ruussian rvolution - lenin and then stallin - both were dictatorial - then in early 1950s -maozedong came to power in china - who wanted to esd comnmunism by the barrel of gun - called maosim(ie, estd communisim by violent means)


naxalbari movement

1967 - farmers(ppor, underdeveloped, no accessto resources, raping, abduction) were exploilted by zamindars/elite/moneylenders, police also with elite

charu majumdar(father of naxalism), kanu sanyal - living innaxalbari, members of CPI(marxist) who is ruling state govt with congress support - CPI was not estabilishing communism, made them frustated

immediate incident - a farmer won case over zamindar for his land but when he came back to cultivate his land, zamindar send his goons

charu majumdar started violent revolt against elites and govt officials - murders, burnt land records

govt retaliated and controlled situation within 2-3 months

revolt failed but in larger picture - its significance - 1st time LWE seen, gave confidence to left wingers

naxalbari - in northern West bengal in darjelling district

charu majumdar estd his own party - CPI(MLeninist) - an extremist party declared unlawful by act of govt

naxalism - inspiration particularly from maoism

by 2009 - naxalism covered 1/3rd districts of india

started as violent agrarian movement but slowly it was overtaken in spirit ( to get rights to people) by sinister movemet concentrated on money and power

LWE outburst started in 1967 in naxalbari region of darjeling, draws influence from the ideas of marx, stalin and maozedong. started as an agrarian movement in naxalbari to take up the causes of exploited and the poor, but gradually degenerated into a law and order problem due to the entry of antisocial and antinational elements in their cadres. today LWE is an e movement targeted against the indian State and wants to overthrow the existing soio-political eco order/system in the country with the use of extreme means of violence. LWE has been reffered as the gravest internal security threat that faces india by the former PM of the country

as per reports of home ministry, >12000 people have been killed as a result of naxal violence b/w 1998 and 2018

regions affcted by naxal violence -AP in south to the brdering region of UP and bihar in the north. this region of e violence as been infamously termed as the 'red corridor'

strategy of maoists - stage

1 -identify an isolated and underdeveloped area

no connectivity - difficult terrain

local people are poor

2 - consolidate base base area

these people can be influenced

guerilla warfare (used for disproportionate fight) - weaker will use hide- attack-hide

will work as base area

expand and preserve base area

start fight with State using

3- rapid expansion

unleash full force against State - show true colours

evolutuion/ phases of naxalism in india

1st phase - 1967-1970s

naxalbari vilence

gradual spread to nearby state - bighar, orissa, jharkhand, Andra pradesh

expansion to urban areas - due to unemployment, communim is revolution which inspired youth

govt introduced reforms - land reforms etc to chill rural areeas people

charu majumdar died in police custody

late 1970's

CPI -ML broke into smaller splinter groups

strong centre - crackdown on these groups - naxalism went underground

2nd phase - 1980's-2004

naxalism consolidated(expansion and building core) itself

flawed implementation of 1991 reforms displaced people -private companies and hydropower projects wanted land

3rd phase - 2004-today

2004 - CPI(maoists) formed by merger of MCC(maoist communist centre, operational in bihar) and PWG(people's war group, Andhra pradesh), the 2 biiggest communist groups. CPI(maoists) - was banned under UAPA act

phase of rapid expansion

2010 - 76 personnel ambushed and killed in dantewada

govt retaliated - operation Greenhunt - to flush out naxalites from interiors of affected states

reduced to 120 districts from >200 (LWE affected) currently with only 40 severly affected

causes for rise of naxalism

land related issues

non implementation of land reorms and continued exploitation by zamindars/moneylenders

forced eviction and displacement - hydropower projects and industries - 80% people displaced in these projects are adivasis

non recognition of forest rights of the tribals

british - indian forest act, 1927 - allwed exploitation of forest resources, no person allwed to use forest without british consent

post independe- law repealed but no new law made- adivasis were at mercy of state forests departments officials

1980 - forest conservation act, declared illegal to reside and use forest - adivasis declared illegal resident in their own lands

economic and social underdevelopment of these areas

unemployed youth

absence of social justice

they dont have money to go to courts, naxalites estd their own 'kangaroo courts'

inability of state to stop caste based violence

free hand to mining by govt to private people and illegal mining - 'resource curse'

misgovernance at low/ execution levels - tribals felt exploited at hands of govt, absence of officials due to fear, corruption

non implementation of constitutional (failure of 5th schedule - governer governs with help of tribal advisory council) - failed -non formatiojn of TAC, their recomendation not heard) and legal measures(panchsheel policy)

vested interest in perpatrating and continuing naxalism - naxalites blow schools, road construction, basic facilities

govt strategy - 2 pronged approach



forests rights act, 2006

recognised rights of tribals and traditional dwellers

state forest dep on gram sabha recom can allot forest as community forest - minor forest produce can be used and selled

