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Innovative Differentiation strategy (Tracking Strategies (World Regions…
Innovative Differentiation strategy
5 students who answered most, including the most difficult, of the pre-assessment questions correctly
Create work that falls within Blooms Taxonomy's top 2 tiers (Evaluate and Create)
Take the knowledge you know on regions and research 3 specific attributes associated with 5 distinct regions
Create a New world map with using those 5 regions
Write a 500 word essay describing your "New World" and justify with evidence why this world could theoretically exist.
This simple activity takes the knowledge that the students already possesses and challenges them to apply it in new and different ways. This is a self-motivated assignment where students will need to use their knowledge, resources and thinking skills to Evaluate the information, question the validity of this information and synthesise it into a new world supported with evidence based data.
12 students who have some knowledge about the topic as shown in their score, but need to develop higher order thinking skills
Average students will take part in a preplanned activity where they will use the knowledge that they already know to help extend their understanding of the world regions
Split into 3 independent groups of 4 students. Provide a giant world map with unlabelled regions on the paper
Using the 7 norms of collaboration and the collective knowledge fill in as much of the map without using resources. These Labels will be written in Blue
Once as many labels are filled as possible, students are to research the remainder of the regions and label them in Red
Once every region is labeled. Students will be required to choose 1 different region each, and find out 3 distinctive attributes regarding that region and share it with the group while also writing it down
This activity will allow the students to use collaboration as a tool to help them piece together gaps in their knowledge. Once they have compiled as much information from each other, they will use a self directed method to research the remainder of the information required as well as extra information to stretch their knowledge, and engage in peer teaching.
5 students who appear to have limited knowledge about the topic
3 are struggling with language and are at different reading levels
Give this group of students a World Regions map to fill out. As with the average level group, they will collaborate together to input as many regions as possible while all being written in Blue
Once they have completed this task, they will be provided a randomly ordered list of all the world regions. They will then take part in self directed study where students will research and input any missing regions in red.
Once they have completed this task students will be required to pick 1 region and research 2 attributes associated with this region and share it with the group.
This activity is very similar to the average group, while providing a little bit more scaffolding, language wise, to help them fill in the regions.
2 students who have little to no comprehension of the the topic and need to be tested further for special needs
Students will be provided a World Regions map along with a list of all the regions. In addition to this students will have their map split up into continents, as well as their list of regions that fall within that continent.
They will be asked to fill in their regions map as detailed as possible with teacher support.
Teacher support will help them organise their thoughts, process, and give them the ability to help them achieve success
Students will then be required to research 1 attribute of a global region and share with their partner.
Tracking Strategies
World Regions Map:
The students will fill out a world regions map that will act as a baseline of knowledge that they currently possess
World Region Activity:
The activity will act as a tracking device that will allow the teacher to differentiate between collective knowledge and researched knowledge based on the colour of the region (Blue/Red)
Exit Tickets
: at the end of each class an exit ticket will be administered. The questions will be based on the students World region activity, and will be in a short answer or multiple choice format. These will be compiled and kept for student tracking
Quick Quiz:
At the beginning of future classes, a Quick quiz of Independent Regions will be ran to begin class. A picture of the World Region Map will be displayed and 3 Regions will be highlighted that students will need to highlight. There will be bonus points allocated to any Regions that are given examples of attributes. These quizzes will be handed in a compiled in an excel spreadsheet.
Overall strategy to differentiate