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Vaccinations (Peds) (Active (Passive (Herd Immunity :cow2::cow2: (How we…
Vaccinations (Peds)
Adult immune system
- Ig crosses the placenta and cover baby
- after 6m :calendar: they wear off (also when immunodeficiencies appear)
- IF mom doesn't have immunity, we can give IVIG (to :baby::skin-tone-3:)
Priming the immune system
- APC presents antigen, B cells make Ig
- B cells become Plasma cells (memory) that can make Ig quickly when reexposed.
- Any antigen can work: emphasis on pieces of or an entire organism.
- or a toxin/toxoid (tetanus is the theme)
:pencil2:Dose at which we die from tetanus < immune response dose)
- So pt will die, even though immune system doesn't detect/mount response.
- Immunization strategy is to target the toxin, not the bug.
Bad Rxns
Live attenuated
Egg Allergy :fried_egg:
- anaphylaxis is worse than getting the virus.
:no_entry:Yellow Fever
:check:MMRV (can give, no longer egg based)
(changing) Influenza (will no longer be used w/ egg. For the test, be careful and check to see if our flu vaccine is made w/ egg
- not a restriction, just need to check
Live organism
- profound immunocompromised :wheelchair: should not receive.
- AIDS, CTX, Transplants, or on Biologics
- Careful w/ :pregnant_woman:pregnancy
:check:Influenza IM (not live, safe)
Normal reaction?
- Temp :thermometer: < 104ºF
- some erythema
- Baby may cry :cry:, but will be consolable
Abnormal reaction
- Hi temp :fire::thermometer: ≥104ºF
- inconsolable child :sob:
- frank Anaphylaxis
:pencil2:not a contraindication for other vaccines, just contraindicated in that specific vaccine in the future.
:pencil2:Sickness is not a contraindication for giving a vaccine.
:pencil2:Fam Hx of a bad reaction to vaccine? Give the vaccine. Irrelevant history.
- only personal hx, or known allergy is contraindication.
- nope, don't mention it
- may want to chastise the parent
- Vaccines are good, end of story.
Table of Vac
Hep B
- DTaP = kids :boy::skin-tone-2: (5x as child)
- Tdap = adults :man::skin-tone-4: (1x after 11yo, & q10years)
- Td = tetanus booster; can be given instead of Tdap (preferred).
:pencil2:Never miss an opportunity to give a Tdap
- especially :pregnant_woman::skin-tone-2:, every pregnancy
- Adults >65 :older_woman::skin-tone-4: (for pertussis)
- Give vaccine when pt has epiglotitis
:warning:Hib infx doesn't give immunity
- everyone gets it
- :forbidden::pregnant_woman::skin-tone-2:
(Pretest): Pts born before 1957 (62yo now) are considered immune to measles.
- mostly adults, but also kids: :boy::skin-tone-2:
- sick or asplenic kids :boy::skin-tone-2:
- 1 before, 1 after age 65
- must space out by 5 years
- Everyone should get
- College/military :warning: must get :camping::boot:
- 3x dose for HAV
- 3x dose for HBV
- if theres a lapse, continue where you left off.
Pt: Dirty wound :hammer:
- metal puncture w/ rust
- also muddy swamp :crocodile:
- Lock Jaw :lock:
- Spastic paralysis (every muscle contracts; 10% of people die)
Dx: Clinical
Tx: ABCs
- intubate & sedate :sleeping:
- Muscle relaxers & Paralytics (prn) to get thru acute
- IV ABx (metronidazole is right answer)
- 1 more item...
Pt: Fever :thermometer::fire:
- Dysphagia
- Dyspnea (pseudomembrane: see in mouth)
:warning:don't peel it off, it will bleed/pt dies :skull:
Dx: Clinical
Tx: ABCs
- Secure airway: Intubate
- Anti-toxin
- IV Abx
:pencil2:Will not see any of these, IF they get the vaccine!
- :pregnant_woman:Mom has HBV; infection @ delivery= chronic carrier state
Tx: HBV IVIG & Vaccine immediately
- :pregnant_woman::skin-tone-2: is HBV negative.
Tx: HBV HAV vaccine series w/in 2mo
- :pregnant_woman::skin-tone-3: doesn't know carrier status :shrug::skin-tone-3:
Tx: HBV vaccine now, test HBsAg
- A little immuno
- Reactions: Who shouldn't get vacc
- Usually: if you think they need, give it
- Vaccines + disease covered
- Adult & peds medicine
- :warning:Don't memorize vaccination schedules, they change annually. (is Look it up!)
- Know about how many they need, and what to do if someone lapses.