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Medieval History S2 T3 (The Battle of Hastings (the Bayeux Tapestry (70…
Medieval History S2 T3
Rich v poor
only knowble women could wear veils and have dresses made form satin and velvet
almost always custom made by tailors
only those of royal blood could wear gold or silver and purple silk
Could have hot bathes called a stew
could use. Scented oils, rose petals or herbs such as rosemary and spearmint were added to the water
People occasionally cleaned their teeth, but only by rubbing them with a piece of cloth.
Food/ habits
rich ate the meat of both domestic animals (such as cows, pigs and sheep) and game animals (such as deer, wild boars and pheasants
also ate fish, fruit, soft cheese, eggs, coloured jellies, vegetables, sauces and soups, salads, white bread, pies and tarts, and ornate sweet dishes called subtleties
Banquets were held on important religious feast days, and to mark events such as marriages, coronations, special birthdays, tournaments and the arrival of important guests
have big events often and are very lavish
can afford a person to come and entertain them
peasants washed in a dish of cold water
Wood was scarce so they didnt use it for cleaning
hygine was very basic
dental hygine was almost non egsistant
had tread bear cloths
wore dull colours and got had me downs from siblings
peasants ate their main meal for the day while working in the fields
stews, grainy bread, vegetables and fruit (when available), milk, hard cheese, porridge made from oats or barley, and perhaps some nuts from the forests
poor ate a simpler and less varied diet than the rich
ate little to no meat
have little events very, very rarely
do not have good stuff and just play games that dont need stuff for
In the medieval world, the lives of the wealthy and the poor were very different
Historical Concepts
concept of evidence is an essential part of historical inquiry
primary sources
objects created or written at the time being investigated, for example during an event or very soon after
of primary sources include: official documents, such as laws and treaties; personal documents, such as diaries and letters; photographs or films; and documentaries and telligraghs
secondary sources
accounts about the past that were created after the time being investigated
secondary sources include: writings of historians; encyclopaedia entries; documentaries; history textbooks; films; illustrations; reconstructions and websites
is the information gathered from historical sources
helps us to understand the impact of past events on particular individuals or groups
appreciation of the circumstances they faced and the motivations, values and attitudes behind their actions
can you walk in someone elses shoes?
it connects us as human beings regardless of how much time has passed
Cause and effect
examine and analyse the reasons why events have occurred and the resulting consequences or outcomes
eg. The Black Death resulted in a range of effects – some short term, others long term. Short-term effects
The concept of cause and effect is used by historians to identify chains of events and developments, both in the short term and in the long term
relates to the importance assigned to aspects of the past.
includes people, events, developments, discoveries, movements and historical sites
we need to ask whickh is worthy of study and if they are they are usually significant or more so than others
Continuity and Change
Continuity is something that is continuing
Change is when something differs from original product
eg. in the middle ages, hair was not the only thing that barbers cut. They also performed a number of different medical and dental procedures. No barber today would be legally permitted to perform such a procedure
refer to aspects of the past that have remained the same over time as continuities. Aspects of the past that do not stay the same are referred to as changes
relates to explanations or interpretations of past events that are open to debate
contestability relies on evidence, imagination and emathy
esample, I might see someone steal some thing then confront them and they lie, I have prof with the security cameras so I am more right tha the other person.
is the point of view or POV of someone the position form which people see and understanding events going on in the world around them
histoirans must be able to put aside their own emotions and opinions to understand the people of the past
historians have perspectives, which can influence their interpretation of the past and the way in which they write about it
historians must try to understand the different values and beliefs that shaped and affected the lives of people
was a social heirachy that was baced on rights and obligations
important people at the top working our way down with the lesser stature
Heirachy was Pope,King, Nobles, Church, Peasants, Serfs
it started to break down after the crusades and during the Bubonic Plague
The Battle of Hastings
South England: taken place
taken place on the 14/10/1066
One of the most significant battles in Medieval Erope
between Normans and Saxons
English and French
the Bayeux Tapestry
70 meters of handsown recount of the battle
sewn by Williams Group
one side of the story
the battle of Hasings was over the rightful ruler of Europe
William The Conceror and King Harold
Saxsons won
Tournaments and Fairs
Where very popular
Earlies tournaments took place in 11th cenury
They were a form of entertainment
Held in countrysides
Were well organised events
Where knights could show off there skills and have a reason to train during non waring times
Most loved part was the jousting section
the cruades
People involved: Jews, Muslims, Chrisians, Seljuk Turks
Important people: King Alexious III, Pope Urban II,
important Places: Jerusalem, Constantinople, Europe
started in 1096 when pope urban declared it in Clarmont
holy land
was the place that was fought over for a hunred plus years
used and shared as a sacred site between Muslems, Christians and Jews
there were eight wars in total
the first and second crusade was done in the name of the person/persons they believed but after that people just wanted power and money
in there first crusade the people who left had the fight the Turks on many occations
the first cursade was nic-named the Peasants Crusade as they made up the majority of the numbers
Bubonic Plague
killed 1/3 of European peolpe
common name:the balck death
you could get rashes, hight temp and big lumps
there were the bubonic, neumonic and septisemic
the bad thing about this plague was that it kept comming back and killing
was spread by rats living in peoples homes and sewerages (lose to people)
mercants were introduced
Peasants left to make a living in the towns
not many upper classes left