PBIS: Inappropriate Language: Rey is in the 10th grade, and is one of the chattiest in his class. During lectures and activities, he often gets involved in very inappropriate conversations with his peers, using swears, sexual innuendos, sensitive words, and flat out vulgar language. This is likely a result of "what adults have said, what older peers have encouraged them to say, or words they have heard via TV and social media" (Dabell, 2017). Rey is verbally redirected often, and assigned accountability tasks on occasion. He has been redirected by his team leaders and made to apologize to his teacher, though afterward, he continued these behaviors regardless. Rey is on the baseball team, and remains on the team despite several redirections witnessed by his coach.
Tier 2
Behavior Contract (PBIS World, 2019): to serve as an agreement and reference for practicing desired behavior
Data Tracking System
PBIS World Behavior & Intervention Excel Tracking Form (PBIS World, 2019)
Weekly Scatter Plot (PBIS World, 2019)
Tier 1
Call on Student Frequently (PBIS World, 2019): to keep him on his toes and attentive during instruction
Alternative Seating (PBIS World, 2019): to remove him from the group of peers that seem to be a baseboard for distraction
Avoid Power Struggles (PBIS World, 2019): to relay to the student that negative feedback will not be tolerated and that norms still apply
Data Tracking System
PBIS World Behavior & Intervention Excel Tracking Form (PBIS World, 2019)
Tier 3
Alternatives to Suspension (PBIS World, 2019): Silent Lunch, Academic Intervention, Other (Up to the discretion of team leader/community coach) as a consequence for continued , undesired behavior
Daily Behavior Form (PBIS World, 2019)/Accountability Check In: to consistently track behavior and progress in writing and verbally
Data Tracking System
PBIS World Behavior & Intervention Excel Tracking Form (PBIS World, 2019)
Student Self-Evaluation (PBIS World, 2019)