Tourette's Syndrome (Special Student in my class) source from KAS

Tier 1 Intervention

Tier 2 Intervention (Teacher)

Tier 3 Intervention -Call Parent Or Note Home

Gives parents power to enforce and follow through with limits and consequences

Provides parents with direct & accurate info on child’s school behaviors

Ask the parent for their input and ideas to get them involved

Counselor & Parents

Inclusion Action Team

Inclusion Support Team

Small Group lesson/ one to one

Provide Visual learning - Video of sport skills

Additional example

Provide Checklists to increase independence

Keep Contact with Tutor

Challenge Areas

Struggles work independently

Especially Language and Literature ( Writing)

Difficulties getting Started and staying on task in general

Create SOC (Student of Concern) document

(Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet)

  • eye blinking
  • facial grimacing
  • grunting sounds

Tics arise only when nervous or stressed.

Data Tracking System:
MAP Scores


(n.d.). Kaohsiung American School (KAS). Retrieved from

(n.d.). Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet. Retrieved from

Need lots of one on one attention

Have difficulty completing assignments

Wait for assistance before attempting work

Has trouble reading and understanding directions

Helps establish and maintain behavioral limits that are consistent between school and home

When students have a good rapport with a staff person, you may send a positive note or phone call to that staff person about the student’s accomplishment. The staff person you contact can then help to praise and encourage the student, creating good momentum.

Always say something positive about the child or something they did well