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Early River Valley Civilization (Ancient China (Culture (they believed…
Early River Valley Civilization
Tigris and Euphrates
this river was used as a base for irrigation systems
it has approximately 35.600 squared meters
it was also used as a natural protection from enemies
Key terms
fertile crescent
hammurabi code
the land of mesopotamia is really fertile, and southern mesopotamia is wide and flat.
fertile crescent
goes from the Taurus Mountains, to the Arabian Desert and from the east to the Zagos Mountains
fertile crescent was a place where the land was land was really fertile, and it was shaped like a crescent hence the name fertile crescent
Four cultures
first to have cultural practices such as writing, building and agriculture
highly influenced by the Sumerian culture
Ziggurat temples, structures built with mud blocs
Inovated language
Changed government systems
believed that gods owned the city-states
they changed the way the territory was managed
influenced by Sumerian culture
had commemorative monuments
influenced by Akkadian culture
Created the first writing system
used the Hammurabi code as a law system
Ur Nammu - king of UR
Hammurabi - created the old Babylonian state
Sargon Akkad - established the Akkadian empire
main gods
Enlil - god of wind, air, earth and storms
Enki - god of mischief, water and creation
Marduk - god of Babylonia
Anu - personification of the sky, supreme god
triad of deities
council of the most powerful gods which included Enlil, Enki and Anu
Fun facts
mesopotamia means land between rivers
people believed that they had to keep demos happy so they would suffer
they believed that people who died would go underground
Ancient China
Huang He (yellow river), Chiang Jiang.
Key terms
Huang He, Chiang Jiang, North China Plane, Xia dynasty, Shang dynasty, Oracle Bones, Zhou dynasty, Mandate of heaven, silk road
they believed that who ever was not from the Chinese culture were barbarians, since they believed that China was the center civilization of the world
people owned respect to the ruler of the middle kingdom as well as they did their ancestors and elders
the Shang society was strictly divided between nobles and peasants, the ruling class was warrior nobles were leaded by the king, and their families owned lands
Natural barriers
Huang He - would protect the east of China as well as the pacific ocean would
Himalayas - the himalayas protected would be a natural wall that protected the south of China.
Gobi Desert - The Gobi Desert protects the North part of China, since it is long and it has extreme temperature
though not always worked
about 2/3 of all Chinese territory is deserts and mountains
like all other early river civilization, China had many problems with the floods, and the Huang He would often flood entire villages, and he would be called as "China's Sorrow"
Fu hao : a woman who was buried with her property, and her grave was found nowadays.
Shang di - main god in their religion
Yu - mathematician and engineer that created the first dynasty in China
Early China believed that spirit of ancestors would bring good luck
made sacrifices for the father's ancestors to pay respect
spirits would be trouble or helpful neighbors who would often need attention
kings of the Shang dynasty would interact with the gods through oracle bones
oracle bones were animal boned or turtles shells that priest would ask question to the gods, then they would make a crack, and would interpret the crack to see the answer of the gods
the main god on the religion would be Shang Di
Fun facts
they used chopsticks as long as 4000 years ago
toilet papers were invented by them and only the emperors could use them
they invented the kites about 3000 years ago
First Dynasties
Xia dynasty - beginning about 2000 bc was the first dynasty in China, the leader was a mathematician called Yu, Yu created a way to control the Huang He river, with irrigation projects, lasted about 300 years until 1700 bc
the Shang dynasty begun in 1700 bc and lasted until 1027 bc, first family to leave written records, the Shang leaders would make artifacts that later when found revealed a lot about the Shang dynasty
Early Egypt
Hatshepsut, Cleopatra, Tutankhamun, Thutmose III
people would plan their funerals ahead, kings and queens would make great tombs such as pyramids and common people would build smaller tombs
elite people had their bodies preserved by mummification, which prevents the body from decaying
they had a written language called Hieroglyphics
the nile river was it's main river and it flows for 4,100 thousand miles making it the biggest river in the world
Re - god of the sun
Osiris - god of the dead
Isis - goddess of love, and represented ideal wife and mother
worshipped more than 2000 gods
they believed in afterlife, and that Anubis god of the guidance in afterlife, would weight their dead heart
if the heart was heavier than a feather representing a sin, than a mythical beast known as the devourer of Souls would eat their souls
if the soul passed they would live forever in paradise
the Nile river is the biggest river in the world and it's the biggest river on the world, and it serves not only as a protection but it also brings water to Egypt across the desert from mountains
every year in July the Nile flooded and it would make the land fertile, and in October when it went back to normal would left a fertile black mud called silt
the deserts acted as natural barriers and that made the communication to other groups around the Nile harder
Key terms
cataracts, delta, papyrus, hieroglyphics, dynasty, pharaoh, pyramid
Fun facts
they ate moldy bread to help with infections
they thought that make up would serve as protection
cats were sacred
Indus River Valley
it was believed that their government was based in theocracy also paintings suggest that they had a god called Shiva and a goddess of harvest
priest would pray for good harvest and protection mainly from floods
the tallest mountain in the world and a large desert served as protections for the Indus river civilizations from invasions
winter monsoons flow from northeast blowing dry air to westward
from June to October the winds flow eastward from the southwest carrying moisture from the ocean
their culture were based in agriculture, and artifacts that they built help understanding their culture
the Harappan language has been impossible to decipher unlike Hieroglyphics and cuneiform
Harappan buildings shows paintings of social divisions, and it not many weapons were found suggesting that the didn't have a lot of combat
animal pictures found, suggests that animals were really important in their culture
Indus river - flows from southwest to the Himalayas
Ganges - the Ganges flows from the himalayas and goes eastward to northern India
Shiva - main god
Surya - sun god
Varuna - rain god
Indra - lightning god
fun facts
largest of the four great ancient civilizations
probably the oldes of the four ancient civilization
it had a great sanitation system
key terms
Harappan, great bath, sewer system, clay seals,