A smart city represents "an urban development model that utilizes human, collective, and technological capital for the development of urban agglomerations". The growth and evolution of such cities highly depends on technological advances, although there are some very important aspects that are needed for it to work, such as socio-economic, governance and multi-stakeholder. Another essential fact about these kind of cities is that since they're a mix of cities and their surroundings, these problems of urban agglomerations are solved by means of creativity, human capital, cooperations among relevant stake-holders and scientific ideas, meaning that smart cities should include and implement clever solutions that can allow them to grow through quantitative and qualitative improvement in productivity. In other words, a city can be recognized as "smart" if it uses ICT based solutions to problems that can arise from six different dimensions: governance, quality of live (living), mobility, economical, people, and environment. A Mega City, on the other hand, is a city that has more than 10 million inhabitants.