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Engagement Letter
Authorization to engage in lobbying / authorization to lobby
Data Points Collected by form
Lobbyist Name
Contractual Client Name
Beneficial Client Name
Start Date
Termination Date
Compensation (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, One Time, Range)
Pro Bono (Y/N)
Other Services (Y/N)
Lobbyist Signature
Contractual Client Signature
Lobbyist Name
Contractual Client Name
Lobbyist Date (signature date)
Contractual Client Date (signature date)
Start of lobbying (as of start date on signed Authorization and (10 or 15
) days to register)**
register with State
State Registration Requirements
Principal Lobbyist Name
Principal Lobbyist Address
Principal Lobbyist Phone
Principal Lobbyist Email
Contractual Client Name
Contractual Client Address/PO
Contractual Client Phone
Biennial Period
Reference Number
Confirmation Number (upon submission)
Co-lobbylist Name (usually null)
Sub-Lobbyist (usually null)
Beneficial Client Name (can be different from Contractual Client)
Beneficial Client Address/PO Box
Contractual Client Phone
Contractual Client Email
Type of lobbying relationship (selections provided, for Cozen is retained)
Level of Government (list of options, for Cozen is municipal, state, or both)
Contract Name (Authorization number given by state, assigned ID)
Description (drop down,
desc of whether it will exceed 5k
Name of Client signatory (Principal Officer)
Individual Lobbyist Name(s) (More than 1 possible)
Individual Lobbyist Phone (More than 1 possible)
Individual Lobbyist Email (More than 1 possible)
Designated (Y/N)
Do you have a business relationship (Y/N)
Subjected Lobbied (listed)
Types of lobbying communications you are or you anticipate engaging in (list, direct lobbying, grassroots, etc)
Lobbying focuses type (list: municipal, state, or both, +)
Lobbying focus identifying number or description number (or No, does not exist, free text)
Check if monitoring only (Y/N)
Do you have Paries Lobbied or expected to be lobbied to report (Y/N)
Attestation: Filer Name (Suzanne or Denise)
Attestation: CAO Name to certify (always Stuart)
Payment ID
Payment Created
Payment Filing ID
Payment Type
Payment Amount
Check number
Approval Code
Payment Status
: Suzanne + Denise (see above)
: State portal
City Reporting (Cozen)
NYC Periodic Report // CITY BI MONTHLY
Principal Officer (PO) Name (Cozen)
PO title (Cozen)
PO email (Cozen)
PO phone (Cozen)
Lobbyist Business Name
Lobbyist Business Address
Lobbyist Business Phone
Client name
Client Business Address
Client P.O. Name
Client Business Phone
Client Business Email
Cozen Employee Name (Lobbyist)
Cozen Employee Work Address
Cozen Employee Work Phone
Lobbying subject category
Lobbying subject Details
Contact Name
Total compensation paid or owed for current period
Year to date total compensation paid or owed
all expenses for salaries of support staff ($)
total aggregate expenses $75 or less ($)
expenses greater than $75 (Y/N)
itemized expense total
total expenses for current period
year to date total expenses
total reimbursed expenses for current period
year to date total of reimbursed expenses
Client Reports REMINDERS
Client State Report (Report, Semi-Annual #1/2) REMINDER
Client Contacted
Information Provided
Reminder to file
Open issues (Y/N)
If Y, Follow up
If Y, Resolved
Confirmation Received
Client State Report (Report, Semi-Annual #2/2) REMINDER
Client Contacted
Information Provided
Reminder to file
Open issues (Y/N)
If Y, Follow up
If Y, Resolved
Confirmation Received
Client City Report (ANNUAL) REMINDER
Same points as above
State Reporting (Cozen)
Principal Lobbyist (PL) Name
PL Address
PL Phone number
PL email
Contractual Client (CC) Name
CC PO Box/ Address
CC Phone number
Biennial Period
Reporting Period
Reference Number
Confirmation number (upon submission)
Beneficial Clients (are these the CC)
Beneficial Clients PO box // address
Beneficial Clients Phone
Beneficial Clients Email
Individual Lobbyist (IL) Information (Cozen employees)
IL Name
IL Phone
IL Email
IL Designated (Y/N)
Lobbying agreement compensation duration
lobbying compensation (current period only, $)
Reimbursed expenses to report (Y/N)
Report all expenses less than or equal to $75 ($)
Report total expenses for salaries of non-lobbying employees ($)
No itemized expenses for the period (Y/N)
Total expenses ($)
Coalition Member Contribution Name
Coalition Member Contribution Amount
Subjects lobbied
Do you have lobbying activities to report (Y/N)
Level of government
State and municiple focuses type
Focus parties
Focus Communication
Monitoring Only (?)
Attestation Filer Name
Attestation CAO Name
State Reporting (Cozen)
There is a code that indicates Lobbying vs Not Lobbying. If lobbying, contains descriptions, client names, activities, etc of lobbying.
Bryan Jones generates report for $, lobbying clients, hours, for the reporting period (bi-monthly)
by expiration
City: termination report
State: Termination Report
by client
by firm
City: termination report
State: termination report
Continued lobbying
Required ethics training
Firm ethic training (national requirements)
Write off
Carry over new registration
Retainer clients, no breakdown for who lobbied for what. Also in Bryan's report.
For hourly, we do have the breakdown from Bryan's report.
register with City
City Registration Requirements
Lobbyist Name
Client Name
Client Information (CI) Year
Start Date (back end, Client Start Date)
End Date (back end, Client End Date, ends that year 12/21/STARTYEAR)
CI Entity or Person (usually Entity)
CI Business Name (Client Name)
CI Principal Officer Last Name
CI Principal Officer First Name
Client Business Industry (1 selection)
CI Business Address
CI Business Phone
CI Business Email
Lobbying Employee Name (More than 1 possible)
Lobbying Employee Phone (More than 1 possible)
Lobbying Employee Home Address (More than 1 possible, populated from employee store, populated from lobbyist portal)
Lobbying Employee Business Address (More than 1 possible)
Lobbying Employee Spouse/DP Name (More than 1 possible)
Lobbying Employee Source/DP Home Address (More than 1 possible)
Lobbying Employee Source/DP Business Address (More than 1 possible)
Subject Category (on form Lobbying Activity Subject Category, more than 1 possible)
Subject Details (Lobbying Activity, free text)
Target (s) (Usually entity, and what office/contact, drop down)
Lobbying Subject Office/Department (drop down, nulls possible)
Lobbying Subject Contact Name (free text) (if more than 1 subject, then the top 4 would be replicated in new block)
Certification PO Name (always Stuart Shorenstein)
Certification PO Email
Certification PO Date and Time
: Suzanne enters draft, Denise enters with her clients' as a draft, then Stuart and Suzanne certify the reports
: City's portal
Must be enrolled before engaging in registration process. If not enrolled, Cozen must engage client in enrollment process.
Suzanne will send enrollment form to client(s), Suzanne pulls certificate of corporation from website, receives email confirmation for entity approval from client(s), then once Suzanne gets all of this, Suzanne emails to City Clerk (and CC: Client) and awaits approval for enrollment (which is required for the registration processes) **
Enrollment Checklist
Retainer fee. Must be documented and deposited by Suzanne.
Who: Suzanne + Denise
Where: PDF
No engagement
Elite Extend Notification - manual confirmation / check
Data Sources
Timekeeper hours and rates
Retainer, how many hours utilized
Walk through other sources of information to complete all reports
Lobbying websites
Directly from Clients
Responsible for form completion
Responsible for report completion and submission
Responsible for capturing existing and newly requested data