Primary Precepts - 1) Preserve life - Active Euthanasia is not permitted here as the act of euthanasia destroys life, not preserve it. 2) Ordered Society - Everyone has a unique role in society and therefore, by removing them via euthanasia, you are violating the social contract of protecting life and depreciating the value of life, disrupting the foundations of our interdependent society, hence making society less ordered OR if the said person is putting strain on society (time or resources etc.) then one could argue that by ending their life, you are making society more ordered as these resources and this time can be redistributed, aiding societal growth. 3) Worship God - Euthanasia is an act of pure emotion that undermines the faculty of ratio/the soul via this self destruction. Therefore as God has given reason to man by making us in Imago Dei, via euthanasia, we are rejecting and undermining this gift whilst preventing people from achieving their telos, hence not worshipping God. 4) Education - Via widescale permitting of euthanasia, one could say that this could encourage and foster a negative mentality where one views euthanasia as an 'easy way out' of life when difficulties are faced, hence presenting a passive nihilist view of life where the SoL is undermined 5) Reproduce - When one chooses euthanasia, they are unable to reproduce further (as they are dead). Therefore, as euthanasia prevents further reproduction, it is outlawed under this precept.