Special Education Process in my classroom and/or IST School: (A research, By Lucas Tibalila, August 2019)

Step3: Pre-referral

Step2: Strategies to follow to attend the kids

Step 1: Learning Styles

Step 4: Referral for Special Education Evaluation








The child prefers using pictures, image and learning by observing or watching

The child prefers to learn within a group and usualy a good communicator

The child prefers using sound and music and learn by listening and hearing pictures

The child prefers to use body, hands and sense of touch to learn

The child prefers to learn and work alone and show independent play

The child prefers using reason, logic and recognise the pattern easier

The child prefers using word in both speech and writing and loves role playing

  1. Talk to the grade level team leaders(teachers) about concern to set more informations on strategies about the kids. Student Services Support Team (SSST) will share with recommendations
  1. Try out the strategies over a 4 week period
  1. Talk to other teachers of student to find out which strategies they use in their class
  1. Repeat the process to different student according to their concern
  1. Student concern, talk to student

If YES, it works

If NO means it doesn't work

Let a student continue with the syllabus

Refer the student to the STUDENT SERVICES SUPPORT TEAM for more action

  1. What do i need/want the student to do?
  1. Teachers goal toward students
  1. Is it realistic to the student concern?
  1. If step number IS A NO a student is registered in learning support folder for more action and help

Talk to Parent(s) for more clarification and information or changes in kids

Talk to Teachers, TeamSupport and Administration

Talk to students

  1. Education Psychology evaluation, if YES - learning support class and receive testing IAA

Pre-referral interventions is to identify, develop, and implement alternative education strategies for students who have recognized problems in the classroom before the student is referred to special education.

Some students are referred to a school/teachers as having a special need. Other students can be identified through evaluation. Make sure to get a parent's permission before you evaluate their child.

High-quality instruction and tiered evidence-based or practice-based intervention strategies aligned with individual student needs

Frequent monitoring of progress to make results-based academicor behavioral decisions

Application of child response data to important educational decisions

Special Education Evaluation

The official referral begins the formal process of determining eligibility for special education services. Once a referral is provided, the school must obtain consent from the parent(s)or legal guardian(s) to begin the evaluation phase of the referral process.

Test for

The evaluation is to be conducted by a multidisciplinary team that will consist of individuals who can bring different perspectives and expertise to the evaluation.

Parent(s) or Legal Guardian and Medical Doctor

Disability-specific issues


Achievement, Intelligence and Behaviour

Educational Diagnostician

General and Special Educators and other related service provider

Eligibility Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

  1. The child has a disability as defined by IDEA which negatively impacts his/her educational performance.
  1. The child needs special education services in order to benefit from education.

Step5: Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meeting

IEP initiation and duration dates

Student Profile

Special instructional factors and transportation needs

A Behaviour Intervention Plan

IEP Implementation

Step 6: Reevaluation

At a minimum, the IEP team is to determine if formal evaluation is required every three years

The process proceed from step one after a year (means the new year of studies)

Each year, the IEP team is required to meet for the dual purpose of evaluating the implementation of the current IEP and to develop the next annual IEP


Schoolash (2014). Definition of School Administration. Image retrieved from

Tanzania's preferred international school for primary and secondary education

Understanding Special Education. (2016). Understanding the IEP Process. Retrieved from

Responce to instruction

Student Strength


Area of concern


Accepts and takesResponsibility?
Has Friends ?
Resists Negative PeerPressure?
Cares About School?
Shows Empathy?

Reteach Expectations?
Reflective Listening?
Planned Discussion?
Parent Conference?
Adjusted Workload?