Is My Ma 'n Ruimtewese by Christie Nortjé
Character Map


Tiaan's mother


Definitive Traits


Physical Appearance

Definitive Traits



Definitive Traits


Her son

Grounded him for a year
after his antics

Skin turns red when she is angry

Splits up her son's name into syllables
when she is angry

Capable of shouting and screaming without stopping

Knows when Tiaan is lying

She is not actually an alien

Snores very loudly



Vivid imagination: believes
his mother is an alien

After his experiment fails,
he thinks his mother's snoring might
be proof that she is a werewolf

Uses the scientific method to
investigate things that pique his curiosity

Owns a white rat named Jasper

Keeps a diary of his findings

His mother

His test subject

Believes she is an alien before believing she is
a werewolf

She is an alien because:

She can shout and scream at him without fatigue -
proof of super vocal chords

She knows when he's lying even though no one
else is none the wiser

Her "super hearing" allows her to detect the faintest sound -
like when he switches on the PlayStation instead of doing
his homework

Her "form" changes when she is angry

Attempts to feed Jasper to his mother because "aliens eat rodents"

Night blind, contrary to Tiaan's belief


Best friend

Knows where the diary of Tiaan's "research"
is hidden should anything happen to him

Keeps a diary of his experiment

Hidden in a secret place only
his best friend Drian knows