PESA, 1996

to extend PRS to scheduled areas - self governing by tribals

prevention of attrocities act


integrated action plan (by erstwhile planning commission)

to bring DC, SP, and DFO (forest dep) in one committee for convergence of schemes and funds

nai disha program

surrender cum rehabilitation

rural road plan - 1, 2

PM gramin sadak yojana - connect rural road to urban areas

rehabilitation and resettlement policy, 2007

aspirational district program

nai roshni - skill dev of youth in LWE areas


media plan - songs, drama created to reach rural people to create awareness about reality of naxalism

PM khanij kshetra kalyan yojana - distrcit miniral foudation created to develop mining affected areas

law and order

in state list

art 355 - responsibility of centre to prtect states against aggresion - centre too steps

deployment of CRPF batallions

creation of unified command

modernisation of police forces - provide money to state govt to develop state police forces, not linited to naxalite areas

fortified police stations - to protect against naxal attach

CAP-civic action program - community outreach progam to bridge trust deficit b/w forces and citizens

security related expenditure scheme - centre reimburse states for expenses (transport cost, bullet jacktets etc) made to upkeep/maintain state police forces fighting against naxalism

SAMADHAN doctrine by MoHA - to guide action of police forces

states have launched their surrender cum rehabilitation scheme

review and critique of govt approach

consistent decline in the no of violent incidents and deaths

many districts which witnessed LWE activities historically have shown signs of easing down

therefore govt has also been considering redrawing the red corridor

but at the same time this decline should not be confused eith desimation of the naxalites as naxal violence has shown a spike since 2016

ther have been several lacunae in govt's approach that need to be adressed to ensure the resolution of these issues


negligience in estabilishing SOPs(standard operation procedures) that has led to loss of valuable lives of security personnel - eg:sukma attach

culnerabilities such as poor planning, insufficient intelligence back and excessive dependence on CAPF have resulted in making the fight against naxalitrs inefficient

capacity builiding of state police forces has been ignored leading to excessive dependence of CAPF - this phenomenon also means that much aluable intelligence and understanding available with state police forces is hardly utilised in anti naxal operations

lack of cooredination b/w centre and states nd among the states

lack of coordination and concentrated efforts by the civilian and police admin has also resulted in ineffective implementation of dev and law and order measures

root causes of LWE have not been adressed completely

the lack of responsibility on the part of the states is also a major concern in fight against nxalism

clear hold and develop strategy - given by p chidambaram


through the 1990s, the state was suffering massively from naxal violence

AP govt - 3 pronged strategy - with soio-eco and police dimensions

abolition of patwari system of village administration - perceieved to be extrmely corrupt by the local villagers

focus on provisding basic goods and aminities at subsidised rates to the locals

extension of subsidies for power in farming sectr along with scholarshoip for the students

govt launched massive program for digitisation of land reforms to accelerate the agenda of land reforms -this approach helped in alienting the people from naxal who used to clain that they were working for the people and the govt's policy were anti people

govt also took steps on the policing front that included setting up of an elite anti naxal force - 'greyhounds', police officials under this initiative were provided with sophesticated machinery and extensive raining in guirella warfare

this reduced the ned and overdependene on central police forces, therefore putting the state forces at the forefront of fighting against the naxalites

dev schemes were backed by police response that helped in ensuring the sustainibility and safety of the created infrastructure

govt supported initiatives such as greyhound by using local vigilante groups for providing intelligence and countering the propaganda of the naxalites

way forward

centre and states should continue with their coordinated efforts where the centre should play a supportive role and the states should take a lead

govt should explore the use of technology such as -UAVs or small drones to minimise the loss of lives of security personnel

states should consider setting up of special anti naxal forces - eg:grey hound that can prove beneficial even for counter terrorist operations in the states

govt should leverage the media for highlighing the futility of naxal violence

the recurring attacks on the innocent civilians sgould be used to highlight the hollowness and sinister designs behind the ideologies of naxalites

general - improve/strentgth - TACs, infra, impemetation of schemes, connectivity, dev integrating local culture and ecology

objectives of CPI (maoists)

article 4 of their C defines the goal of the party as long term state capture

they dont believe in parliamentary democracy and talk about building up of armires to inflict decisive defeat on the enemies army

immediate aim of the party is to accomplish an new demcratic revolution in india by overthrowing imperialsim, feudalism and beuraucratic capitalism through a 'protracted long drawn peoples war'

insurgency in NE



armed rebellion of people against the State to overthrow them

naxalism is a form of ig

target is forces

aim is to create their own State


ig where people are outside people, ie foreign people


violence against society(indiscriminate - both state and people) to create terror/chaos


1946 - naga national council (NNC)formed heaed by A.Z Phizo to consider nagaland's inclusion in india - nehru decided kashmir types model - but eventually talks failed

14th august 1947 - declared freedom from india and britain

declared rebellion against indian state

NNC raised army and govt in nagaland - parallel govt.

