The Search For a Promised Land
The Kingdom of Israel
The Babylonian Captivity
Moses and The Exodus
From Ur to Egypt
combined largely harsh features such as arid desert, rocky wilderness, grassy hills, and the dry, hot valley of the Jordan River.
The God of Abraham
The Exodus in Egypt
1200-1300 B.C.
nonetheless, the Philistines, another people in the area, threatened the Israelites' position in ancient Canaan.
The Life of Moses
Male babies ordered to be killed by Pharoah
The first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible.
Mother hid him in the river
From about 1020 to 922 B.C the Israelites unites under three able kings: Soul, David, and Solomon.
A shepherd that was chosen by God to be the "father" of the Jewish people.
The temple that Solomon built was bot loarge, but it gleamed like a precious gem.
Three king were chosen largely because of his success in driving out the Phillistines from the central hills.
Lead Israelites out of slavery
Angel of Death - The Tenth Plague
Pharaoh lets them go
A promise made between God and the founder of the Jewish people to protect Abraham and his descendants.
Kills firstborn sons in Egypt
In 738b.c Israel and Judah began paying tribute
By 722 B.C the whole northern kingdom had fallen into the Assyrians
God tells Moses to have Israelites sacrifice a lamb and paint their door frames to be 'passed over' by this plague
Values and Beliefs
Solomon's built projects requited hight taxes and badly strained the Kingdom's finances.
God uses Moses to part the red sea
Israelites cross and escape Egypt - "Exodus"
Changes his mind and goes after them
Die as the sea swallows them
After conquering Israel, the Assyrians rapidly lost power to a rising Babylonians.
Moses's Mother
Abraham was the one to introduce the idea of one God, not multiple. BBC Summary
Still celebrated each year
Work on the second temple was completed in 515 B.C
It lasts 7-8 days depending on where it is celebrated
In Christianity, The Last Supper before Jesus is crucified is a Passover meal, in celebration and remembrance of the Passover
Theocratic Monarchy
A Levite later identified as Jochebed in Numbers 26:59
Wife of Amram, mother of Aaron, Moses, and Miriam
Found and adopted by Egyptian princess
Still recognized his Hebrew blood growing up
Ran and escaped to the desert for 40 years
Hebrew people were enslaved by Egyptians, after first being treated like honored guests after escaping drought and famine
Accidentally killed an Egyptian man for harming another Hebrew
Why did Egyptian perception of the Jews change?
Values and Beliefs
next 200 years were a time of upheaval for the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah.
The Covenant
Change and Conflict
Israel and Judah split
The Israelites travelled across the Sinai Desert in obedience to God
Moses climbed the Sinai desert to pray and speak with God
He came down with two tablets
Lightning struck the mountain and brought the tablets that were rules for the Jews to follow
The walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt in 445 B.C but soon after others dominated the region like Persians, Greeks, and the Romans and took control of Judah
The Babylonian Captivity lasted 70 years
King Soloman died making the Southern and Northen Kingdom to split up.
How similar is The Torah to the Bible?
A covenant was formed between God and the Israelites
God would protect them, and they would obey God
A belief in a single God.
Tribute - Peace money paid by an weaker power to a stronger one
How did North and South split up?
The Babylonian Captivity is deportation of the Jews to Babylon.
Why did the tribes of Benjamin and Judah split?
After 40 years, Moses died and the returned to Canaan
The Israelites settled and began to farm, and they learned new technologies from neighboring nations
They organized themselves into 12 tribes that were self governing
When necessary, God would appoint Judges to unite the tribes in government and military if there was a crisis
Why did the Israelites split into tribes and not form one?
The fourth judge of Israel, a prophetess
That was unusual for a society in this time frame; generally the responsibilities of the woman were to raise her children and provide a good example, not officiating
Why did everyone want to fight and take over all of the land instead of just keeping what they had?
About how many Jews ended up returning after all of the fighting happened?
The southern kingdom of Judah resisted for another 150 years before it too was destroyed.
Ethical Monotheism
Important facts
The prophesied 70 years of captivity were fulfilled when the new Temple was completed in 516 BC.
This covenant surrounding the Commandments included a code of laws that built the judiciary system in Israel
Cyrus of the Great - initiated a new attitude toward the nations and decreed the restoration of worship at Jerusalem.
This code and according values were confirmed by prophets
More Information about Babylonian Captivity and more
"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"; criminal debts would be paid justly and according to their crime, just as how God would protect them if they were obedient in return
King or Pharaoh seen as an intermediary between humankind and the gods they worshipped