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Policy Mapping Mecklemburg-Vorpommern (Comparison Policy Frameworks…
Policy Mapping Mecklemburg-Vorpommern
EU Regulations
Energy Performancy of Buildings Directive, 2002
Building codes
All new buildings will be zero energy buildings by 2020
Building energy performance certificates
Inspection schemes for the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
National financial incentives to foster EE in buildings (European Commission
Those are minimum standards, leaving it up to the national governments to implement stricter regulations
German policies
Regulatory Instruments
Building codes
Codifiziert im ENeV
the minimum standard for new builldings in kwh/ per square meter get further tightened with every release
The energy efficiency directive forces
Financial Instruments
KfW ist der wichtigste Projektträger
Soft loans with minimum requirements for eligibility exceeding the standards set in building codes
Main program: KfW CO2 renovation program
KfW Energy Efficiency Renovation
KfW Energy-Efficient Construction
Offerent through grants (non-repayable) and interest rate discounts
There are several categories for energy-efficient buildings (for a comprehensive list see page 27/86)
is dependent upon the energy efficiency reached in comparison to the EnEV minimum standard (for example, an energy efficiency building 70 is 70% of the EnEV minimum standard)
Free support ad energy consulting
In total there are sixteen financial measures on energy efficiency and renewable energy at a federal level
BAFA and Caritas also offer consulting services for free or at an reduced price
Informative instruments
Obligatory energy efficiency certificate (part of the EnEV)
Criticism, because it doesn't account for the heterogeneity of different dwellings in one building and there is an increasing lack of clearity with each reacast of the ENeV --> Certificates just have a comparatively low impact
Have penalty mechanism
Suggestion: Centralized database with a standarfized design and more specific data, such as detailed thermal transmittance values or the efficiency of components
Two advertisement campaigns, namely "Initiative Energieeffizienz" and "Deutschland machts effizient" ... impact evaluation for those tools is not yet available
Regional Policy Evironment
German federal states can implement legislations which have to fullfil the set standards but can consist of further more ambigious policies
Additional polcies build on regional advantages, this leads to a situation of a steady increase of environmental targets in line with the state energy transformation strategy
Main challange is the high renting rate and therefore a high tenant landlord barrier
Main potential for GHG reduction is the renovation of old buildings and renovation depth. They have a high building stock densitiy
Regulatory Instruments
Berlin established its own legistlative framework for climate protection (Berliner Energiewendegesetz, ENergie und Klimaschutzprogram) -> More ambitious targets
Climate progrection as a part of education (--> For students)
Climate protection agreemtents with large associations and enterprises of the private economy
Energetic optimization of listed historical buildings
New energetic consultancy is specialized on historical protected buildings as well as new financial subsidy programs
Living area reduction
Climate advisory council
Informative Instruments
target group specific information, networking promotion and pilot tests
diBEK-> IT Infrastructure all cliate protection relevant indicators should be made available in scandalized format, the main platform for the BEK 2030 achievements
Renovation network - stakeholder network for all actors in the sphere of climate protection, information on the possibilities of energetic renovation. Besides information, the second goal is to increase the competition among craftmen
Informative Energy Billing- energy billings for private households should be enhanced and made understandable
Free consultancy about possible renovation measures, specific for each target group, but has an average reduction of 600kWh of consulted household without the calculation of a cooling appliance exchange
Enhance awareness through regional fairs like the "Berliner Energietage", "Berlin spart Strom" "Energiesparmeister2" (-> competition)
For a comprehensive list of financial instruments, see p.36/86
When a policy at ferdearl state level is proven to be effective the federal state can propose to implement the law at state level, and after beeing approved by the Bundestag and Bundesrat can be adopted to a state level
Average energy consumption per area: 104kWh/m²a for Schlesweg Holstein 177kWh/m²a, or Hamburg with 183 kWh/m²a
MV has no explicit climate protection law in place, but adopted an own energy political concept defining challanges and counteractive measures to achieve the climate goals definied at German level- Landesnergiekonzept
The climate protection goals are not exceeding the ones set at German level but some measures are supplementary to the German framework and are building on regional advantages
Main interest is to actively incorporatecitizens, so also an emphasis on education
Informative Instruments
Information campaign to reduce energy use in administrative buildings
Consultancy for energy saving contracting - independent consultancy for public bodies about contracting models
For financial instruments see page 40/86
Growing share of old buildings in the total building stock with high energy components
The landlord can appropriate 11% of the costs for renovations on the rent -> Social repression due to increasing rent prices
Regulatory Instruments
Has a climate protection law/itnegrated climate protection and climate concept
has also established the EWärmeG- results are backed up by law and thus enforcable. The EWärmeG obliges every residential building owner to use at least 15% from RES or reduce their energy demand by 15%, or a combination of measures. The obligation is §4,
In the first three year period of the law 30.2% of all new building constructors used heat pumps to fulfill the obligation, 30% used building envelope updates exceeding the building code standards and 25% installed a solar thermic plant to reach the 20% RES obliagion. In the existing building stock most obliged owners, 40.9% used solar thermic installation to reach the 10% hear from RES, 15% used biogas and oil, 17.7% biomass and only 3.9% decided to fulfill the obligation by updating the building insolation (LaCroix et al. 2011)
4600 t CO2 were saved, in comparison to a yearly decarbonization rate of 0.3%
Got renewed in 2015, focussing on existing buildings, excluding the use of biooil . A renovation concept has to be fulfilled in a given time period by the building owner
BW aims at a higher renovation rate for old buildings
Has also the public sector as role mdoe, a Climate Advisory Council
Establishment of the Energy Law
Informative Instruments
Renovation road map BW, a consultancy instrument for building owners, also for motivation and innovation. Consideres cost-benefit calculations for those measures
Histoircal buildings renovation program, independent marketing and information campaign financed by the Ministry for enviroment, climate and energy
Establishment of EE competence centers
Regional competitions
Financial Instruments, see page 44
Comparison Policy Frameworks
MV has 6 policy instruments, Berlin and BW 19
Examplary function of the public sector l- established in all states. Berlin has monitoring mechanism for the public sector.. MV has public building codes
Climate Protection as education
Climate protection agreements - Berlin, bewtween city and enterprises, for buildings such as swiiing pools, zoos etc.
EWärmeG in BW is the only one of its kind, tackles not only new buildings but also building stock
Specializing policy instruments for retrofitting is essntial, in BW it is a informative policy and i Berlin a regulatory policy
A further unique policy is informative energy billing in Berlin, which should have been implmented following the Energy Efficiency Directive. Projected impact is a reduction of 15% of total energy consumption (Berlni Sanate)
Overview financial instruments page 56
Overview financial instruments, page 56
difficult to compare bc of different characteristics
Difference between the biggest programms in Berlin and BW is that in Berlin has specific problem areas, whereas in BW they aim more at general Co2 reduction
Have loans, guarantees and grants
The BW renovation roadmap is a specific tool, in combination with an informative tool
The departmens responsile for energy policy in different federal states are differently structured