PROBLEM is too much information; SOLUTION is managing that information
My information is all over the place
My techs operate differently, so the information I have on my clients is not consistent
Resolving a ticket requires lots of different information, which leaves me scrambling from document to document. And before I know it, a 5 minute fix (had I already memorized all of the key information) becomes a 15 minute fix (because I'm consistently searching for key information)
Right now, I have no idea which of my employees are hovering over my password database, nor when someone is looking over my clients private data
I'm using [insert major PSA or RMM]
I only use super secure platforms
Oops, I updated something on the platform and I need it to go back
A rogue employee just obliterated some of my data. I need it to go back
A worrisome employee is no longer with us, I need to protect my company and clients from a potential threat
I've got a significant number of less experienced techs, and I don't have time to mentor all of them
My tech and I consistently forget to document data here and there, so we end up having to go searching for that information (in spite paying for a information management solution)
I outsource to a contracted MSP (or NOC provider) and don't have access to their information on my clients. Nor do they have access to my information, so they are constantly contacting me with questions. (Defeating the purpose of outsourcing/ delegating)
I NEED to be updated when specific changes are made to client information database, or when certain employees/ or clients make certain subtractions, additions, or modifications.
I'd like to be able to keep track of my team, so that I can monitor performance as it related to documentation, so that I can keep my company's data healthy
I'm loving what you're saying, but
your missing [insert legitimate request here]
Listen here Buddy, I'm very visual and I will not use a tool if it it's not pleasing to the eye
On boarding new employees too long, and exhausts too much administrative resources
We're partnered with an SSO provider, and I don't want my employees having to learn new credentials.
I need an extra layer of security
The solution here is to use Version Control with Rollback, to restore all of the information as it was. You also have the option to use this to create a list of all the passwords you should change immediately.
The solution is to input this feature request into the FEATURE REQUEST PORTAL. A community monitored directly by the development team. Here you can request specific features to be added to the overall documentation solution. Where fellow MSPs can vote on which features to implement.
The solution here is to have one central location to store all your client details.
We're integrated with every major PSA and RMM
The solution is to take advantage of our relationship mapping solution in combination with our automation assisted runbook solution. With relationship mapping, new employees can quickly visually see how different assets are related without you (or another tech) having to physically inform said new employee. And with our automated assisted runbook solution you'll be able to distribute current (read: up-to-date) runbooks to new employees
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The solution is to use MFA.
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We're SOC 2 Compliant
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My Runbooks are never current, rendering them relatively useless during the on boarding process
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