1958 - AFSPA passed and implemented in nagaland

1963 - after discussions, separate statehood status given to give some attonomy

1970 - shillong accord signed -b/t indian govt and NNC for peace but insurgence continued

NNC changed to NSCN(nationalist socialist council of nagaland) - which further broke up into 2 - NSCN(I-M(iaasac muivah)) (- more active) and NSCN(K(khaplang))

still their is parallel govt

NSCN demand - country of 'greater nagalim' - nagaland state+ 4 districts of manipur+ some areas of arunachal and myanmar - home for all the 'nagas'

2014 - govt of india claimed to signed naga peace framework with insurgent groups - its features not known

issue still to be solved

371A - special relation to nagaland wrt indian state - has been diluted many times, no law of center on some issues(transfer of land, customery practices etc) will be applicable without consent of naga Legislative assembly


hill state(under dev) with valley(dev, ) in b/w

tribal meities live in valley, follow vaishnavism - hence not SC - no reservation, dont get hill schemes benefits , dominant tribe in polity and economy

hill area - nagas(want freedom - to be part of greater nagalim), kuki(also started insurgence) tribe

hence these all tribes are fighting among themselves to get dominance in state - fight for resources, govt jobs


1965-ASSU - all assam student union - formed to protest against migration from other states and illegal migration from bangladesh(persecution of bengali pakistan by pakistan)

also, mineral industry and tea plantations were largely owned by non assamese - feared of becoming minority

1979 - ULFA(united liberation front of assam) formed - demanded separate state

1985 - tripartite agreement(b/w assam govt, centre, and ULFA) - assam accord - NRC to be done

anyone who came before 1961 - are full citizens, for 1961-1971 people - will be given citizenship after 10 years, after 1971 - to be deported

ULFA - insurgent group, not much public support now

bodo - largest tribe , want - 'bodoland autonomous council' under schedule 6


mizo demand - soverign mizoram outside india

led by MNF - mizo national front (insurgent group)

1986 - mizo accord signed b/w centre and MNF - separate state of mizoam formed in 1987

lal denga, MNF leader became its first chief minister

no as such insurgency in mizoramvsince then, but due to spillover effects of insurgency - AFSPA is active there


achiks tribe(jaintia) and hywnitrepps(garo and khasi) = both came together to form HALC(hwnitrepps and achiks liberation council) demanding soverign meghalaya - due to influx of outsiders and interfaction ethnic rivalries

also imp is GNLA(garo national liberation army) demanding soverign 'garoland'

arunachal pradesh

AFSPA active in some districts

suffers from spillover effects of insurgency in the region


changed from tribal dominated demography in 1947 to bengali speaking demography today - due to influx of migrants both legal and illegal

TNV(tripura national volunters ) and ATTF(all tripura tiger force) - all want soverign tripura and removal of outsiders

2015 - AFSPA removed completely

2002-3 - manik sarkar became CM - who strongly dealt with insurgency

terrorism (t)


no globally accepted definition

illegal use of violence esp against civilians to further certain political/social/ideological objectives


state t

use of state power to curb own people

eg: jacobin, holocaust, kurds, tiananmen square etc

state sponsored t

external state actor + supported NSA(non state actor) --> against a state

aka proxy war

eg: pak + ISI + (LeT, JeM, IM, SIMI) --> kashmir

support here means - ideological, financial, arms, training, infra, tech

t by non state actors

no direct link with any govt though indirect link cant be denied


naxals, LTTE, NE extremists

indian mujahideen

marginalised indian youth is radicalised and given arms/training to conduct terror activity

students islamic movement of india (SIMI)

radicalise youth in wahabi ideology through educational institutions

LeT, IM, SIMI claim to be NSA but are de-facto pak supported - this gives pak diplomatic immunity and a degree of deniability

international t

2 countries utilising 3rd country's territory to fight

eg: islraeli diplomat attacked by iranian in new delhi

hinterland t in i

attacks all over the country for various reasons

pak failed in 1971 --> resorted to proxy war --> ' bleeding i through 1000 cuts'


political capital - parliamentary attack

financial capital - 26/11, 1993 blasts

IT & scientific hub

german bakery blast in pune, 2010

religious hubs

ajmer dargah bombing 2007

akshardham temple 2002

tourist places - jaipur bombing 2008


dense popn

hyper media attemtion

disrupts eco activity

easy to camoflage

attacking symbolic targets


obj - restore worldwide caliphate

modus operandi - fully online - radicalisation, training, recruitment & moeny transfer

how to counter - multi-pronged strategy

international coop

use of tech

protect children - familial supervision

edu, social dev


ISI sponsored - donations in name of jehad

drug trafficking


crime & smuggling

ML & hawala


taxation - esp in NE insurgencies in LWE


framework against t



multi agency centre (MAC)

intelligence gathering

training & operations



NATGRID(National Intelligence Grid )

data - tax, bank account details, credit card transactions etc

available to - RAW, IB, CBI, FIU, ED etc

issue/recom - make it fully operationalise

share terrorism related intelligence inputs on day to day basis


made post kargil

revamped post 26/11

national counter terrorism centre

under IB control

single point agency for all counter terrorism activities

made post 26/11

'integrated intelligence grid' - link databases so as to detect comprehensive patterns

