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Ethics 19/08 (Theme 9 Feminist moral theory (two areas where we live our…
Ethics 19/08
Theme 9 Feminist moral theory
woman have been subjugated by men
more a movement than a theory
moral philosophy have been bias in the direction of men
two areas where we live our lives, publicly and private
public spaces have been dominated by men
and to an extent the private life as well
woman have been more prominant in private life
maternal - private and paternal - public
men make most of the decisions based on the fact that they were predominantly in the public spaces.
woman did not have much voice in the development of theories
This is trying to address the problem with male dominated decision making
all theories should be revisited and adapted to include the female voice.
Virtue Theory
someone who has masterd being a 'person'
all about character
can be learnt through others
we have the ability to recognize virtuous people
it develops over time to become natural and effortless
focus on being a good person
dont need rules to be a good person
humans have a fixed nature
everything has a function
if it doesnt properly function then it is not good
simmilar to naturallaw theory
nature has put into us the instinct to be virtuous
you know what is right
once developed will lead to good behavipur
example: you see someone being mugged- you need to rationalize what is the best thing to do. courage is the good point between cowardice and
frugal vs over generous
practical wisdom
golden mean
if you become virtuous - Eudaimonia
you constantly developing
you are never happy to be as you are
always trying to be better
hone your strengths and work on your weaknesses
Theme 7: The Categorical Imperative
duty based theories
morality is a contractual agreement between interested parties
Thomas Hobbs
Humans have basic needs eg food, shelter
there is a scarcity to these resources we need
the end justified the means
You are not responsible for the consequence of actions
An act is right when
when it is universally okay if everybody acts or behaves in a specific way
accepts objective thinking
no grey areas, its either right or wrong
moral actions are absolute
Two types
Respect for persons
Theme 10: African Ethics
I am because you are
community based
Working toether for a better tomorrow
a oneness to humanity
A blueprint for humanity
made up from many different communities
moral philosophy that is unique to the African continent.
Philosophy that have origins in small scale communities and societies
morality that is not universal
Unique to African Theory
decisions are made within the context of communal and social organisations
both natural and spiritual world
Poor african societies thrive on the solidarity principal
embraces the group solidarity
a person is a person because of others. Everyone deserves the respect and given dignity given by their respective communities
there is no Egos, materialism and capitalism
There is a precedence of freedom from want over freedom of choice
There should never be a position where you need or want because you have everything you need
there should be no poverty because of the solidarity principal
Principals valued
Personal Identity
Respect for human life
Fear of disharmony
Nature of decision making and choices'
Evaluation of human action
Difference between morality, Etiquette and law
Kinds of ethical inquiry
Normative Inquiry
Meta-Ethical Theories
Normative Theories
Divine Command
Natural Law
Contact Theory
Theme 8: Moral Rights
Humans are born equal in dignity and rights
not a theory but a declaration
battle to turn it into law
difficult to make it universal
cant force governments to change policy or law
in any situation where there is conflict then human rights should trump anything else
The constitution
3 minute philosophy