Conscious, Personal Unconscious and Collective Unconscious
For both Jung and Freud the Psyche has 3 levels
Psyche, ideas and experiences which we are aware
Places the ego in the centre - conscious is synonymous with ego's awareness
Jung's ego is narrower then Freud's
FREUDS active, managing the demands of the inner and outer world
JUNG Conscious memories, thoughts,feelings and perceptions
conscious experiences give us a sense of oneself
I-ness: anchoring ones sense of personal existence and identity within time and space
Ego is complex- comprised of individuals experiences and emotions relating to I-ness the ego developed in response to the personal needs of the mind and body and societal demands
Ego is clash between the body and the environment (similar to freud kinda)
Persona: a social mask- ones conscious adaption to external social demands , it grows around the ego it is necessary for social relationships and if it overdeveloped it can cause problems
Personal Unconscious: it contains experiences one has repressed
Some of the material here can easily be bought into conscious whilst other is deeply buried and needs effort
All contents can be known if individuals are ongoingly introspective - opening to symbols material and imagery especially in dreams
Collective Unconscious: Deepest level of psyche which is not unique to individual but is shared by all humankind
Act as a storehouse for collective experiences of humankind from ancestors to present
There is a pattern of characteristic human behaviours and experiences occurring in all cultures
This was developed by observing universal symbols, artefacts and mythological tales found in both ancient and modern civilisation
It is timeless: elements of past, present and future
The extent to which we are open and receptive to this depends on mental health and quality of life
We gain wisdom by being open to this unconscious and this facilitates growth of individuation process
Contains all accumulated experiences and wisdom of mankind
Dreams: connect one with the archetypal energies - specific manifestations of the wisdom and experiences of all mankind
One cannot know the contents of the CU and so it is polygenetic inheritance ( development of the species)