NIA(post 2008)

NATGRID, MAC, state police & central agencies

legal framework

unlawful activities (prevention) act (UAPA)

includes economic offences

defines terrorists activities - intent to threaten unity, integrity, sovereignty, security and eco security, counterfeiting currency, procuring weapons, raising funds

NIA act 2008

concurrent jurisdiction( probe terror attacks in any part of the country without any specific permission from states)

special NIA courts

concurrent jurisdiction

trials under this act have highest precedence

powers to court to attach property

centre can add/remove org as terrorist org

international framework

mutual legal assistance treaties

joint working groups to counter terrorism

models used


identify area (by ATS, special task force) --> identify terrorists (by military intelligence) --> eliminate terrorists (army)

preventive (by IB)

detect sensitive areas,

identify grievances &

ask police to handle them

counter proxy war (by RAW)

against a country doing proxy war or in national interest

eg: baluchistan liberation army

recom - needs to fully operationalise

supervised by IB which coordinates with state police


lack of unified command in bigger states

4 new NSG hubs will help

by NIA


improvement needed in state machinery


sluggish courts

need fast track justice

way ahead

heading at global stage to seek early conclusion of compressive convention on t at UN

effective ear and eyes scheme - collection of terrorist-related intelligence directly from the public

sensitise people - eg: disaster management skills

avoid vote bank politics in such issues

fix legal loopholes - through stringent laws and quicker justice

strengthening police capabilities & provide modern equipments

freezing finances - curb drugs(or narco terrorism)

addressing social grievances

organised crime & link with t

organised crime (oc)


structural group of >= 3 persons with an aim of committing crimes for eco benefits

key constituents

continuity over a period of time

profit driven

generally has element of collusion

types - as per UN convention on trans national organised crime



organised crime

organised crime

includes - betting, extortion, prostitution, sand mafia etc

includes - ML, hawala, trafficking(trade in something illegal) and smuggling(illegal movement of goods into or out of a country) in drugs and arms, fake currency, human trafficking




based on power over local communities

generally family organisation


have global markets

by network of entrepreneurs

sympathisers around the world

ideologically driven

support from suppressed communities

military model with top down approach

linkages with t

terrorists engage in OC to support themselves financially

differences: OC - t

profit drive (OC) -(while) ideologically driven(t)

generally non violent - violent

nexus with police, politicians - no nexus

no media attention - crave for hyper media coverage

oc in different regions


mainly external funding - from pak and gulf countries - reach via ML and hawala

NE i

many parallel govts running

govt officials bribed & threatened to award contract to individuals patronised by militant groups

even essential commodities like food grains are sold to the public through these groups at high prices

extortion (of businessmen) , kidnapping, black marketing

transnational drugs & arm syndicated to cover up any shortfall from above

entry point - moreh, chittagong hill tracts, cox's bazaar

drugs prodn and smuggling

FICN smuggled - spread to rest of i

rest of i

cartels are moving towards clean money through legitimate businesses like manufacturing making it even hared to detect

drugs smuggling - i lies b/w golden crescent(PIA) & golden triangle(MLT)

dawood ibrahim's D company - drugs smuggling, match fixing, supari

breaking oc-t linkage -solns

good military and intelligence expertise

media shaming

public awareness

good governance

isolate these groups politically and pressurise militarily

laws like MCOCA (Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act) as model laws to empower state police

strengthening PRIs & regional autonomy

arrangements to disrupt organisation's exchange of info & personnel

challenges in curbing oc

poor legal framework - target individuals only, need laws for groups

slow litigation & low conviction rate

lack of training and funds - police being state subject

lack of coordination - interstate and international

collusion & nexus - politics, police, crime

drug trafficking in i


increasing addicts - 40 lakh addicts

high smuggling - golden crescent & golden triangle

bitcoin usage - difficult to trace

tardy surveillance



diseases - cancer, injecting reused needles leading to HIV/AIDS

mental illness - depression, anxiety

loss of lives

drug money used in t

steps taken

signatory to UN's conventions

national policy on NDPS

narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances act (NDPS act)

border patrolling


insurgency - an active revolt or uprising.

secessionism - with-drawl form a State