Gender Equality


Female Genital Mutilation

Economic Independence

Access to Prenatal care and Maternal mortality


In 2013, the male employment-to-population ratio was 72.2 per cent compared to 47.1 per cent for women.


Women also carry a disproportionate amount of responsibility for unpaid care work.

Women devote one to three hours more a day to do house work than men and one to four hours less a day to income-based activities.







Paopei & Khunnueng M2/201

It involves the government to help re-educate people.

Illiteracy primarily affects women living in developing countries where the belief is that educated women will require more dowry than illiterate women.

Illiteracy is prevalent in India, as well as in Brazil and Sahara.

Illiteracy is when women are rejected to be educated, usually for married reasons.

1.6 billion women of reproductive age in the developing world.

127 million women who gave birth in 2017, just 63 percent received a minimum of four antenatal care visits and only 72 percent gave birth in a health facility.

All women need access to antenatal care in pregnancy, skilled care during child birth, and care and support in the weeks after childbirth.

It is particularly important that all births are attended by skilled health professionals.

Prevent unwanted and too early pregnancies.

Expanding access to finance.

Creating more and better jobs for women.

Closing the gender gap and control of key assets such as land, housing, technology, and finance.

Enhancing women's ability to make themselves heard and direct the course of their own lives.

Lack of employment in the private sector and reductions in public services and public service jobs have affected women disproportionately.

Women take on unpaid work, such as take care of children, family members who are ill, or elderly, compensating for lost household income, especially when public services are unavailable.

re-educate the people in that society; teaches them that illiterate women can perfectly live by herself; teaches them they can send kids to school or elsewhere

Women who experienced medical complications during pregnancy or delivery, only one in three received the care the care or their newborns needed.

In 2017, an estimated 308,000 women in developing nations died from pregnancy-related causes and 2.7 million babies died in their first month of life.

Gender norms, limited autonomy, and lack of decision-making power limit women's ability to access maternal health care services.

Female genital mutilation affects women living those countries where cultural, religious, and traditional reasons have influenced.

Female genital mutilation is prevalent in Africa, Asia and Middle East, as well as Australia, Europe, Latin America, New Zealand and North America.

Female genital mutilation is when women's genitals are removed form their bodies for cultural, religious, or traditional reasons

Human rights grow stronger to protect women and girls from that belief.

It involves every government in every country because it is a global problem.

Maternal mortality is higher in women living in rural areas and among poorer communities.

All women including adolescents, need access to contraception, safe abortion services to the full extent of the law, and quality post abortion care.